UUCH HONK Protest Suspended

Thanks to our own Summer Peters, the Social Justice Committee, and our friends at BLM Huntsville, we have had two powerful protests against the confederate monument in front of the courthouse. As we know, we exist in a world with so many competing justice issues. We learned this week that our honking has been misinterpreted by those attempting to vote early at the courthouse. We want to state clearly that we are pro-voting and encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. We have decided to suspend our Honk Protests for the next few weeks until the election is over. In that time we will also be brainstorming ways to make our message and mission even more clear! Thanks for your continued commitment to justice and equality!

Submitted by the Minister
Election & Post Election
Virtual Community Gatherings

No matter who you are voting for or how you are voting, this November election is a time of anxiety and concern for all of us. As Unitarian Universalists, we know that it is in our community that we find comfort and connection.

In that spirit, Rev. Jaimie is hosting two community times around the election. The first is a Tuesday night gathering from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. where we will light candles, share our thoughts and feelings, and spend time in prayer and meditation. The second offering is an even more casual drop-in space from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday the 4th. We have no idea what we will know on Wednesday morning, but it will still be a meaningful time to gather. I hope everyone votes and I hope to see you at one or both of these gatherings.

Tuesday Night, November 3
Join Zoom Meeting

Wednesday Morning, November 4
Join Zoom Meeting

Submitted by the Minister
Welcome Newest UUCH Members!
New Members Left to Right: Nicole Jacobson, Brigit DeMoor, Nancy Pettus, Melissa Hammel, Mary Ann Conklin, Rev. Jaimie Dingus

On Sunday, October 18th, UUCH welcomed new members into covenant during a pre-recorded ceremony. Earlier in the week, each new member attended their own personalized new member ceremony in the UUCH sanctuary where they signed the UUCH membership book and were individually welcomed (following all COVID-19 precautions). The newest UUCH members: Mary Ann Conklin, Bridgit DeMoor, Jaimie Dingus, Melissa Hammel, Nicole Jacobson, and Nancy Pettus.

We appreciate the commitment these new members have made to our church community with their gifts of time, financial support, and talents. We look forward to working together to fulfill the mission of this church.

The UUCH covenant that members make with each other is as follows:
We, as members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville, covenant to work together to create a supportive, affirming, sustaining community that inspires and challenges each of us to become our best selves. To further our goal of creating such an intentional community, we promise each other to:

  • Affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every member of our community, valuing our differences and supporting each other in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • Listen to one another with the intent of understanding, and speak to one another with respect and kindness, so that all may be heard;
  • Recognize that forming an intentional community may at times require us to place the needs of the community above our own needs;
  • Foster caring relationships by assuming the best intent in others, disagreeing in love, and empowering one another to speak for ourselves;
  • Affirm the work of the church to the best of our abilities, valuing the work of others, and supporting those who voluntarily accept leadership roles in the church;
  • Promote an environment where all people feel safe, both physically and emotionally;
  • Use the energy and support we thus create to bring our vision of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations into our wider community, our nation, and our world.

Submitted by the Membership Committee
This Sunday in Children and Youth
Religious Education (CYRE)
"Listening to Wise Ones"

We will continue our exploration of DEEP LISTENING, focusing this week on “Listening to Wise Ones.”

VIRTUUAL CYRE: All families are invited to attend the special multi-generational service of remembrance. There will be no morning CYRE session.

YOUUTH GROUP (grades 7-12) meets at 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Zoom link will be shared via email and our CYRE Family Facebook group.
Registration for the new year in CYRE is now open!

Please use the link below to register your children and youth. Whether you've registered in the previous year or are brand new, we'd love to include you in our joyful and welcoming community of all ages. If you'd like more information about the CYRE Program, please contact DRE Erin Reid or CYRE Assistant Harper Goodman.
Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee

Friday, October 30th
6:00 p.m.

Come one come all,
Age matters not at all.
Be you goblin or creature,
Fairy or teacher.
There will be pumpkins and frights,
And artsy delights.
Come play and come dance
For this once a year chance
To see what is seen
Only on Halloween.

Join us for the annual (Virtual) Halloween Party on Friday, October 30th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Wear your costume and come to dance and play games and make Halloween crafts. The Zoom link will be sent via email.

Submitted by Children and Youth Religious Education
UUCH Young Adults Group
If you're interested in getting involved with UUCH's young adult group,
we invite you to reach out to us.

