Post-Annual Meeting Issue of the NEWS
Laboratory Diagnosticians' News Matters
Dear AAVLD Members and Supporters:
What a year we have had! After successfully organizing our first Virtual Annual Meeting in 2020, we braved all the odds to organize our first ever hybrid meeting. I wish to thank all those who contributed to make the meeting another success – speakers and poster presenters, abstract reviewers, and session moderators. In particular, special kudos to our event organizer, Kaylin Taylor and Reda Ozuna for excellent logistics support before and during the meeting.
Our organization has a great leadership structure whereby incoming leaders overlap with and benefit from the mentorship of outgoing ones, while enjoying the continuous support of our Executive Director, Dr. Zeman, and Executive Assistant (Reda Ozuna). I have been the beneficiary of the great support of my immediate two predecessors, Drs. Shuping Zhang and Deep Tewari, to whom I am very grateful. I also want to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Zeman and Reda Ozuna for their outstanding efforts in keeping the organization running. I am very excited about our Executive team and look forward to working in the year ahead with President-Elect Dr. Eric Burrough, Vice President Dr. Keith Poulsen, and our Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Kristy Pabilonia.
This year was my 30th consecutive AAVLD annual meeting attendance. During my 30 years of AAVLD participation, I have witnessed tremendous growth and progress in diagnostic capacity building among AAVLD member laboratories. I have also benefited enormously from the camaraderie and scientific help of many AAVLD members. The biggest strength of our organization is its people – the caliber of its members. One of the strongest headwinds facing our organization at this time is workforce recruitment and retention. Accordingly, to ensure that AAVLD remains the vibrant organization it has always been, my administration intends to focus this year on personnel development. Over the years, there have been various isolated individual surveys to get information on personnel compensation. This year, we intend to use professional help to better understand the personnel compensation issues among member laboratories, with a goal to developing an official AAVLD personnel compensation white paper that can be used by member laboratories to support requests for adequate personnel compensation in the various states.
In 2022, we will also continue to promote ongoing initiatives, notably the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) inclusion initiative for which a new Committee was formed in 2021. Furthermore, we will maintain and enhance our strong relationship with the NAHLN and the USDA, working through the Government Relations Committee. The effective manner in which our laboratories are significantly contributing to the fight against COVID-19 has brought long-overdue recognition to AAVLD as a key partner in One Health. To enhance our role in One Health, we intend to forge closer working relationships with the Association of Public Health Laboratories, the CDC One Health Office, and the One Health Committee of the USAHA.
As I stated earlier, our biggest strength is our people. I trust that working together, we will continue to strengthen AAVLD while enhancing our individual laboratories’ capacities and capabilities.
I wish all of you a happy holiday season and a productive 2022!
Dr. Jeremiah Saliki
Immediate Past President's Message
Dear AAVLD Members:
It was my honor and privilege to serve as the president of this wonderful organization. With the strong support of AAVLD members, partner organizations, and industry sponsors, we have accomplished so much this past year. Here I would like to highlight a few milestone achievements.
The first-ever hybrid annual meeting was a total success! The meeting registration and on-site attendance were excellent. The foundation auction achieved a record-breaking result. None of these would have been possible without the hard work of our dedicated administrative team, committee chairs, presenters, abstract reviewers, and judges for awards.
To promote diverse, equitable, and inclusive practices in veterinary laboratory diagnostic medicine, the AAVLD created its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee. The 2021 AAVLD DEI committee meeting was attended by a large group of diverse, energetic, and passionate members. I have no doubt that new leaders will emerge from this committee.
To build a strong and vibrant organization, the Membership Committee initiated a mentor-mentee program, which paired more than 12 new members with seasoned members during the 2021 AAVLD Annual Meeting.
To support special initiatives, the AAVLD created a President’s Award to honor individuals who demonstrate meritorious achievement or contribution by undertaking special initiatives that advance the mission, values, recognition, and reputation of the organization.
To enhance our One Health mission, the AAVLD has initiated discussions with USAHA regarding a joint One Health Committee. Our goal is to have the joint committee formed by the 2022 AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting.
