2020 GlobalMindED Conference
June 6-8
Sheraton Denver Downtown
GlobalMindED is a 501(c)(3) innovation network that closes the equity gap through education, entrepreneurship, employment and economic mobility to create a capable, diverse talent pipeline.
Dispositions and Starting School Strong: Teachers, Parents, Learners by Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick 
Co-Directors, Institute for Habits of Mind
"Knowledge of methods alone will not suffice; there must be the desire, the will to employ them. This desire is an affair of personal dispositions."  - John Dewey

How can we start this new school year with a lift of positivity and hope? We suggest that developing dispositions such as persisting, thinking interdependently, striving for accuracy, thinking flexibly and remaining open to continuous learning are a great way to start. These dispositions are also known as Habits of Mind and our research indicates that they are teachable, observable, and can help us confront problems the answers to which are not immediately apparent. (Costa & Kallick, 2008). The term "dispositions" is useful because it indicates that it's not only ability that counts, but also the perception and inclination to make good use of that ability in appropriate situations. When we become more disposed to using these facets of practical intelligence we are developing all students to reach their innate potential for high levels of thinking and intellectual performance for self-actualization and personal contribution (Jackson,2011) We create an inclusive, equity conscious environment critical to success for ALL of us whether in school or in our lives.

We suggest, therefore, that dispositions be included as explicit outcomes when making decisions about what students should know or be able to do as they engage with learning experiences that will prepare them for the complex problems and ambiguities they will face in school and in life.

Herein lies the dilemma - if they are patterns or clusters of behavior, how can we isolate any one and consider that we have an adequate assessment? Can we teach these dispositions directly? How will we know if students are getting any better at demonstrating an attitude of intellectual open-mindedness or curiosity, for example?

We question the paradigm of our present system of assessments that focuses on the acquisition of information rather than focusing on how information is applied and assessed through performances. We make significant judgments based on scores on a reading test without including observations of when and what students voluntarily choose to read? Passing a test on historical facts is valued more than expressing fascination, wonderment and a desire to learn more about an historical event? Bubbling in the correct answer to a complex math problem on an answer sheet does not represent how persisting over time on a problem that demands insight, creative approaches results in the joy of an "a-ha" moment?

When communities are asked what the profile of a graduate from their schools would look like, they name attributes such as "critical and creative thinkers who can be contributing global and local citizens". In other words, they would like to see mindful human beings who can learn from an early age how to draw upon one or more of these dispositions. They learn to meta-cognitively ask themselves such as, "What is the most thought-full action I can take right now?" What do I already know about this problem? What resources do I have available or need to generate? What questions do I need to ask? Who else can work with me on this problem?

Each of these actions involves and reflects the processing of information in our brains. They are robust, firm, sturdy and strong. They are even more challenging than such "cognitive skills" as recalling and understanding information because they require self-awareness, inhibition of impulse, management of internal thought processes, alertness to situational cues, and gathering feedback about  results. As parents and teachers, we must also work to embody those behaviors. Our children imitate the adults they most respect, so as parents and teachers we must work to embody those behaviors. As we all grow and strengthen these dispositions, we will be creating a more thoughtful world.

We hope that you will join Yvette and Bena at the 2020 GlobalMindED conference where you can engage further with these ideas.

References:  Costa, A. and Kallick, B. (2014) Dispositions reframing teaching and learning. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press
Costa, A. and Kallick, B. (2008) Learning and leading with habits of mind: 16 characteristics for success . Alexandria VA: ASCD
Jackson, Yvette (2011) Pedagogy of Confidence. Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York and London

Each session is based on how things get done, key stakeholders, measurements and ability to bring about change at scale. Participants do not spend time talking about their background; time should be devoted to unique, innovative work and what it has achieved. Sessions will be selected based on the following criteria: 

  • Diversity of people and perspectives 
  • Specifics of how to solve a complex issue in the area of access and equity 
  • Evidence-based solutions to our toughest pipeline problems 
  • Demonstrating a unique, innovative and effective approach 
  • Sharing potential pitfalls and hazards faced in the field 
  • Information is impartial to specific products and services 
  • Providing concrete and specific takeaways Involving the audience in creative and constructive engagement


Each Sunday Conscious Capital shares a new "Sustainable Sunday with the SDGs" blog post

193 countries came together to devise a plan to make the world a better place...now it's your turn. What is an SDG? "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations". These goals were created with the intention to transform our world by 2030. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

Over 1/3 of the world's food is wasted. SDG #2 aims to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030.

