August 22, 2019
The Good and Beautiful God

“God wants me to try harder." "God blesses me when I'm good and punishes me when I'm bad." "God is angry with me." We all have ideas that we tell ourselves about God and how God works in our lives. Some are true--but many are false. James Bryan Smith believes those thoughts determine not only who we are, but how we live. In fact, Smith declares, the most important thing about a person is what they think about God. Beginning September 8 th , we will embark on a church-wide journey of discipleship using Smith’s  Good and Beautiful  book series.

 Through this journey you are invited to put your ideas to the test to see if they match up with what Jesus himself reveals about God. Once you've discovered the truth in Scripture, you will journey through a process of spiritual formation that includes specific activities aimed at making these new narratives real in your body and soul as well as your mind. This deep, loving and transformative journey will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by--to know the Lord he knew and the kingdom he proclaimed--and to practice spiritual exercises that will help you grow in the knowledge of our good and beautiful God.

Join us on this journey! If you are not involved in a Sunday School class, NOW is a great time to become involved. Judy Mobley, Sunday School Chair, or one of our ministers would love to help you discern which class is best for you!

Portions of this introduction were taken from the back cover of the book
Sullivan Sunday
August 25

During both worship services we will recognize our partnership with Sullivan Middle School. Principal Juan Roldan will be at both services, and will participate in a covenant ceremony, as we formally commit to supporting this school through prayer and volunteer opportunities. Faculty and staff have been invited to join us as well. As a way of showing our support to Sullivan teachers we encourage you to bring a few school supplies with you on the 25th. All supplies that are donated that day will be given to the school.
Promotion Sunday
August 25

As a new school year begins, our children and youth will begin a new year of Sunday School, as well. Many will move to a new classroom with a new teacher. Click below to see a list of class locations for the upcoming year.

During worship we will recognize our second graders and present them with a Bible that they will use each week in Sunday School. We will also have a special time of encouragement and prayer for students, teachers and administrators. We ask that your children bring their backpacks to church on the 25th. Children will receive a special bag tag for their backpacks and then we will lead the congregation in a VBS song from this summer! "Leaning on the Everlasting arms".
Do you volunteer with our children or youth?

This year the Preschool and Children’s Committees, along with Kim Shaw, Leigh Reynolds, Megan Paat and the Safety Committee, have worked to review and revise the OBC Child Protection Policy. Part of this policy requires that all who work with our children and youth be trained on the policy and attend annual training in order to keep our children, youth and workers safe. Also included in the update to the policy is the requirement that all who work with our children and youth have a background check before working with our children and youth and every three years thereafter.
We are hosting 2 training sessions this August. All workers (Sunday School, Wednesday night activities, overnight chaperone, etc) need to attend one of the sessions. If you work with children or youth at OBC and are unable to attend one of these dates, please reach out to Kim Shaw, Leigh Reynolds or Meredith Westbrook. Parents are also welcome to attend one of the training sessions.

Please click below to sign up for one of the sessions
August 18th at 4PM - snacks will be served
August 25th at Noon - light lunch will be served
Childcare is available
It's a BREEZE!
August 27 & 29

Now that you've had some time to familiarize yourself with Breeze, our new Church Management Software, we hope you will join us for one of our upcoming training sessions so you can learn more about its many capabilities. It's so much more than just a directory! Come learn how to use Breeze to access important documents, communicate with your class/group, check-in to your Sunday School class, {easily} give online and more!

Breeze Training:
August 27 @ Noon in the Fellowship Hall (this is in conjunction with the monthly Merry Makers gathering)
August 29 @ Noon in the Fellowship Hall
August 29 @ 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall

If you have yet to receive information about downloading this app and logging into it, please email Leigh ( If you would like help downloading this app during the training, please know your Apple ID password, if you have an iPhone.
Attention all Merry Makers, Leigh will be offering a training session for “Breeze” during our luncheon on August 27th.  Make sure you bring your phones  so that if you have not downloaded Breeze yet you will be able to get it done that day. Also, if you have an iPhone you will need to know your Apple ID password to complete the download. Breeze is an awesome app and everyone should learn how to use it! Anyone that plans to attend this luncheon please fix a covered dish to bring along with $2 to cover the cost of chicken.It will be a fun day of fellowship, eating and learning.   
How would you like to serve at OBC?