To ensure the capability and capacity of NAHLN labs, the AAVLD Executive Team and Government Relations Committee have been actively engaging US Congress and USDA top leaders. The engagement activities helped secure funding for all NALHN labs from several sources: APHIS NAHLN Capacity (Infrastructure) funding, The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill), and The December 2020 COVID Relief & Omnibus Spending Bill. The AAVLD has recently responded to APHIS regarding the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Strategic Framework. I am hopeful that NAHLN labs will receive further funding to continue their disease surveillance work.
Together, we will continue to turn challenges into opportunities.
My sincere thanks go to all AAVLD members and supporters.
Enjoy the holiday season,
Shuping Zhang, BVSc. MS, PhD, DACVM
AAVLD Immediate Past President
The 33rd year of JVDI was successful – we published our full allotment of 1,200 pages, which included 177 items: 4 reviews, 54 full scientific reports, 95 brief reports, 2 commentaries, 3 editorials, and 2 special issues (Next-generation sequencing, Laboratory data enhancement – 19 articles). As a precursor to going on-line-only in January 2022, we published our first full-issue cover-to-cover PDF in November 2021. As described in our November editorial (Maxie G, et al. JVDI goes green: online-only publication for AAVLD members as of January 2022. J Vet Diagn Invest 2021; 33:1035-1038 ), the decision to go online-only is in line with the trend in industry practices – we thereby reduce the number of trees harvested, reduce manufacturing chemicals, use less water, and use less energy to produce or ship print copies.
Email alerts will be sent to members by the AAVLD office when each bimonthly issue of JVDI is published, with a reminder email one month later. Access to full articles is a member benefit that is available by entry through the AAVLD website – otherwise, access to full articles is embargoed to non-members and non-subscribers for 12 months after publication. We also encourage everyone interested in immediate notification of our publications to sign up with SAGE, our JVDI publisher, for email alerts of individual articles as they are published on OnlineFirst, which occurs in the months preceding the publication of the compiled bimonthly Journal. Please see the editorial for details.
We look forward to member feedback on the evolution of the Journal.
2021 Annual Meeting Awardee's
Deepanker Tewari, BVSc, PhD, DACVM 2021 Awards Committee Chair
The AAVLD is pleased to recap the recipients of our 2021 annual awards, announced at our Annual Meeting in Denver. AAVLD travel awards were again supported by the AAVLD Foundation funds and supplemented by donations from the membership, to recognize deserving students/trainees in diagnostic medicine.
We again heartily congratulate the following recipients of AAVLD awards presented during the hybrid 2021 annual meeting of the AAVLD in Denver, Colorado.
Dr. Patrick G. Halbur
Chair of the department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine (VDPAM) and Executive Director of the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ISU VDL) at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Halbur spent 12 years as a diagnostic and research pathologist in the ISU VDL before taking on several administrative roles including Director of the ISU VDL, Associate Dean for Public Services and Outreach, Chair of the Department of VDPAM, Executive Director of the ISU VDL, and Interim Dean of the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Halbur’s research has focused on advancing understanding of the diagnosis, pathogenesis and control of swine infectious diseases including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, porcine circovirus and swine hepatitis E virus. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts and holds 14 U.S. patents. Dr. Halbur was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2017 and is the recipient of the Iowa State University Award for Achievement in Intellectual Property.
Dr. Halbur is a Past President of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. He has served on the Executive Board of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and as President of the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association. He was named to the “Masters of the US Pork Industry” and is the recipient of several other awards including the Howard Dunne Memorial Award from the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, and the Meritorious Service Award and the 2018 Veterinarian of the Year Award from the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association.
A DVM graduate of Iowa State (1986), Dr. Halbur was co-owner of a mixed animal practice in Williamsburg, Iowa for four years before returning to ISU to earn MS and PhD degrees in veterinary pathology.
Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Christina M. Loiacono
Coordinator, National Animal Health Laboratory Network
Dr. Christina Loiacono (Low ya’ ca no) is a graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and completed a residency in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology at the University of Missouri-Columbia where she also received a PhD. Dr. Loiacono joined the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in 2005 as a veterinary pathologist focused on foreign animal disease diagnostics and education. She transitioned to NVSL’s National Animal Health Laboratory Network as Associate Coordinator in 2011 and was selected to be the network Coordinator in 2017. Dr. Loiacono currently leads a network of 60 Federal, State and University-associated animal diagnostic laboratories across the US providing surveillance and outbreak response testing for 14 diseases of high consequence.
