The Altruism or Barbarianism?
Based on Dr. Solomon's latest booklet.
Our country claims to be civilized
With many social advancements,
But the pattern in recent years
Has served to deny such enhancement.
Multiplied millions of babies are killed
Made legal in our nation,
And with taxes of God-fearing citizens,
Diverted to support such degradation!
The ‘hit men’ now are doctors,
Who have sworn to do no harm;
But the fate of millions of babies
Are killed with bodies warm!
Some doctors have a lucrative business
Being a killer for hire—
Denying their oath to do no harm
When for wealth they do aspire.
Nine justices in black robes
Conspired to make killing legal;
Though they had foibles with us all,
They acted as though they’re regal!
Multiplied millions have lost their lives
With approval of the Court;
Both babies and would-be mothers
Have much suffering of import.

Abortion sounds better than murder
Though the end result is the same;
Modern man has learned to cover his tracks
By giving unpleasant acts a new name.

Retarded is now ‘mentally challenged’
Which doesn’t help the person involved;
But it does something for the onlooker,
From pangs of conscience he is absolved!
The abortionist usually stops a beating heart
And tries to sanctify it with terms;
The bottom line is still the same
That the little person no longer exists it affirms.
Killing a living person is yet a crime
And the mass killer gets punishment severe,
But doctors are handsomely remunerated
When they kill thousands in a year!

Socially acceptable terms may help here
But God will judge by the end result.
Every man must answer for his deeds
Whether in mainstream religion or a cult.
Such sin can be addressed while here,
But it certainly will be hereafter;
Abortionists may try to joke on earth,
But at final judgment there will be no laughter!

Hitler is rightly condemned
For 6 million Jews to be killed,
But we have killed 60 million babies
As their little hearts were stilled!
For two centuries God has blessed us
Since we have been a God-fearing nation;
But that appellation no longer fits,
So we will know His condemnation!

We must humble ourselves and pray,
Confessing heinous sin as a nation,
Or we will certainly not be blessed
With such sin to be our ruination!
God has graciously withheld judgment
But His patience is wearing thin;
If we fail to judge ourselves,
Our country will fall from within!

C. R. Solomon
If you are one of the thinkers that aborting babies is limited to vacuum aspiration, dilation stimulation, labor induction, hysterotomy and surgical removal , then you are one of the deceived. Satan started with one lady who hated children, particularly black children, and set out to remove their existence by establishing the largest global organization of human destruction (Planned Parenthood) - all through birth control. 
SR Phinney
Please join our abortion polling!
Before today, did you realize Margaret Sanger's focus was birth control?

Dr. Charles R. Solomon
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