Cutler Bay is an "A" Town!

Last week, Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva launched a new website to show how public funds are being used through the The Taxpayers Accountability & Transparency Project (TATP) and the Local Government Report Card.

The TATP website ranks cities and counties in Florida of similar size on government spending, government debt, government size, crime and education. The categories are ranked based on 6 years worth of data from 2014 to 2019. Cutler Bay was ranked against 90 cities of similar size in all of Florida (cities with over 25,000 residents) and here is how we ranked:

  • Government Spending—A: #1 out of 90! This means that the Town averaged the least amount of dollars spent per capita and total dollar increase in spending
  • Government Debt—A: #18 of 90. This category includes data on the 6 year average per capita debt and total dollar increase in debt
  • Government size—A: #1 out of 90! This category includes data on government spending on salaries and benefits, FTEs per 100k residents, and average public employee salary
  • Crime—B: #36 of 90. This category includes data on violent crime rate, property crime rate, and total crime clearance rate.
  • Education—A: #12 of 90. This category includes data on average school grade and graduation rate.