Outstanding Performance Award for Diagnostic Services
Meg Steinman
University of Kentucky
I graduated from Point Park College (now University) with a BS degree, focus on Medical Technology, I took the Medical Technology board exam and became a MT(ASCP). My first job was in Pittsburgh, PA working in a transfusion services laboratory at a busy hospital. After 4 years I moved to Burlington, VT and worked for a Blood Center that provided services to 2states. I took the Specialist in Blood Banking board exam and passed, earning the SBB (ASCP). My next stop was in Lexington, KY where I accepted a position as serology/ virology supervisor at the University of KY Chandler Medical Center. After a few years, I moved into a position in the Medical Technology Program at UK as an instructor and adjunct faculty. During this time, I completed a master’s degree Program in Public Health (MPH) with a focus in Environmental Health. Shortly after I accepted the position as Serology Section Head at the UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. In addition to my job duties, I joined AAVLD, and became a member of various committees as well as being a member of the NAHLN EDWG. I recently retired from UK and am back at UKVDL in a post-retirement appointment working on special projects. In my free time I love spending time with family and friends. I am very active in Special Olympics KY as a coach and as a unified partner.
Pioneers in Virology Award
Ed Dubovi, Cornell University
Richard L. Walker Bacteriology Award (sponsored by Anaerobe Systems)
Treana Mayer, Colorado State University
J. Lindsay Oaks Best Student Molecular Biology Presentation (sponsored by BioMérieux)
Sai Narayanan, Oklahoma State University
Brenda Love Best Student Bacteriology Poster Presentation (sponsored by VMRD)
Daniela Pena Hernandez, Purdue University
David Bemis Microbiology Trainee Travel Award
Setyo Yudhanto, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Diagnostic Pathology Slide Seminar Resident/Graduate Student Award
Michael J. Clayton, Utah State University, 1st place
Kristen J. Hill-Thimmesch, Purdue University, 2nd place
Jeongha Lee, Louisiana State University, 3rd place
AAVLD/ACVP Diagnostic Pathology Resident/Graduate Student Award (awarded by AAVLD)
Rachael Gruenwald, Michigan State University
ACVP/AAVLD Diagnostic Pathology Resident/Graduate Student Travel Award (awarded by ACVP)
Ryan Yanez, Michigan State University
Megan Neveau, Iowa State University
Haley Zeliff, University of Pennsylvania
Best Recorded Presentation
Nadia Saklou, Virginia Tech
AAVLD Trainee Travel Awards
Leonardo Cardia Caserta, Cornell University
Rachael Gruenwald, Michigan State University
Girish Patil, Oklahoma State University
Magdalen Ringley, University of Wyoming
Epidemiology/Foundation sponsored
Giovani Trevisan, Iowa State University
Pathology/Foundation sponsored
Robert Polon, CAHFS
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (CPCVM) Travel Award
The Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine with the Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine is pleased to announce the availability of Veterinary Public Practice Externship Travel Awards for veterinary students. The purpose of this competitive travel award is to support the education and training of veterinary students interested in pursuing a career in public health, food safety, epidemiology, or other related fields. Students selected to receive this award will be reimbursed for travel expenses up to $1000. Up to 16 travel awards will be provided, with generous support from USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Students must be in the 3rd or 4th year of veterinary school when the externship takes place 3. Students must receive college credit for the externship 4. The following were sponsored by the AAVLD Foundation.
The winners of the annual best full manuscript and best brief communication are:
JVDI Best Manuscript Award
Julia F. Ridpath, Robert W. Fulton, Fernando V. Bauermann, Shollie M. Falkenberg, Jenny Welch, Anthony W. Confer, Sequential exposure to bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine coronavirus results in increased respiratory disease lesions: clinical, immunologic, pathologic, and immunohistochemical findings
JVDI Best Brief Report Award
Larry H. Kelly, Francisco A. Uzal, Robert H. Poppenga, Hailu Kinde, Ashley E. Hill, W. David Wilson, Brett T. Webb, Equine dental and skeletal fluorosis induced by well water consumption
APHIS Announces 2021 Administrator’s Award Recipient Dr. Rick Fredrickson Jr. from the Illinois State Veterinary Laboratory
WASHINGTON, November 22, 2021 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) Administrator Kevin Shea announced Dr. Rick Fredrickson Jr., the Director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (VDL) at the University of Illinois’ College of Veterinary Medicine, as this year’s recipient of the APHIS Administrator’s Award.
