The Good News
e-Edition: November 2018
New Beginnings
At the start of a new school year, everything and everyone is full of possibility. There is excitement in the air at GSS as we jump into fall and all the activities and learning it has in store for us!
Welcome back students and families!
Good Shepherd Students remember 9/11...
Father Tom and students led a prayer service outside of the 9/11 memorial. Middle school students took part in prayer and a moment of silence in remembrance of all that were lost that day.
8th Graders "Spend-A-Day" at Mount St. Michael Academy
As the 8th grade students begin to select and apply for high schools, our 8th grade boys were lucky enough to "Spend-A-Day" at the Mount! They were given a tour of the school, learned about academics, athletics, and extra curricular offerings, and ended the visit with pizza! Thank you to Mount St. Michael's!
Back-to-School Family Luau
Students and their families (and even some alumni!) celebrated the beginning of the school year at our annual Back-to-School Family Luau. Guests enjoyed conversation over dinner, and then danced the night away. A special Thank You to the Parents Association for sponsoring and organizing the event!

GSS Annual Halloween Trunk-or-Treat Walk-a-Thon
Students and families dressed in their best and spookiest in celebration of Halloween. The Parents Association sponsored and organized themed trunks full of treats for students to "Trunk or Treat" from following their Halloween costume parade throughout Inwood Hill Park. Our generous families and community raised $9,000! More photos available here.
Good Shepherd's Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive
As we begin November, we are thankful for our blessings and look forward to sharing our gratitude at this time of Thanksgiving. At GSS, it has been a long tradition to share our blessings with those in need at Thanksgiving. Our annual food drive organized by Student Council runs November 6 - 19th, and each class is assigned a type of non-perishable, unopened food to donate. Items will be sorted into paper bags that will be given to the Good Shepherd Food Pantry. Thank you to our local C-Town--the owners donated 100 cans to help support our efforts.
Thank you to all who participate!
Student Spotlight
Christopher Panchame
In each issue, we will be spotlighting a student who shows excellence in the classroom and in our community!

Christopher Panchame is an 8th grade student at Good Shepherd, member of the Regis REACH program, and President of the GSS Student Council. "My favorite subject at Good Shepherd School is Religion. I love learning about how the Catholic faith came to be and how to be a better person in our world." When asked what lessons he'll take with him upon graduation, Christopher says he has learned to manage his time wisely and to always set high expectations for himself. Looking towards the future, Christopher is interested in majoring in the arts, such as animation or musical design, accounting, or mathematics, as he is interested in the stock market.

Congratulations on what you have achieved, Christopher!
GSS is participating in #GivingTuesday
This year, Good Shepherd School is joining in with the global giving movement known as #GivingTuesday. On Tuesday, November 27th, following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, communities around the world join together to give back, in charity and support. We would like to extend this invitation to the Good Shepherd Community. Save the date... check your inboxes on Tuesday, November 27th for your #GivingTuesday email!
Charles Dickens' classic
"A Christmas Carol" is coming to GSS this winter!
Start your holiday season off with the classic heart-warming tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and his lessons of forgiveness and generosity.

GSS Theater Club presents
"A Christmas Carol" featuring the talents of the 2nd - 8th grade and displays of artwork by PreK students.

Performances will be
Friday, November 30th at 7pm and
Saturday, December 1st at 3pm
at the GSS Auditorium.

You can purchase tickets online here!
Get Social with GSS!
Did you know GSS is on social media?
Follow us to see what we're up to!
Support Good Shepherd School
Did you know that many employers will match charitable gifts made by their employees to their favorite non-profits? Check with your human resources department to see if they will match your gift to Good Shepherd School, doubling or even tripling your support!
Join Friends of Good Shepherd (FoGSS)
Alumni of Good Shepherd School are invited to join the FoGSS alumni community!

Network with alumni, stay up-to-date with the latest school and alumni news, find out about upcoming events and collaborate with fellow alumni. 
Help Spread the Good News!
Please share this e-Edition with your friends and fellow alumni and encourage them to join our mailing list. With your help, we will be able to share our good news with even more friends!