The Newsletter for January 2, 2022
The Second Sunday after Christmas
Worship Update in response to the surge in COVID-19 Cases

Friends, in response to the recent surge in infections in our region, and in consultation with our clergy, staff, and vestry, I feel compelled to adjust our means of gathering together for worship to mitigate the community spread of COVID-19.

With infection rates at 20% in Connecticut, and testing nearly unavailable, we will suspend in-person worship until those factors change for the better. For the next two weeks, at minimum, we will worship Online Only.

While it pains me to abstain from gathering with you in person, the time to act is now as we seek to slow this current surge of infections as we live into our values of protecting the most vulnerable among us.

Please join us online Facebook and Youtube.

The same service will be broadcast at 8 and repeated at 10 am. Join for the service that works best for you!

For the month of January, our Sunday School will meet on Zoom from 9:30-9:50. To connect with Sunday School, contact Melissa Watson.

We hope these interventions help us avoid the worst of the anticipated surge in cases, so that we might return to in person gatherings more readily when it is safe to do so.

For pastoral care, please don't hesitate to call or text me. (203) 507-4921

Yours faithfully,
New Year-Same You.
By the time this lands in your inbox, it will be New Years eve, a time for goal setting, for starting fresh, for beginning again. At the same time, you've just learned that we're back online instead of gathering in person. While we've made progress in so many ways, sometimes conditions are beyond our control, and all we can do is say, "Here we go again."

For me, the New Year has often been fraught with anxiety, whether I was stewing about going back to school, or back to work, or thinking about all the things about myself that needed fixing.

The scale in the bathroom, the exercise bike collecting dust, the stack of unread books on the nightstand, they stand as accusers saying "try harder", "do more" "be better." Individually, I might be able to tackle one of these areas in my life, and maybe even reach a goal I've set for myself, but cumulatively, something always gives out. "Here we go again..." I'd sigh.

If you find yourself in this position, take heart. You're not alone, and God loves you not for your resolutions, and their fulfillment or lack thereof. God has loved you since you were being knit together in the womb. (Psalm 139) It's a new year, and you're loved with the same love since the beginning.

As we push into the New Year, with its changes and chances, see yourself with God's eyes. You're someone God loves beyond measure. Let that love sink in, and be the wind at your back as you head into the New Year. If we start from that place, we might just get further than we would otherwise, and with a bit more joy!

Yours in Christ,

To Love as God Loves

A message from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry
for 2021

St. Peter's Church is grateful for your continued and faithful support. If you desire to do so, a special Christmas Offering may be given by clicking on the picture. This will direct you to our secure E-giving program, where you will see an option to select "Christmas Offering".
Your prayers are requested this week for Marie and Bob, Jen, Milton, Frances, Charissa, Arian, Farrah, Alex, Kevin, Rea, Debby, Janice H.,Nora, Pam, Jackie, Elaine, Dick W., Jack, Sophie, Corrine, Matt, Donald, Jim, Emma, Ronald, Rick, David, Ray, Paul, Gail, John, Susan, Nancy, Gabriel, Gretchen, Nicole, Ashley, Pat, Judy, Dorothy, Doug and Corliss, Claire and her family, Kate, Carolyn Martin, Richard, Patricia and Jim, Mike, Helene, Jan, Ruth, Carol, Mark, Ginny, Peggie, Roger, Bob and Connie, and Alice.

+ Pray for those who have died, especially Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and for all those who are bereaved.
+ Pray for those who are frightened, anxious, or lonely, especially the sick in this holiday season.
+ Pray for continued wisdom and discernment in our leaders in government and the church alike.
+Pray for the unemployed and underemployed; for all who suffer from addictions; for all who suffer chronic illness, and for all caregivers;
+ Pray for support and strength for health care workers, first responders, hospice chaplains, palliative care teams, funeral directors, and all who attend to end-of-life care.
+Pray for all who grieve, especially as we have reached over 800,000 deaths due to COVID in this nation.
+ Pray for all communities impacted by climate change and severe weather events.
+ Pray for all who will be persecuted for their faith, and for all refugees seeking safety. Pray for discernment as we seek to welcome them in Milford.
+ Pray for renewal in our church, that the Holy Spirit might bless us with the endurance to run the race before us, and to do so with joy.
+ Pray for our diocese as we seek to appoint a new bishop.

Please send requests for additions to the weekly Prayer list by email to