Each year APHIS presents the Administrator’s Award during the joint meeting of the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) and American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD). The award is presented to a USAHA or AAVLD member whose contributions have had a significant and enduring impact on animal health in the US.
“Dr. Fredrickson goes above and beyond the call of duty in service to both animal—and human—health,” Administrator Shea said. “He is a dedicated researcher with nearly 20 years of public service, as well as 10 years of experience in private practice before that.”
As the Director of VDL, Dr. Fredrickson oversees a staff of 90 employees engaged in various types of animal health research and testing. Since becoming Director in 2011, he has tripled the number of tests, cases, and total revenue of his lab.
In the Spring of 2020, the University of Illinois asked Dr. Fredrickson to set up a testing site—this time for humans. He immediately rose to the challenge, obtaining the certification necessary to test human samples. Dr. Fredrickson worked many nights to ensure the COVID-19 testing site was functioning smoothly while continuing his director duties during the day. At the height of COVID, when many National Animal Health Laboratory Network labs were reporting a drop in capacity for other testing, Dr. Fredrickson’s lab reported an increased capacity for foreign animal disease testing. Additionally, Dr. Fredrickson and his team were one of the first labs to begin testing animals for COVID-19.
Furthermore, Dr. Fredrickson teaches at the University of Illinois’ College of Veterinary Medicine nurturing the next generation of researchers, veterinarians, and educators, keeping them engaged and involved in agriculture and animal health.
He continues to make significant contributions to our shared mission of protecting the health of U.S. animals and providing high-quality diagnostic services to the Nation. APHIS could not do its job without his work and the work of others like him throughout the country. APHIS is very grateful for his service.
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USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
JVDI goes green: online-only publication for AAVLD members as of January 2022
Grant Maxie, DVM, PhD, DACVP
- As of our January 2022 issue, JVDI joins the evolution of scholarly journal publishing by going online-only for AAVLD members – for full details, see our November 2021 editorial.
84% of respondents to our 2021 member communications survey were in favor of online-only publication of the Journal.
- Environmental benefits include: no consumption of ink and paper; no mailing wrappers (which resolves the issue of plastic versus paper); no mail deliveries; and no waste, recyclable or not, generated.
- These changes will also lead to some cost savings for AAVLD, allowing us to keep membership dues as low as possible.
- The transition to electronic publishing is happening worldwide and fits with the rest of our fully electronic publication process—from submission, through reviewing, revising, editing, proofing, and compiling.
The AAVLD office will send members an email notification of the Table of Contents of each bi-monthly issue of JVDI. Full articles are embargoed and accessible only to subscribers (including AAVLD members and libraries) for 12 mo following publication; members will sign-in to the AAVLD website to access full articles.
Effective November 2021, a full-issue, cover-to-cover PDF of the Journal will be available to all subscribers. As with a magazine or newspaper, the PDF can be scrolled through, or a topic selected and found by a word search.
If you would you like to receive immediate notification of online publication of new articles (OnlineFirst) and electronic Tables of Contents (eTOCs) from SAGE, be sure to sign up for journal alerts on the JVDI website!
New Membership Contest Results are in!
Dear AAVLD Members:
The AAVLD Membership Committee is excited to announce Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is the 2021 winner of the membership drive contest!
Laboratory prize: $500 Visa debit card: use these funds to celebrate with your lab mates!
Debra Royal & Eric Burrough
Co-Chairs, Membership Committee
The Accreditation Committee is considering the addition of new members, who would join the committee at the February 2022 meeting, for purposes of succession planning due to upcoming retirements. The Committee is currently composed of eighteen members and has at least two members from each of the seven regions of AAVLD, as required by the Association by-laws. The committee considers new members when regional vacancies, discipline expertise needs arise, or impending retirements are known as is the current situation.
The process to become a member of the Accreditation Committee is detailed in SOP AC 4 V 2015-10, Accreditation Committee Management (click here). New members are nominated from the ranks of the active Audit Pool (AAVLD members in good standing who have successfully completed Audit Pool training), have audited on AAVLD site visits, and are approved by majority vote of the Accreditation Committee. Nominated AAVLD members who meet the minimum requirements for committee membership will be considered at the October 2021 meeting.
