Message from the Coordinator of Alumni Engagement
Hi, Alumni!
THANK YOU to all of the alumni and friends who donated to the Means to Succeed campaign. With your help, we doubled our original goal, raising $100,000 for the Student Emergency Fund. These types of funds are needed like never before. By helping students meet their basic needs like food and shelter, they are better positioned to complete their college education. Your donations truly give them the means to succeed.
Enjoy this issue of the Gazebo e-newsletter!
All My Best,
COVID Update
Spring classes will be mostly remote & online with designated hands-on classes meeting on campus.
At Bucks, our learning environment encourages a diverse robust engagement among students, staff, and the community at large.
Attention Teachers:
We want to celebrate YOU!
Calling all alumni who have careers in education! Whether you teach in public or private school, early education, elementary, secondary, or higher education, we want to hear from you!
Educators are wearing many hats these days. Some are working remotely, some are back in the classroom full time, and others are hybrid -- teaching students in the classroom AND on a computer screen AT THE SAME TIME! It is truly heroic.
In honor of National American Education Week, November 16-20, we want to CELEBRATE YOU. Tell us where you teach, your current classroom situation, and how you are holding up during this challenging time. Feel free to include a picture. Email Give us the scoop and we will include your story in the November e-newsletter!
Student Samantha Gillespie '21
What It Means to Succeed
Alumni Council Spotlight: Walt Stoertz '77
Walt Stoertz is a proud 1977 graduate of Bucks, and the current treasurer of the Bucks County Community College Alumni Council.
“My experience as a student at Bucks provided me with a college education at an affordable cost while allowing me the flexibility to study and work close to home. It served as an excellent starting point in preparing me for my continued academic and professional training which served me through a successful 35 year career in the Federal Judiciary. “
A retired executive with the United States Courts, Walt served in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania for 35 years, first as the administrator for the Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court, then as the Chief Deputy Clerk of the U. S. Bankruptcy Court as well as the Acting Clerk of the U. S. Bankruptcy Court.
Yes he is retired, but that doesn't mean Walt is not busy! In addition to dedicating his time to the Alumni Council, he is a Board Member on the Bucks County Playhouse Artists Board of Directors where he is the chair of the Discovery/Education Committee, and a member of the New Hope Historic Society. In his free time he enjoys lending assistance and care to his elderly friends and neighbors in the community.
Walt is an active and enthusiastic member of the Alumni Council, saying, "It has been a personally rewarding experience working on the Council with such a compassionate and professional group of former graduates. The camaraderie and friendships that I have gained have made participating in fund raising activities for students and student services at the college all the more satisfying."
Since 1983, the Alumni Council has provided leadership and a means for Bucks alumni to unite in their efforts to support and strengthen the institution. Bucks is always looking for passionate alumni to help expand alumni and student activities. If you are interested in becoming an active member of the Alumni Council, please contact the Alumni Office at
Centurions Caring for Centurions:
Food Drive
The Honors@Bucks Club and the Alumni Council will be working together to support Bucks students in need this Thanksgiving holiday. The food drive will run from Oct. 12th to Nov. 12th. Help us add grocery store gift cards to each of the Thanksgiving meal bags by making a monetary donation HERE. If you would like to donate food items, sign up HERE.
Student Government Association Election Results
The winners for the student body election for the Student Government Association (SGA) are in!
Congratulations to the following students:
Blake Churchill '21 -- President
Samantha Gillespie '21 -- Vice President
Nicholas Berube '22 -- Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Read the article by student Leah Miller, in The Centurion newspaper, HERE.
Congratulations, Nursing Students!
Great News! The passing rate for the Associate Degree Nursing Program test takers from 10/1/19 to 9/30/20 is 94%! This was the first attempt for all of the test takers. Congratulations!
The Nursing Program staff would like to thank everyone who supported the students from the Class of 2019 and the Class of 2020! "This is a wonderful achievement, especially during the added stressors experienced in our current pandemic. The students could not have reached for their dream of becoming a Registered Nurse without everyone sharing their expertise with them and cheering them on along the way," said Maureen Murt, Director and Associate Professor, Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Join Open House October Online with ‘Parents Night In’ Oct. 29
Series of virtual events includes Instagram takeovers by current students, Facebook live Q&As, and a special live session on Zoom just for parents and guardians.
Spring Semester Courses to Remain Mostly Online
College President Stephanie Shanblatt says students will be allowed on campus for courses that require hands-on components, extending the plan put in place this fall
In the interest of protecting the health and safety of the community. Students can come to campus only for courses that have a required hands-on component.
Bucks Book Club November 19
One of the many perks of being a Bucks alumnus is that you can participate in the book club! Join staff, students and other alumni on November 19th for a virtual discussion of Me and White Supremacy Sign up by clicking on the flyer below. You will receive an email with the Zoom details the day before the event.
Learn more about the Bucks Alumni Association.
Real world experience is priceless. Volunteer to speak to students in the classroom.
Interested in getting involved? Contact:
Christine Harvie
Coordinator of Annual Fund & Alumni Engagement
(215) 968-8461
Recently moved, new job, personal or professional news you'd like to share? Make an update and claim your Bucks Alumni digital badge.