October 21 - November 1, 2019 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS . The Upcoming Events calendar is below.
Full Steam Ahead! 

We are close to our goal of $2M (plus!) for our building's renewal. As of Wednesday October 23, 147 households have pledged $1.482M .
With just a few days left until our deadline of October 31, we have made it very easy to make your pledge: click  HERE  to pledge electronically. Or stop by the Capital Campaign table in the foyer after each service.
Your Campaign pledge may be spread over 3 years, in various amounts, or you can pay it all up front. And there are several ways to make a tax-deductible gift from your savings and/or other assets. Remember, too, that Endowment is matching all gifts up to $500,000. 
Let's show our commitment to our beloved spiritual home with 100% participation of TUCW members. And thank you, in advance, for all you are doing to make this Capital Campaign be as successful as it can be.
Thanks to all who attended the Town Hall meeting last Sunday. Historic Preservation Consultant Tod Bryant, who has been hired to help us acquire landmark status, discussed the process of being listed in the CT State Register of Historic Places. This will help us secure tax credits and grant money for up to $100,000 to be used in the restoration and/or repairs of our building.

Jean Carroon and Pam Clemens, architects from GC, offered their initial recommendations for work to be done. Tim Klepps and Chad McCullough from Turner Construction were there to answer questions and respond to concerns about the project.
We're in the News! Click  HERE  to read about TUC W and our campaign featured in The Patch . It's inspirational and will make you proud.

LOOK AGAIN! photo entries are due November 1. Click  HERE to see entries so far. Submit to Rob Herman at Subject line:  CHURCH PICTURES.
October 31, 2019
Architect's Presentation to Congregation
November 3 - after 11:00 AM service
Congregational Vote on Building Improvements
November 24 - after 11:00 AM service
See Capital Campaign website for all info, and email:
The holidays are coming and you know what that means...
Holiday Boutique!!

Now is the time to donate your jewelry and scarves.  Also, broken gold and silver jewelry.

Bring your contributions to the Church Office and include your name so we can say thank you.
Family Faith:
Soulful Home: Belonging Mantra of the Month: "You belong here"

Write a note and put it on the fridge, maybe a sticky note on the mirror, any place you want for the whole family to see it. 
Ask each other: "In what ways do we belong to each other?"
In the car, around the dinner table, or at bedtime. 

For the complete October Soulful Home Packet, email Rev Shelly or pick one up at church on the Faith Formation table. 
Neighboring Faiths -
JUDAISM Oct. 24 - Nov. 8
Session 2: Experience Led by Rainy Broomfield.
Friday, Nov. 1, 6:30 PM - Temple Israel
Followed by discussion with Rabbi.
Optional: Community dinner $20.

For info on the Neighborhood Faiths program, click HERE .
Register with
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and offered in October and November. Visit Adult Faith Formation on our website or email leaders should you want more information; many have been featured in prior Soundings.
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House Buddhist Practice Group Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis. No mtng 10/28 .

Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM. Rev. John's Office thru November 18. Grief Support Group or

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. Meeting House The Power of Now

Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 PM thru Nov. 6. East Wing. Women, Spirit and Imagination

F ridays 6:00-9:00 PM Meeting House Neighboring Faiths Program. Some dates, locations vary. Check website or

Monthly, various dates and times. Small group ministry meetings . These must be signed-up for ahead of time as they depend on host availability, group size etc.
All women are welcome at all events.

Women, Spirit and Imagination

October 30, Cathy Paine offers ' As the Spirit Moves You '

RSVP for events by email:

Learn about more upcoming events at

Join our mailing list HERE.
The Beardsley School:
Social Justice in Action, Part II
( missed Part I? catch up by clicking HERE )

The Beginning. One big question facing TUCW in 2001 was which social justice initiative should the congregation consider. After considering other options, members voted to adopt the entire Beardsley School rather than one particular classroom, and the first Beardsley Committee, composed of Dan Iacovella, Kate McGraw, and Lenora Harris Field, began its work.

By 2003 the Committee included three women: Kate McGraw, a Special Education Administrator in the Westport School System, Mary Beth Mollica, a TUCW parent dedicated to improving education in Bridgeport, and Ruth Fine, another TUCW member who, with her husband, Roy, provided the impetus for our annual Very Fine Lifetime Volunteer Service Award. For many, many years these 3 women were the ‘face’ of the Beardsley committee, working doggedly... READ MORE
Refugee Coat Drive
As the weather gets colder, CIRI (CT Institute for Refugees & Immigrants) is seeking NEW winter coats for our clients.

Coats can be brought to church and placed on the social justice table in the foyer or delivered directly to CIRI at 670 Clinton Ave., Bridgeport.

PLEASE CLICK HERE to indicate which coats you will be providing so that we get the right match of coats needed and coats supplied.

Thank you.
Immigration & Refugee Outreach co-chairs, Marjolijn de Jager & Kathy Roberts
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 3 women have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner and physical violence is only one form, often the most obvious, that domestic violence takes. On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines nationwide receive over 20,000 calls.

Wendy Levy and David Vita represent our congregation on the Westport Domestic Violence Task Force. They're looking for folks to organize collecting supplies - from underwear to bed linens - for the women and children in our local “safe houses." Time required: a few hours a month. If interested or for more information please contact David Vita at 203.227.7205 x14 or .
Child care is provided for Sunday Services and on an as needed basis for other events. Organizers of events should contact  Nate Pawelek  to arrange child care.
Mon Oct 28
Bell Choir - 6:45
NVC Practice Group - WW - 7:00
Grief Support Group - Rev. John's office - 7:00

Wed Oct 30
Teen Choir - 6:00
TUCWomen's Workshops - EW - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00
Chamber Choir - 7:45

Thurs Oct 31
Children's Choir at 5:00
Women's & Men's Choir - 7:45

Fri Nov 1
7th-9th OWL Meeting, MH - 6:00

Sat Nov 2
ARM - EW - 12:00

Sun Nov 3
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
2nd-3rd Grade - Pine Rm - 11:00
4th-7th Grade - MH - 11:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Immigration Social Action - EW - 12:30
Congregation Town Hall - Sanctuary - 12:30
Mon Nov 4
Buddhist Practice Group - MH - 6:30
Voices Cafe Committee - WW - 6:30
Bell Choir - 6:45
Grief Support Group - Rev. John's office - 7:30
O&AS - 7:45

Wed Nov 6
Teen Choir - 6:00
TUCWomen's Workshops - EW - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00
Eliminating racism - Lib - 7:30
Chamber Choir - 7:45

Thurs Nov 7
Leadership Development Team - Rev. John's office - 12:30
Children's Choir at 5:00
Internship Committee - WW - 6:30
Women's & Men's Choir - 7:45

Fri Nov 8
Shawl Ministry - MH - 12:30

Sat Nov 9
Pastoral Care Chaplains - MH - 1:00

Sun Nov 10
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
PreK-7th start downstairs - Chapel - 11:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Newcomers’ Orientation - Rev. John’s office - 12:30
TUCWomen Brown Bag Lunch - MH - 12:30
Climate Change Conversation - Sanctuary - 12:30
All Adult Choirs Potluck - EW - 4:00

If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email .

CLICK HERE  to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...  please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing .

For a complete listing of all upcoming activities, see our church calendar. Click here.

The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
  WE INSPIRE  and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT  through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
  WE ACT  in the service of peace and justice.