For a complete list of the current Accreditation Committee members, (click here)
Amy Swinford
Dave Korcal
Cochairs, AAVLD Accreditation Committee
ATTENTION: Vendors Serving Veterinary Diagnostic Labs and the Animal Health Industry
2022 AAVLD Hybrid Trade Show
During the AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting 2022 Minneapolis
October 5-13, 2022
Onsite in Minneapolis and Virtual
We hope to see you there.
For details contact our meeting planner Kaylin Taylor
ABAC and UGA’s Tifton Veterinary Diagnostic and Investigational Laboratory have been awarded a $297,000 grant to encourage more veterinarians to return to rural south Georgia when their education is completed.
Special Photo: ABAC
TIFTON — Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College has been awarded a three-year $297,000 collaborative grant with the University of Georgia-Tifton Veterinary Diagnostic and Investigational Laboratory to encourage more veterinary medicine students to practice in rural south Georgia.
Activities will center around student recruitment, retention and experiential learning at the UGA diagnostic lab aimed at increasing the overall number of underrepresented and rural undergraduate students qualified to apply to veterinary medicine programs.
Matthew Anderson, dean of the ABAC School of Arts and Sciences, serves as the director for the project.
“ABAC students will benefit tremendously from the experiences this grant will support, and it will help them be more competitive when applying to vet school,” Anderson said. “Our hope is that they are successful in applying to vet school, and that they return to serve the region following their veterinary training.”
Anderson said the goal of the project is at least a 10 percent increase in students being admitted into veterinary or graduate school.
Jennifer Harper, a professor of Biology at ABAC, and Hemant Naikare, an associate professor of Infectious Diseases at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine and director of the TVDIL, will serve as co-directors.
Naikare is enthusiastic about the USDA-NIFA funded grant.
“The hands-on experiential learning opportunities in a disease diagnostics and surveillance testing facility will be excellent for the ABAC students,” Naikare said.
During the three years of the grant, ABAC students will be recruited to attend monthly seminars and participate in daylong workshops. Students who demonstrate elevated interest and aptitude will be candidates for research experiences, diagnostic specific courses, and paid internships utilizing the TVDIL facilities.
Scott Pierce, director of sponsored programs at ABAC said, “This is such a great project. It will do a fantastic piece of work, but it’s also the first time ABAC has been funded through this mechanism with the USDA. This is new federal money put to good use in south Georgia. It will allow us to train more students for success in high-need areas of veterinary science and medicine.”
Harper also said she believes it will increase the number of veterinarians in rural Georgia.
“It is the only grant offering such opportunities to college students in the state of Georgia,” she said. “Not only are very few students from the rural areas of Georgia applying to vet school, but there is also a very poor return of graduating veterinarians deciding to practice in rural areas, leaving these areas in great need of professionals.
“An overall goal for this project is to increase the number of students who come from rural and socioeconomically challenged areas being admitted into vet school.
Students with a rural background would be more likely to return to work in a similar area than would students with urban backgrounds.”
While the project targets students interested in veterinary medicine, students with an interest in graduate school or other medical fields such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy are also great candidates for the project.
The TVDIL is a member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network and is fully accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.
We are sad to inform you of the recent passing of Dwayne Hamar, renowned CSU toxicologist. In his honor, we rerun the story below which celebrated Dwayne’s 50th year of service at CSU.
Our November focus is an article in JVDI’s upcoming Special Section on equine gastrointestinal disease:
“Bacterial and viral enterocolitis in horses: a review,”
by Francisco A. Uzal, Luis G. Arroyo, Mauricio A. Navarro, Diego E. Gómez, Javier Asín, Eileen Henderson
J Vet Diagn Invest 2021;34(2).
Abstract. Enteritis, colitis, and enterocolitis are considered some of the most common causes of disease and death in horses. Determining the etiology of these conditions is challenging, among other reasons because different causes produce similar clinical signs and lesions, and also because some agents of colitis can be present in the intestine of normal animals. We review here the main bacterial and viral causes of enterocolitis of horses, including Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringens type A NetF-positive, C. perfringens type C, Clostridioides difficile, Clostridium piliforme, Paeniclostridium sordellii, other clostridia, Rhodococcus equi, Neorickettsia risticii, Lawsonia intracellularis, equine rotavirus, and equine coronavirus. Diarrhea and colic are the hallmark clinical signs of colitis and enterocolitis, and the majority of these conditions are characterized by necrotizing changes in the mucosa of the small intestine, colon, cecum, or in a combination of these organs. The presumptive diagnosis is based on clinical, gross, and microscopic findings, and confirmed by detection of some of the agents and/or their toxins in the intestinal content or feces.