For questions or more information, please contact Nicole and Shalin.
Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee
Get Out the Vote!
Phone Banking on October 27th

Here’s your chance to help get out the vote! On Tuesday, October 27th, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., UUCH will be phone banking with Faith in Action Alabama (FIAA). We will be calling people in North Alabama and encouraging them to get out and vote on November 3rd. We won’t be advocating for any particular candidates, but just encouraging people to vote.

If you have any questions or would like to join us on October 27th, please contact Brad Korb.

Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
On the Ballot!
AL Constitution Amendments Explained

Do You Know Which Way to Vote on the Proposed Amendments?
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
ARE Book Discussion
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
October 29th and November 5th
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The opposite of "racist" isn't "not racist." It is "antiracist." This word usage is an essential point made in Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to Be an Antiracist, which will be the topic of the next UUCH Adult RE Book Discussion. Kendi's concept of antiracism has become fundamental in the conversation about racial justice and helps point us toward new, liberating ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. In the form of memoir and social commentary, Kendi asks us to envision an antiracist society and how we can play an active role in building it. The book is considered essential for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step of genuinely contributing to a just society.

Join us via Zoom for the Adult RE book discussion on October 29th and November 5th, facilitated by LaDawn Edwards and Nicole Sharp. Everyone is welcome to attend these online Zoom discussions! We will split the discussion into two meetings, with the first half of the book discussed on October 29th and the second half on November 5th.

If you are interested in attending, please email Adult RE to register, and we will send you the Zoom link. We would like for people to register so we can create enough Zoom meeting rooms to accommodate good discussions.
Submitted by the ARE Committee
Saturday, November 7th
9:00 a.m. – ~1:00 p.m.

Here’s an opportunity to help people in our community! UUCH will be participating again this year in the annual effort to winterize homes of local seniors.
The Care Assurance System for the Aging (CASA) Taking Energy Measures Personally equals Savings (TEMP$) program is an annual one-day event in which teams of CASA volunteers weatherize the homes of CASA clients by putting plastic on windows, insulating pipes, caulking breaches, installing smoke detectors, replacing storm doors, and performing other small repairs. Similar to the past few years, we will be working on two homes of low-income seniors in neighborhoods near our church.
These energy efficiency tasks will help these low-income senior citizens spend less on heating over the winter. This activity requires only a few hours of your time, but several people are needed to complete the two homes that UUCH has committed to complete this year. Home repair skills are not required, just the desire to help out. Materials are provided by CASA and UUCH will have at least one experienced person at each home to help guide the activity.
On Saturday, November 7th, we will gather at the church at 9:00 a.m., carpool to the homes, and we should be finished by 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m.
Please contact Brad Korb via email or phone 256-508-5263 if you are interested in helping out or would like more information.
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Donating by Text or Online
To give a plate offering to UUCH from your mobile device, text the amount (without dollar sign) to 833-559-0257, and follow the instructions. Text giving is by debit or credit card only.
Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through Vanco, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations.
To give from your bank account, you can still use the UUCH website or the GivePlus+ mobile app.
Submitted by the Finance Committee
Cooking in Hard Times
Food Writing and Reading About Food

I love books about food. I don’t always make the recipes, but the authors make me think differently about cooking, shopping, and the food choices I make. Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes made me want to dine al fresco with friends, drink local wines, and eat fresh bread, local cheeses, and olives. We were inspired by the book to offer our own version of that meal when we lived in San Diego as a church auction event that we called "Under the Penasquitos Sun" (because we lived in Rancho Penasquitos). Julie & Julia by Julie Powell made me want to run out and buy a copy of the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child (I didn't). I gained a deeper appreciation for butter, though. Heartburn by Nora Ephron made me want to make sorrel soup. (Note: Nora must have had better sorrel; my version was barely edible).

I would like to point out that I liked those books before they were box office hits. I enjoy non-movie food-related books as well. Have you read the Goldy Schulz mystery series by Dianne Mott Davidson? I couldn’t resist the titles: Dying for Chocolate, The Cereal Murders, and Sticks and Scones. I kind of identified with Goldy; we share the same surname and I lived in Colorado for five years. I admired Goldy for her sleuthing skills, for her walk-in refrigerator, her love of espresso, and her ability to whip up basically anything at a moment’s notice.

Ruth Reichel has always struck a chord for me. I loved the books Comfort Me with Apples and Tender to the Bone. Do you have a food writer or a book (or a movie) about the food you’d like to share? Please email the Hospitality committee. We would love to hear from you! Bon appetit! By Jessica Schulz

Submitted by the Hospitality Committee
Worship Service Recording
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
"Growing in Faith"
October 18, 2020

Did you miss our virtual worship service on Sunday?
Want a midweek re-watch?

Fear not, you can click here to see the recording.