Our Nominating Committee will soon begin filling spots on committees for the upcoming year. Please let us know which committee(s) interest you most by clicking the button below or by signing up on the list outside of the main office. You are not committing yourself to any committees, you are simply indicating interest. Thank you for your willingness to serve.
September 1 @ 10:30AM

Join us in the Sanctuary for ONE Worship as Butch and Nell Green lead us in worship, and bring updates on the great work they are doing in the Houston area. Representatives from CBF SC will also be present as we sign an Encourager Covenant with Butch and Nell. Sunday School will begin at 9:30AM.
Tuesday Night Ladies Bible
Beginning September 3

Through Adam Hamilton's book Moses, we will retrace the life of Moses from his modest birth and rescue as a baby, to the courts of Pharaoh, to herding flocks in Midian, to leading his people out of Egypt, and finally to gazing on the Promised Land. Hamilton uses historical insights, archaeological data, and the biblical text, to explore how this reluctant prophet grew in his relationship with God. He also shows us how we can overcome our own hesitancy to act boldly for the Lord. God shaped Moses’ life and character and can shape ours also.

Join us on Tuesdays beginning on September 3 from 6:15PM - 7:30PM as we study one of the most cited and most influential characters in the Bible. The study will begin with the Introduction on 9/2 and will continue for 6 additional weeks. Books are $9. Contact Shirley Bailey, Patti Robinette, or the church office if you want to join us. We’d love to have YOU!! 
It's Nacho Average Wednesday
September 4

Join us for a fun FIESTA as we kickoff another great year. In QUESO you aren't convinced, there will be a NACHO bar with all your favorite toppings from 5PM until 6PM. Following dinner we will unveil our theme for 2019-2020 and TACO about the exciting ways we will embody this theme through worship, fellowship, study and service this year. The cost is $6.50 (128 pesos) for those who are in 6th grade and above, $3.50 (68 pesos) for those in 5th grade and below. $25 max (492 pesos) per family.

CHIP CHIP! HOORAY! it's going to be a fun FIESTA. Please let us know if you plan to join us by clicking the button below.
Beginning September 8th, our early worship service "8:45 @ OBC" will be held in the Sanctuary. This service will still have a contemporary and relaxed feel.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well maybe not quite, unless you're in Hobby Lobby, but nonetheless it's not too early to plan for Christmas! We have a limited number of tickets to Dave Barnes A Very Merry Christmas, which is part of Blumenthal's Christmas lineup. If you are not familiar with Dave Barnes, his music is similar to Jim Brickman's and quick google search will provide a preview of his music.

This concert begins at 7:30PM on December 12th. Tickets are $30. We will take the bus and stop for dinner before enjoying this great concert together. If you would like to join us please contact Missy in the church office to reserve your spot ( .
The Drop Box at the Ministry Center is now closed until further notice to give volunteers some catch-up time. We are requesting that ALL clothing be held until an announcement is made that we are receiving clothing. This includes clothing brought through the front doors. We are especially requesting that no items be left outside the drop box or front door, for creatures and inclement weather may ruin them. We have no choice but to trash such items. We do appreciate donations and do not mean in any way to discourage giving to us — we just need time to catch up, so please hold your clothing items until further notice. Housewares and toys may be brought in through the front doors Wed. or Sat. mornings 9–11:30, but NO CLOTHING, please. Thank you for your cooperation, Caroline Krueger
September 8-15

We will be hosting Family Promise September 8-15. Please consider being an overnight host! This is an easy volunteer opportunity that can be shared with the whole family. As on overnight host, you arrive at OBC by 8PM, hang out in the Fellowship Hall for a couple hours, and then go to sleep! It's really that easy. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to get to know some of our Family Promise guests. There are two rooms for overnight hosts, so you can sign up as an individual or a family. Please click the link below to sign up. If you have any questions, contact Karen Neal (
Wednesday Nights @ OBC

Beginning September 11 our Wednesday night programs for all ages will be back in full swing! There will be a few changes to better accommodate schedules, especially those of our young friends who need to sleep and their older siblings who need to finish homework.