Figures 3–8. Equine enterocolitis of bacterial etiology. Figure 3. Colitis produced by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium in a horse. The mucosa is hemorrhagic, necrotic, and covered by a fibrinous pseudomembrane. Photo courtesy of Dr. Francisco Carvallo. Figure 4. Colitis produced by S. enterica ser. Typhimurium in a horse. The mucosa is diffusely necrotic, and there is transmural hemorrhage. H&E. Figure 5. Colitis produced by S. enterica ser. Typhimurium in a horse. There is a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate in the deep lamina propria. Inset: higher magnification showing large number of neutrophils in the lamina propria. H&E. Figure 6. Necrotic enteritis in a foal associated with NetF-positive Clostridium perfringens type A. Reproduced with permission from Mehdizadeh Gohari et al. 2016 Figure 7. Necrotic enteritis produced by C. perfringens type C in a neonatal foal. There is transmural hemorrhage and hemorrhagic content within the lumen. Figure 8. Necrotic enteritis produced by C. perfringens type C in a neonatal foal. There is severe, diffuse mucosal necrosis. Inset: higher magnification of the lamina propria and submucosal thrombosis. H&E.
We encourage all authors to link your ORCID iD to your ScholarOne account using the following steps. NOTE: If your article is accepted, your ORCID iD will accompany your name in the published article only if your accounts are linked (otherwise, your name will appear without the ORCID icon, and your iD information will not be listed at the end of your article).
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AAVLD New Member Benefit MC l LMS is now here!
Take a look, the MC l LMS is now here!
AAVLD has brought you a new membership benefit that is sure to peek your interest. The MC l LMS is a Learning Management System. The MC l LMS will keep certification and training materials in one place. Members can view training videos, scientific presentations and much more. AAVLD is offering the current packages to AAVLD members as a membership benefit.
Some of the MC l LMS features:
- Single-Sign-On (SSO) with Oasis
- Content Upload and Management
- Customized Certificates
- Continuing Education Tracking
- Group-based Permissions
- Progress and Usage Reporting
View 2020 annual meeting materials now! 2021 annual meeting materials coming soon!
- Recordings of Scientific Sessions
- Proceeding's booklet (abstracts)
- Plenary Speaker lectures from the 2020 meeting
All are available to AAVLD members at no cost.
2022 Hybrid AAVLD / USAHA Annual Meeting
You get a new year, you get a new start, you get a new opportunity.
Billy Butler~
For eleven months and maybe about twenty days each year, we concentrate upon the shortcomings of others, but for a few days at the turn of the New Year we look at our own. It is a good habit.
Arthur Hays Sulzberger~
Source: BrainyQuotes
Take advantage of the terrific AAVLD resources offered to our members
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...
We use cookies on this site to enhance your experience. By using our website you accept our use of cookies. Yes, I agree More Information Cookies YourMembership uses cookies for your convenience and security. Cookies are text files stored on the...
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Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...
The American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians offers the top jobs available in Veterinary diagnostic labs. Search and apply to open positions or post jobs on the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians now.
2023 Renewals are due by November 15!
'Membership is January to December'
AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in the disciplines and activities of veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Membership terms are by calendar year (January-December) and membership dues are payable by November 15th of the preceding year (to ensure inclusion in the annual membership directory, eligibility for committee involvement, and receipt of all six issues of the JVDI). Note: In order to receive a discounted rate for the Annual Meeting registration, you are required to be a current AAVLD Member.
Did your membership Lapse?
Please select 'Renew Now' to access the Lapsed Membership renewal form. ->Quick Links->Renew Now->here you can access the Lapsed Membership Form.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AAVLD Membership:
When are my dues fee due?
They are due November 15 for the next calendar year. Many members pay for the next year when they register for the annual meeting. Lead time is needed to finalize committee appointments for the new year.
Does it matter who pays for my dues?
No. Your status will be the same with their respective privileges whether you pay, your employer pays, or your Uncle Vinny.
