Your Neighborhood | Your News
Message from President Ziegler
Hey All CPNA’ers

If you did not make it to the 4 th of July Parade you missed having a good time. Want to thank Fathima and Ayesha, Dot Pitts and Lee Trowbridge for manning the ice cream and toppings. We handed out about 120 flags to the participants. Also want to recognize the Plano East and Plano Marching Band’s percussion section – we had Ethan on the quads and Grant on the marching snare….kept us up on the cadence.

Ajay, Caleb and Nathaniel Horace and Sue Satisfield’s grandsons led our parade with the Crowley Park banner. After the parade everyone got to enjoy
some ice cream and socializing with neighbors. I am sure some people met new friends. A goodtime was had by all AND it was not TOO HOT.

Our membership drive is scheduled for August so get your dues in for 2020. Best deal in town for $25.00. With your participation we can accomplish many things. MARK YOUR calendar for the annual CPNA meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday SEPTEMBER 24 at the Richardson Women’s Club. Please plan to attend. We start at 6:30PM and we are out the door by 8:00PM. At our annual meeting we have elections for new officers. Please do not be bashful or shy about expressing an interest in being an officer. The same 4 or 5 people should not have to be in office for 5 to 10 years. Come be part of something bigger than yourself and stand for election for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary. The time demand is very minimal and you will be glad you are helping the neighborhood.

If you are interested contact me at 214-455-3294 or any of the other officers in the CPNA.

In October we will be having our Fall Festival, more details to follow or check out (we have lots of good info on the site).

Can’t say it enough, please remove all valuables from your car if you leave it out at night and also lock your car. If you leave for vacation please let your neighbors know. While you are gone make sure any packages left at your front door get picked up promptly by your neighbors. You want to make sure your house looks occupied, which discourages the bad guys and sends them to
another neighborhood…..
Get involved it’s what makes CPNA great.

Yours Truly
Terry Ziegler
CPNA President (hopefully not for life)
P.S. What has four wheels and flies???
A garbage Truck!
August 1-31: Membership Drive

September 24 Annual CPNA Meeting

October 1:
National Night Out

October 19:
Our membership drive has started! There will be a " Membership Drive By" from 6-8 pm in front of Sue Bahr's house on August 24th and August 30th. Drive by and sign up for CPNA Membership at 2216 Aspen St.

Mark your calendar for the annual CPNA meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday September 24 at the Richardson Women’s Club. Please plan to attend. We start at 6:30PM and we are out the door by 8:00PM. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ATTEND.

Let us know you are coming by messaging Lee Trowbridge at

Check with your block Crimewatch Chair for National Night Out emails.    

Fall Festival to be held Oct 19 from 2-4 pm. Details will be available as the date nears. Held at the Crowley Park North Pavillion.
We welcome our new membership chair,
Sue Bahr.
Our Membership Drive is the entire month of August. Payment of $25 will cover dues for each fiscal year from October through September. You membership starts immediately with payment.

Opportunities to join include:
  • Sign up on the Crowley Park website at
  • Mail form to P O Box 830114 Richardson, TX 75083
  • Contact Sue Bahr at, 214-476-2214
  • Membership "Drive By" opportunities at Sue Bahr’s house 2216 Aspen on August 24, or August 30, from 6-8 pm.

Exchange Forms for Cookies at Sue Bahr’s house.
Crowley Park Reads
by Jennifer Tohlen

Did you know reading has many benefits? And I’m not talking about the “reading” on your phone of tweets, facey-spacy, news blurbs, or status updates.  Research has shown daily reading for at least 30 minutes can have life-long benefits.  

The following is a short list of 10 reasons you should read every day: mental stimulation, stress reduction, knowledge, vocabulary building, memory improvement, stronger analytical thinking skills, improved focus and concentration, better writing skills, tranquility, and free entertainment. Can’t get to the public library? We have our very own Little Free Library here in the neighborhood. 

This library belongs to everyone! The books are always free. Take, share, or leave. If you see something you’d like to read, take it. When you’ve finished with a book, you can pass it along to a friend or return it to this Library. Your books are welcome at any Little Free Library. Especially desired are books you recommend to friends, your childhood favorites, and books that teach and spark conversation. The library is located in the cul-de-sac on Aspen Street. Interested in donating a book? You can leave it in the library or if the library is full leave it on the doorstep at 2202 Aspen.  Happy reading neighbors.

Creating your own Butterfly Garden
Adapted from an article by the North American Butterfly Association
Beginning a butterfly garden can be as simple as choosing flowering plants that will invite adult butterflies to your garden to feed. But if you want to create a butterfly garden that will act as a sanctuary, attracting a wide variety of butterflies while also providing a place where butterflies can grow and multiply, you will first need some simple planning. By considering which plants to grow and evaluating your garden site, you can plant a butterfly garden that will help with the creation of more butterflies.

1. Choose plants that fall into two groups: 
v nectar plants will provide adult butterflies with energy
v caterpillar food plants will feed caterpillars( you must allow the caterpillars to eat the plant leaves and not kill the caterpillars for eating your leaves) Some plants will serve as both nectar and caterpillar food plants. 

2. Choose plants for butterflies common to our area. 
Some of the butterflies common to our North Texas area include:
 Black Swallowtail
 Tiger Swallowtail
 Cloudless Giant Sulpher
 Gulf Fritillary
Check out the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension for information to entice North Texas butterflies with the appropriate host and nectar plants. Some of these plants are already in your yard such as lantana, passion vine, sunflowers, Turk’s Cap, butterfly weed, scarlet sage/salvia, alyssum and yarrow.
3. Choose plants for diversity
In choosing plants that grow to different heights, with a variety of flower shapes and colors that have different bloom times, you will be creating a garden that is attractive to a wide range of butterflies. 

