Find out what's going on in the MPA program this fall!
Fall 2018
News from the MPA Program
Keep in touch with us!
Three $3,000 Fellowships available to Stan State MPA Students

Are you looking for ways to fund your MPA degree studies? Have you earned 10 credits or more in the MPA program with a 3.5 GPA or better? If so, you should apply for the Demergasso Fellowship Award. There are three fellowships available - each for $3,000 - to MPA students at Stanislaus State. Award criteria is based equally on your GPA, quality of resume, and a personal essay about your goals and motivations for your public service career. Download an application here . Applications are due on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 4 pm to .

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Wellman. Current employees of the university are not eligible to receive this award.
MPA Program receives 6-year NASPAA Accreditation

Stan State's MPA program was recently awarded 6-year NASPAA Accreditation through August 31, 2024. As the only NASPAA-Accredited MPA program in the northern San Joaquin Valley region, Stan State strives to uphold the rigorous expectations and commitment to quality public service education expected by NASPAA standards. For more information on NASPAA accreditation and standards, please visit  the NASPAA website.
Students taking Comprehensive Exams in Spring 2019, mark your calendars!
Attend a Comp Info Session on September 28th at 6 pm in Bizzini 133. Learn about the process and ask questions!
Helpful Hints for First-Year MPA Students
Welcome to our 29 brand-new students in the MPA program! A few second-year students, having successfully completed their first year in the program, offered some insights and tips on how to survive your first year in graduate school:

  1. Make friends with your classmates. If you are confused or feeling overwhelmed, it's nice to text a classmate for clarification or moral support
  2. Find a perfect study spot with few distractions
  3. Use a planner to keep track of due dates and assignments
  4. Stay up-to-date on current events. Over time you'll see the topics learned in class have a variety of real-world applications
  5. Don't fall behind. It's harder to catch up than you think
  6. Get clarification when needed and re-read when you don't understand a concept
  7. Think of your peers and professors as friends who are cheering you on
  8. Set aside 5-8 hours of study and homework time per week, per course
  9. Don't hesitate to ask for help
2018 Social Justice Conference
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Social Justice in the Central Valley conference, right here on campus, November 13-15, 2018. Thought-provoking presentations and keynote speakers will focus on the role of public and non-profit agencies in promoting a socially just policy environment in the Central Valley. 

Keynote speakers will be announced soon!
Advising Starts October 15th
Don't forget you must meet with an advisor prior to registering for the Spring 19 semester. Any MPA faculty member can provide advising. Contact them directly to set up an appointment today!
Call for Articles
Have an idea for an article? Want to develop your resume or vita? Consider writing a brief piece for The Exchange. Submissions should be 300 words or less and cover an area of interest to students of public administration.
Contact Dr. Wellman if you're interested!                       
CSU Stanislaus | Master of Public Administration Program | (209) 667-3388