Dear Residents,

We wanted to provide the community with a few updates regarding the upcoming projects.

Pool & Pool Deck Repairs: The Board has selected American Pools as our new pool service provider. American Pools is working diligently to restore the pool equipment in order for residents to use the pool while we finalize the scope of work and selection of finishes. Although the pool deck area is open for residents to use, we ask that you do not swim in the pool until further notice.

Parking Lot Structure: Earlier this month the Board selected South Coast Paint and Restoration to complete the garage repairs. At this time the contractor and engineer are working together to obtain the permit to commence the repairs. In the meantime we ask those residents that are displaced to refrain from blocking other parking spaces or within the affected closed off areas.

Roof Replacement Project: The Board has selected Best Roofing to complete the Roof Replacement Project. At this time Best Roofing is obtaining the permit in order to commence the work. We anticipate this project starting before year-end.

We will continue to provide information and updates as we have them available. We want to thank you all for your continued support.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Management Office.


Your Board of Directors
Gables Terrace Condominium Association Inc. |