Dear Friend of BWI,

It's getting to be that time of year - when the weather gets a little brisker, faraway family comes home, and we start looking toward the New Year. This holiday season feels particularly special: It's the end not only of 2019, but of a whole decade. And come 2020, Brooklyn Workforce Innovations will be celebrating our 20th anniversary .

Keep an eye out soon for more holiday-related correspondence from us: This year, we'll be sharing with you some amazing stories of graduates and their families. One, Anthony of Brooklyn Woods, is previewed below. In the meantime, we wanted to take a moment to let you know what we've been up to recently. To learn about our dynamic new partnership with a tech training nonprofit and the latest on our expansion and renovation at the Brooklyn Navy Yard , read on.

I couldn't be prouder of what we've accomplished this year, or more excited for what's next. Wishing the same to you and yours this autumn.

Aaron Shiffman
Executive Director

BWI x KindWork

BWI branching into the tech sector? Check out our blog post about an exciting new partnership for us.

Barronarts has long been a strong employer partner of ours - in fact, their wood shop, based in the Navy Yard, is staffed entirely with Brooklyn Woods grads. One of those grads, Anthony , is pictured here (right) with founder Jeff Barron.

You'll be hearing more about Anthony in the coming weeks - he's a father whose training with BWI helped him overcome the challenges of finding work after leaving prison, and he's one of the remarkable grads we're highlighting this holiday season.
Brooklyn Woods graduate Arthur works on a sign that will soon hang in our Navy Yard reception area.
BWI Expansion at the Brooklyn Navy Yard

If you've been following along or contributed to help make it possible, you already know: Our expanded and renovated space at the Brooklyn Navy Yard will open its doors early next month.

In this space, four BWI programs will serve an estimated 2,700 New Yorkers over the next 10 years, including nearby public housing residents.

This positions BWI better than ever to meet rapidly growing local hiring needs.
It's almost the season when we start writing our year-end checks to support causes we care about. Here's a quick behind-the-scenes look at how money is managed at LEAP Inc. d.b.a BWI and what happens when you make a donation. If you have 2 minutes, check it out.
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