Are Lab Accreditation dues different than Institutional/Agency membership dues?
· Laboratory Accreditation dues are different and separate and are related to accreditation only and go to fund the accreditation program only.
· Whether accredited or not, a Laboratory (or Institution/Agency) may additionally become an Institutional/Agency Member. By doing so they are supporting the broad mission of the AAVLD and these funds go to support CE and training and all other activities of the AAVLD. Institutional/Agency Members are highly valued members and are demonstrating leadership and belief in our organizational purpose.
Do Institutional/Agency Member labs have to pay for their employees individual dues?
No. A laboratory, institution, agency or department can become a member under this category even without signing up their employees. They are simply supporting the AAVLD mission with their dues payment. Some states are not allowed to pay for employee dues; and some states have budgetary restrictions.
2022 Committee Appointments
If you wish to serve on a particular committee in 2021, contact the committee chairs now and express your interest. Thank you!
AAVLD & News Worthy Events
AAVLD Executive Board Meeting, Luxor Las Vegas, February 10, 2022
AAVLD Accreditation, Luxor Las Vegas, February 7-8, 2022
AAVLD Accreditation Audit Training, Luxor Las Vegas, February 9, 2022
AAVLD/USAHA Hybrid Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, October 5-13, 2022 (Due to the uncertainty with Covid-19, there may be updates to the details of the meeting.)
Do you have ideas to improve the AAVLD annual meeting? Contact David Zeman
Would you like to sponsor an event? Contact
What ever your contribution to the AAVLD mission, we need you!
Thank You to our Exhibitors and Sponsors of the 2021 Annual Meeting!
The generous contributions and participation by our Exhibitors and Sponsors is a huge part of our conference success year after year. On behalf of the AAVLD, we would like to thank these companies for their commitment to our organization and helping us to achieve our mission.
Thank you
2021 Annual Meeting Sponsors
Science and Technology - Clark & Enersen
Our specialized team of experts and thought leaders has been involved in the programming, planning, and design of more than $5 billion worth of science and technology facilities, and were recently ranked #15 on the 2020 Giants 400 rankings of the ...
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Zoetis, the largest global animal health company
At Zoetis, our work is guided by a simple vision - that our products, services and people will be the most valued by animal health customers around the world. Learn more Zoetis delivers quality medicines, vaccines and diagnostic products, which...
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Home - Tetracore, Inc.
For over 20 years, Tetracore has been at the forefront of diagnostics innovation. Our mission is to create and develop highly innovative diagnostic reagents, assays, and instruments for the detection of infectious diseases and bioterrorism threat ...
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Animal Health | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Thermo Fisher Scientific is committed to the animal health industry, offering products and services designed to help you adapt and succeed in an evolving environment. Learn about how we can support new farm animal testing standards with...
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Veterinary Medical Research & Development - VMRD
VMRD Products The VMRD portfolio is the most comprehensive in veterinary diagnostics and has a wide range of products that include USDA-licensed ELISA kits, FA reagents, antibodies, and Coombs testing reagents. Our IFA reagents support...
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Roche Diagnostics
The quest for better solutions to healthcare's challenges starts with and depends on diagnostics.
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bioMérieux Corporate Website | Pioneering diagnostics
A survey in 5 European countries about sepsis demonstrates the lack of awareness and a expectation for faster diagnostic capabilities
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Experience highly selective prepared media culture...
Highly selective pre-poured media culture devices, engineered for specimen transport, isolation, identification, and differentiation.
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Home - ECL2 Quality Solutions
NOW OFFERING Q-PULSE CLOUD! Call or e-mail us for more information! ECL2 - is a U.S. based, client-centric consulting firm, specializing in providing complete solutions for Quality Management, Safety Management and Enterprise Risk Management....
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AAVLD Foundation Committee
Brett Webb- Cochair
Francois Elvinger- Cochair
Pat Halbur, Christie Mayo, Kristy Pabilonia, Bruce Akey, Beate Crossley, Kerri Sondgeroth, David Zeman, Tim Baszler, Jamie Henningson, Donal O’Toole
The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that raises funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory disciplines through scholarship programs, student travel support to our scientific meeting, guest lectures, seminars, professional awards and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible 501(c)(3), and can be paid when you renew your AAVLD membership. Thank you for remembering your AAVLD Foundation!