Help Us Keep Our Personal Care Shelves Full
Did you know? Food stamps cannot be used for personal care or cleaning products. Families who visit IPM Food Pantry explain that often tweens are sharing deodorant with their parents, moms are washing their hair with dish soap and teen girls are being bullied for the type of feminine products they use. At IPM we believe that certain personal care items are essential to maintain a sense of dignity. February is our annual Caring From the Heart Collection Drive, a time when we focus on collecting personal care items for families in need. Please join us in filling our pantry shelves with personal care items and cleaning products.
Local Neighborhoods Come Together to Give Back
On Monday morning, hundreds of bright green bags began appearing at IPM Food Pantry. As Erica Roodhouse unloaded her car, she explained, "I was visiting my sister on the west coast and learned about this nationwide program. We helped my sister shop for food, collect bags in her neighborhood and drop them off at the local food pantry. I thought about how easy it would be to do this in Cincinnati and knew my neighbors would be on board."

The Neighborhood Food Project began in Portland, Oregon with the idea that if a group of neighbors joined together, they could make a big impact and build a sense of community. Through the generosity of several neighborhoods in the local area, IPM is now experiencing the depth of this impact. Providing more than 700 pounds of food from their first delivery, Federal Hills, Goldengate and Turpin Hills neighborhoods are currently participating, and interest is growing across the community.

Every two months, when families shop for their own groceries, they also pick up a few items to fill a green bag. Neighborhood representatives collect the bags and deliver the food to IPM. As Erica explained, "All of us can practice gratitude when we shop by recognizing that we have neighbors who may not have this same opportunity."
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"This is a way that each of us can share a little something from our own table with those in need." -Erica Roodhouse
IPM Expands its Reach Through Pop Up Pantries
IPM is providing a new service to build food security and increase food access in the community, holding its first Pop-Up Pantry of 2020 to families at Clermont Northeastern Elementary School in Owensville.

As parents entered the building for school conferences, families were given jars of peanut butter and jelly and after-school snacks for their children. Through this Pop-Up Pantry, IPM served over 170 individuals from 46 different families.

According to the school nurse, "There is a huge need in this area. So many parents are working but still struggling to get by." About half of the student body is on free or reduced lunch. Many grandparents are also facing the task of raising their grandchildren, and it is a challenge to put food on the table.
IPM wants families in need to know that we are here to help and hopes to raise awareness about the services available at IPM Food Pantry through our Pop-Up Pantry program.
"Wow! I love peanut butter and jelly! Look at these snacks! Thank you so much." -CNE student

"Having IPM at school with the Pop-Up Pantry was so well-received! I think it was just wonderful. It was such a blessing to the families. I hope we can find more ways to partner to serve families in our community." -Lori, School Nurse
IPM is a choice food and clothing pantry that serves clients in eastern Hamilton County, Clermont County and western Brown County through education, encouragement and support. With your help, IPM has opened its doors to those in need for over 55 years. Your contributions make all the difference.


Alida Hart and the IPM Team
IPM Thanks Our Pantry Partners for Ongoing Support!
Dawn Management

Doscher's Candies

Gardner Business Media, Inc.

Lykins Energy Solutions

The Motz Group

Ohio Valley Productions

Park National Bank

J.A. Trautmann Realtors

Savor Seasonings, LLC

Jeff Wyler Automotive Family

Inter Parish Ministry | (513) 561-3932 | |