Invest 2 minutes in Zero Hunger by watching this  short video

by Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi

August 20, 2019 -   Denver, CO

This event brings together civic-minded leaders from enterprise, government, academia, research, impact investors, startups and nonprofits to dive deep into what it takes to create a state full of connected communities. It includes a full day of sessions and workshops designed to enhance collaboration and move innovation forward. The event also features a tech showcase of cutting-edge smart city solutions. Together, we will create the ultimate citizen experience, one partnership at a time. Learn more and register  here

The purpose of this award is to recognize and publicly honor those individuals, institutions or organizations based in the state of Colorado that have made a significant and exemplary contribution to the sustained improvement of the health of multiple populations over an extended period of time in a global health setting. 

Do you know someone who you would like to nominate? Learn more  here.
DEADLINE: September 6, 2019 (midnight)

September 12-13, 2019  
Fritz Knoebel Event Center - University of Denver

GlobalMinded is pleased to partner with TiE Denver International Summit September 13 with a pitch competition on September 12. We have 15 discount passes and would like to share these with you. This summit is focused on the global political and economic impacts (challenges and opportunities) affecting Colorado startup and scale up companies in Manufacturing, Martech, Fin tech, Blockchain, SaaS tech, Digital Heatlh and Health Care solutions. It is designed for Executives, Owners, Investors, Leadership Teams and local to global policy makers. Speakers include the  Consul General of India, CEO's and Execs from Colorado, Dubai, UK, Canada, Mexico, Asia . There are 25+ panelist experts speaking on successes and and challenges of funding, growth and market expansion locally, nationally and globally. Join us to add to the conversation and learn how you can be involved. 

Use code: TiEDenver2019- GM to get in for just $97 if you register 
before August 30 (limited to first 15).

   Register for the conference  here 
OR  Apply to pitch  here 

September 17, 2019  
Trusteeship Council Room United Nations New York, NY

Working together with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), Earth Day Network, Future Coalition, and other partners, the Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) will hold the first annual Global Climate Restoration Forum at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Leading in to the events of the high-level debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly, the Forum will promote the theme and message of climate restoration, focusing on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, restoring ocean ecosystems, and restoring and preserving Arctic ice. Bringing together thought leading practitioners from science, engineering, economics, policy, finance and industry, the Forum aims to discuss why Climate Restoration is an essential framework for climate action, and how we can safely restore a healthy climate in a single generation.

We're inviting people to register via this Eventbrite page and then we'll get back to you by Sept. 2 to confirm your registration, pending availability. 

September 19, 2019  
Ellie Caulkins Opera House - Denver, CO

The Succeeds Prize, presented by Colorado Succeeds, 9NEWS, mindSpark Learning, and Colorado's business leaders - will recognize the state's most transformational and innovative schools and educators through six awards and $150,000. You don't want to miss this live-televised, live-reveal event! Join us for a night of excitement and fun.

The event is FREE to attend, but registration is required.
October 15-16, 2019 - Santa Fe, NM

The conference gathering thought leaders and practitioners from education, technology, policy, HR, and foundations will be held at the Santa Fe Convention Center. 
October 22-24, 2019 - New Orleans, LA

Grantmakers for Education's 23rd annual conference will be held in New Orleans under the theme Supporting Students in Overcoming Adversity: Agency, Justice, Equity. We are taking inspiration from the students who lived through Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent overhaul of the education system. Local successes and challenges will stimulate national conversations about transforming education, from birth through postsecondary success. Drawing on brain science and the latest evidence, we will explore the social, emotional and academic dimensions of learning. Register here.
Ricky Kej, Grammy® Award-Winning Composer and UNESCO Global Ambassador for Kindness, released the trailer  of his latest album SHIVA. It   was recorded live, to an audience of over 7000 people, with 40 musicians from 6 countries and a 300 member choir. The album is an ode to all species, our environment, and humanity. The audio album launches on all leading platforms on the 14th of August 2019. The concert film will premier on the 30th of October 2019 (on a leading streaming platform).
GlobalMindED | 303-327-5688 | contact@globalminded.org | www.globalminded.org