The Green Digest
A Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Initiative

The Green Digest gratefully acknowledges project
support from ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

August 23, 2019
Status Quo No Longer Good Enough When Purchasing Energy-consuming Appliances
Just Released
Replacing energy-inefficient ‘like for like’ because they fall into the ‘lowest up front cost’ category is outdated, short-term thinking that fails to address fiscal and environmental sustainability. Sadly, the sector is still encumbered by the budget silo mentality which often prevents the acquisition
and use of highly energy-efficient products because there isn’t enough desire or capital up front to buy the ‘good stuff’ in the first place. Read the entire article HERE.
Largest Hospital Move in Canada Slashes Superbug Infections
The largest hospital move in Canada's history came with an added benefit: a dramatic reduction in hospital-related infections. When the Royal Victoria Hospital moved from its location on the slopes of Montreal's Mount Royal to the Glen Yards site, it gave researchers the opportunity to determine exactly how much the environment contributed to disease. In this case, it came about because of the dramatic change in hospital wards, going from three or four people in a room to a 21st-Century building. Read the CTV Montreal article and watch the video HERE.
When Asked to Build a Hospital That Lowers Blood Pressure, They Built a ‘Forest-Like’ Sanctuary
Hospital environments can be stressful for anyone—from the sterile smell and the drab decor to the metallic sounds of medical equipment, it’s not the most comforting setting for patients and visitors. So when a design firm was tasked with creating a hospital that actually lowered people’s blood pressure, they turned to greenery as the solution—and it worked wonderfully. More than 700 native species of fragrant plants and trees have been integrated into the structure and surroundings of the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore. More HERE. Photo by Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Climate Change Food Calculator: What's Your Diet's Carbon Footprint?
The BBC recently reported that avoiding meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact, according to recent scientific studies.
Switching to a plant-based diet can help fight climate change, according to a major report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which says the West's high consumption of meat and dairy is fuelling global warming. But what is the difference between beef and chicken? Does a bowl of rice produce more climate warming greenhouse gases than a plate of chips? Is wine more environmentally friendly than beer? Read the full BBC story and try out the calculator HERE.
HealthCare CAN Urges Ottawa to Invest in Green Health Innovation
In support of this year’s pre-budget theme Climate Emergency: The Required Transition to a Low Carbon Economy , this submission from HealthCare CAN – the national voice of hospitals and health organizations across Canada – offers recommendations that address carbon reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, economic growth, and the health of Canadians
Read "Green Healthcare: The Missing Pieces in Canada's Climate Response." by downloading HERE.
Call to Action on Climate Change & Health
Climate change is already harming the mental and physical health of Canadians – with wildfires, smoke-laden air, floods, emergency evacuations, power shortages, food insecurity, insect-borne diseases, hurricanes and heatwaves – that are becoming more frequent and more intense as the temperature rises.  

To keep global warming from exceeding 1.5 oC, we must cut global emissions by 45% by 2030. This means we have 11 years to put the policies and programs needed in place. CAPE, working in collaboration with the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), the Urban Public Health Network (UPHN), and the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), developed a Call to Action on Climate Change and Health. With this Call to Action, we are calling on all national political parties in Canada to make a commitment to keep global warming below 1.5 oC and to come up with comprehensive, evidence-based plans that will ensure Canada does its fair share. 

Sign the Call to Action HERE and show national political parties that Canadians want a healthy planet and healthy people.
Global Climate Change and Health in Canadian Children
Released last week by the Canadian Paediatric Society, principal authors Irena Buka and Katherine M. Shea confirm that "Climate change is a reality." Numerous expert authorities warn of the critical need to undertake and adapt environmental efforts to protect human health. Climate change is accelerating, and countries in high latitudes, such as Canada, are experiencing climate change more directly and, for some end points, more dramatically than mid- and low-latitude countries. Further, children are vulnerable to climate change health effects, and physicians and other health care providers need to be ready to identify, manage, and prevent climate change-related health hazards. Read more HERE.
Climate Change Resources at your Fingertips
Thanks to funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Coalition is able to offer a growing list of climate change resiliency resources to help you and your organisation prepare for the impacts of climate change. Visit our Mentoring Project home page HERE to access hundreds of case studies, presentations, infographics, and government and non-government publications.
Join the Coalition's Q&A ListServ
For years, the Coalition has offered an online Question and Answer ListServ giving you access to some of the most engaged green health care stewards in Canada. Have a question about greening your health care organisation? Email to be added or to share a question.
Do you tweet? We do.
Please join us in the wonderful world of Twitter as we share the latest in Coalition news and initiatives. Find us at @CCGHC
CALL for Submissions - Canadian Healthcare Facilities - Fall Issue
Submission Deadline: Friday September 13, 2019
The Fall 2019 issue of CHES's Journal, Canadian Healthcare Facilities (CHF), is currently seeking article submissions related to the following topics: Facility Management & Design and Sustainable Health Care. If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact Clare Tattersall, at
High-Performance Cooling Plants Workshop
After more than a year of work with member hospitals and industry experts, the Best Practices Guide and Checklist is ready for you to plan improvements over the winter. To learn more, attend the half-day workshop hosted by Greening Health Care.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm EDT
Location: Toronto
Ticket information HERE .
39th Annual CHES National Conference
Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society
"The "HUB" that enables resiliency in healthcare"
September 22 - 24, 2019
Saskatoon Arts & Convention Centre
TCU Place, Saskatoon SK
Visit the conference website for more information on programs, pricing and accommodations. Vendors welcome.
Invitation to Participate in the International Award 2020 Climate Change and Sustainability of Healthcare System
The effects of Climate Change on human health and wellbeing are increasingly gaining universal recognition. The growing importance of the healthcare system role and its potential especially contributes to Community Preparation for the prevention and reduction of risks related to climate change effects (adaptation to climate change) as well as reducing the negative effects of inevitable climate-related disasters (risk reductions). It is vital to continue to raise awareness of this issue both internally to the health community as well as the external community at all levels and its governing structures. To this end, IFHE and SIAIS have decided to create a specific International Award 2020 “Climate Change and Sustainability of the Healthcare System.” Details HERE .
RENDEZ-VOUS Sustainable Healthcare Focus on Climate Change
Save the Date - October 15, 2019
Join guest speakers from Sweden, France, Canada and the USA as they share ideas and expertise on climate change and sustainable healthcare.
Panels, conferences, discussions, networking...
Please complete the preregistration form HERE to show your support.
NERC's Webinar Series Continues With Packaging - October 24, 2019
The Canadian Packaging EPR webinar will detail Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia's packaging EPR programs. Webinar presenters include: Mathieu Guillemette, Senior Director of Services to Municipalities, Eco Enterprises Quebec; Joanne St. Goddard, Executive Director of the Recycling Council of Ontario; and David Lefebvre, Director of Public Affairs, Recycle BC.
Register HERE.

The Green Digest was brought to you by ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

If you have inspirational greening stories or photos to share with Green Digest readers, please send them to Kent at
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change.  
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.