Remember, the building is closed,
but CHURCH is open!

Submitted by the Worship Committee
Say Their Names Prayer Walk
Friday Evenings
5:30 p.m - 6:30 p.m.

Join us for a weekly prayer walk at the labyrinth on the grounds of Weatherly Heights Baptist Church. We will walk the labyrinth and pray for individuals who died while in police custody, their communities, our nation, our churches, and ourselves.

Weatherly Heights Baptist Church
1306 Cannstatt Drive SE
Huntsville, AL 35803

Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
COVID-19 Relief Funds Available

Funds are available for members of the congregation who have been negatively impacted financially by COVID-19.
If you are a member of UUCH and have financial needs caused by the pandemic, please contact Board President John Schulz or a member of the Care Committee.
Submitted by the Board
Care List
This Sunday at our Circle of Candles:

Dawn Buettner lit a candle of gratitude: This sounds like the exact journey Tim and I went to when we stumbled upon UU about 18 months ago. We finally found home. Thank you everyone :) We are certainly glad we found you all, and definitely feel loved and welcomed!

Heather Kyemba lit a candle of joy: We enjoyed getting together with friends yesterday. We met outside with our masks on and played Boggle.

The Delaceys (Suzey) lit a candle of concern: Teachers who are having to do SO much more work than before in order to produce both virtual and in-person education during this pandemic. Deb has been working around the clock to try to keep lessons provided in multiple formats at New Hope Middle School.

Theresa Miller lit a candle of joy: We had a nice birthday family Zoom yesterday to celebrate three birthdays - Tim’s, and grandsons Timothy and Joseph. One is turning 9, one 11, and one 70! Special surprise for Tim was his sister, sister-in-law, and nieces and nephews participating!

Paul DeMoor lit a candle of concern: Paul DeMoor's Mother is now in hospice/long term care. Please give prayers to her and the DeMoor family.

Barbara Hitt lit a candle of joy: I’m glad you found us, Dawn and Tim. Welcome!

Kristen Ogwaro lit a candle of concern: Global climate change my concern today and always.

Angela Arnold (she/her/hers) lit a candle of concern: For my mother’s best friend in Columbus, GA, who has now been in the hospital for ten days, on a ventilator, with the virus.

Allison White lit a candle of joy: Moved back to HSV this week. So nice to be with my dad again, and to see you all.

Heather Kyemba lit a candle of joy: Sophia received the National Center for Women and Information Technology award. Many Members sent congratulations.

The Delaceys lit a candle of concern: The civil sequelae of the upcoming election, no matter the result. I’m feeling fear.

Paulb lit a candle of joy: Yay fall!

Dawn Buettner lit a candle of concern: The person in Arizona who truly embodies UU for us and brought us hope has contracted COVID-19. We hope she recovers swiftly.

Angela Arnold (she/her/hers) lit a candle of joy: Welcome back Allie!!!

Melissa Hammel lit a candle of joy: So so glad to officially be part of my family here!

Many Members lit a candle of joy: Welcome, to all our wonderful new members! Welcome Mary Ann, Bridget, Melissa, Nancy, Nicole, and Rev. Jaime!

Paul DeMoor lit a candle of joy: And it makes me happy to join such an awesome community. Thanks!

Angela Arnold (she/her/hers) lit a candle of gratitude: Thank you, Tim, for mixing the socially distant ukuleles, and our voices, together!
Upcoming Events

Please note that all meetings, worship services, and gatherings will be held online until further notice. Please check our Facebook page and website for updated information and links.

Sunday, October 25
Soul Circle (Group D)
9:30 a.m.

Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 a.m.

4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 27
Get Out the Vote Phone Banking
5:00 p.m.

Board Meeting
6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 28
Susan's Happy Hour
5:00 p.m.
Meeting ID:
847 8458 5916

Choir Practice
7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID:
910 8283 2653

Thursday, October 29
Worship Committee
5:30 p.m

Adult Book Discussion
6:30 p.m.

Friday, October 30
Prayer Walk
5:30 p.m.

All Ages Halloween Party!
6:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 1
Soul Circle (Group D)
9:30 a.m.

9:45 a.m.

Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 a.m.

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by appointment.
UUCH 2020-21
Board Members
John Schulz
 Vice President:
Nick Wilbourn

Nancy Finley

Bob Locklear

Suzey Delacey
Jack Long
Bryan Walls

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled
for Tues, October 27th.
Office Administrator

Holly Hinkle

Main Office Hours:
9:30 am-1:30 pm
*Please email office if you need building access.

For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church, 3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810

Laurel Bollinger
Holly Hinkle
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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