4. Choose plants for shelter
Properly placed, trees and scrubs will shelter your garden from wind and give butterflies a place to roost at night or hide from predators. Many shrubs and trees are also caterpillar food plants.

5. Choose a water source
Butterflies do not need much water. Nectar, dew, and tree sap provide butterflies with moisture but puddles and moist dirt or sand are popular water sources. Puddling stations can be as simple as a damp area of ground covered with sand.

6. Choose a sunny spot
Butterflies are cold-blooded insects so be sure to choose a spot where sunlight will reach the ground early in the day. Large rocks, exposed soil, or even pavement are surfaces that warm in morning sunlight. The butterfly garden needs at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. 

Once you combine careful plant selection with details of site selection, you will have created a butterfly garden that is a microhabitat providing a unique location where a wide variety of butterflies can live and grow.
Back To School for PARENTS
When the back-to-school bell starts ringing, parents often hear and read school-related terms that are unfamiliar to them. Below are three terms and descriptions related to reading instruction that may help give you a better understanding of what’s happening in your child’s classroom and what it all means for your young learner. 

Screening: Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In the classroom, this quote translates to the use of reading screening for all kids. Screenings usually take place within the first few weeks of school. Rather than waiting for kids to fail at school, screenings give teachers a chance to identify kids who are at risk of having difficulty. Scores on screenings help teachers identify kids who may need extra help through small group or one-on-one instruction. For example, most kindergarten screenings include measures of alphabet and letter-sound knowledge. 

Differentiated reading instruction: A teacher who provides differentiated reading instruction is one who meets the instructional needs of all the students in the class by planning different instruction based on the results of an assessment she’s given. For example, while all the students in the class may be working to develop their fluency skills, kids may be working with different books, and some may still be working on their sight words. Some students may be working in pairs, others working one-on-one with the teacher.

Leveled text: Many teachers use leveled texts in their classrooms. Most of the books used in elementary classrooms are leveled, or placed in a certain category, based on certain criteria such as number of words and sentence length. There are several common leveling systems; some use letters to indicate levels and others use numbers. The levels correspond to different grade level materials. For example, if a school is using a Guided Reading leveling system, levels E-I typically refer to books written at a first-grade level. If your school uses leveled texts, ask your teacher what leveling system they use.

As a parent, it can be tough to keep up with the language of schools. These three terms are just a few of the many reading-related words you’ll hear this year. We encourage parents to work closely with teachers and ask lots of questions. You’ll be glad you did!
Back to School for STUDENTS
Children’s Picture Books about Starting School -- By Elizabeth Kennedy
Children’s picture books can help to reassure young kids about starting school or going to a new school.
1. I Am Too Absolutely Small for School – By Lauren Child (Candlewick, 2004. ISBN: 9780763628871)
2. First Grade Jitters – By Robert Quackenbush (Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, 1982, 2010. ISBN: 9780060776329)
3. First Day Jitters – By Julie Danneberg, (Charlesbridge, 2000. ISBN: 158089061X)
4. The Kissing Hand- By Audrey Penn, (Tanglewood Press, 2006. ISBN: 9781933718002)
5. Chu” First Day of School- By Neil Gaiman, (Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, 2014. ISBN: 9780062223975)
6. Little School By Beth Norling, (Kane/Miller, 2003. ISBN: 1929132425)
7. Sam and Gram and the First Day of School By Dianne Blomberg, (Magination Press, 1999. ISBN: 1557985626)
8. Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes – By Eric Litwin, (HarperCollins,2011. ISBN: 9780061910241) You can download the free companion Pete the Cat song from the publisher’s website.
Back to School info from Plano ISD
We have a pdf file for you to view from Plano ISD that shows the school calendar and other important information for you. It includes a down-loadable phone app.

CPNA Social Networking
Being Social in Crowley Park
by Tim Marvel

For over 10 years my wife Rockie and I have lived in Crowley Park. We have had the pleasure of owning several dogs in that time. There was Blanca, she was a white happy go lucky Beagle Corgi mix; oh boy did we love her. Then there was Jake, a little protective, Border Collie, my best friend ever. They both loved the park but have since passed over the rainbow bridge. Now we have Stella, a social butterfly like we have never had.

Rockie and I have made hundreds of trips walking around the park, passing people many times without a word. When we walk with Stella, it becomes the Stella show. She notices her friends from a distance, and it becomes a bit of a tug of war until she drags us over so she can visit with Bunny, Scrappy, Sammy, Lulu or Baby; just to name a few. Our fellow dog owners always say, “there’s Stella." They know her by name, but do they know our names?

Maybe there is a lesson here. We have this great park and there always seem to be people walking around for exercise or taking in the beauty of nature. Say hello to those you pass, and you never know, they may become your next friends.
Your Support is Needed

Richardson Police Officer David Sherrard died in the line of duty protecting Richardson in 2018. In honor of his sacrifice, the Texas Legislator passed a bill designating Highway 75 in Richardson as the Officer David Sherrard Memorial Highway. The Texas lawmakers agreed that no public funds would be necessary to fund the two highway signs, an estimated cost of $24,168.

The Richardson Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association is raising funds to purchase the memorial signs.
A GoFundMe account,   has been established. Please consider a contribution. Every dollar counts toward our goal in honor of Officer Sherrard.