Stewardship is a vital part of keeping our church's ministries alive.
Youth attend Presbyterian Youth Triennium
with Stu Bear
Stu Bear joins in the Sunday School activities.
Find out about Stu Bear's Interaction with Christian Education on 10/20/19 REVISED

My apologies for the earlier, incorrect version of this information.

Your gifts make a difference in our Christian Education ministry. The CE ministry provides educational opportunities for the congregation’s children, youth, and adults/families. This includes Sunday School, a Christmas pageant, youth group, confirmation class, and more. Join us to hear and see more about what Stu Bear learned during his visits among our CE ministry activities during the service this coming Sunday, October 20 at 10:00 a.m. at First Pres.

Thank you for supporting our C Ministry as part of this year's stewardship campaign!
And mark your calendars for this:
Stewardship Sunday
November 3, 2019
10:00 a.m. Worship - Pledge cards will be received
11:00 a.m. Church Pot-Luck Dinner to follow Worship service
First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay | (920) 437-8121 | |