Dinner: 5PM - 6PM in the Gym
Adult Bible Study: 6PM - 6:45PM in the Chapel
Youth Bible Study: 6PM - 6:45PM in the Youth Room
Children's Choirs (3 years old - 5th grade) : 6PM - 6:40PM
Children's Bells (4th & 5th grade): 6:40PM - 7:00PM
We are excited to present a new Children’s Music curriculum, “Growing in Grace” this year! This series, produced by Choristers Guild, one of the leaders in Children’s Choral Music, is designed for three years old – 5th grade. The Music components are much the same as Kindermusik with a religious aspect of learning. There are lots of fun activities and the music is very well done! Please sign -up by clicking below.
Missions & Discipleship for Children

Children (Kindergarten -5th Grade) are invited to a special time of discipleship based on the church-wide Good and Beautiful trilogy study which will include an emphasis on missions. The discipleship time will help our children learn what Jesus did and how to follow his example. The mission time will allow our children to put what they've learned into practice.

This Fall we will meet from 5PM-6PM on the following Sundays:
September 8 & 22
October 6 & 13
November 3 & 17
CBF Coordinator
September 29 @ 5:30PM

In conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina we will be hosting a regional meet and greet on the evening of September 29th with new CBF Executive Coordinator, Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley. This will be an opportunity to hear about his passions, learn about his vision for CBF and fellowship with our brothers and sisters from other CBF congregations.

We will gather in the gym at 5:30PM for dinner followed by a conversation with Rev. Dr. Baxley. Dinner is $6.50 / person. Please click the button below to sign up.
October 18-20

Ladies of OBC, you are invited to enjoy a weekend of fellowship, rest, renewal, Bible study and worship in the beautiful NC mountains as together we "Grow with God." This retreat will be led by Leigh Reynolds.

The cost is $175 and includes lodging and all meals. For more information about this retreat click the "more information" button below.

To sign up click the "sign me up" button below. A $50 deposit is also due by August 25th to reserve a spot.
Save the Date for our Veterans Day Luncheon
November 10

For the past 5 years, Oakland Baptist Church has hosted a Veterans Day luncheon for the veterans of OBC and their spouses. This year we will continue the tradition with the addition of recognizing parents and grandparents of active military personnel. Veterans Day is the day that Congress set aside as a federal holiday to honor all American veterans. It is only appropriate that we recognize and honor our own. The Military Task Force invites you to attend a luncheon at 12:30PM on November 10, in the gym to help us as we attempt to do just that.More information will be coming soon. 
Click the button below for an electronic copy of our current Ministry Guide. Within the Ministry Guide you will find an outline of our goals for the year as well as information about many of our opportunities and activities.
Join Us Online!
Even if you can't make it to OBC on Sunday, we hope you will still join us for worship. Our traditional service is streamed live each week. For easy access, bookmark the link below or subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Thank you for helping us be the presence of Christ at the crossroads of life through your financial contributions. Click the button to give online.  You will be directed to a secure PayPal link which allows you to use your debit or credit card to make online contributions.
August 25: Sue O'Neal, Amanda Smith, Jennifer Bailey
August 29: Joe Sherer, Lori Hoffman, Skye Maloney, Jack Hudson
Serving in Worship
August 18, 2019

Deacon of the Week: Alice Davis

8:45AM Worship Audio: Ralph Bailey
11:00AM Worship Audio: Johnny Snipes, Darren Shaw

Acolyte: Delaney Davis
Crucifer: Blake Davis

Worship Greeters: Donna Murray, Phil Sharpton, Ann Gibson, Charles Gregory, Frank Knotts

8:45 AM Worship Childcare: Staff
11:00 AM Worship Childcare: Staff

Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4
Scripture: Anthem: Kumbayah
Click the button below to see what's happening at OBC this month.
August 18, 2019

Budget Total Receipts: $28,766.oo
Budget Needed Weekly: $18,401.00
Budget Required YTD: $607,233.00
Budget Received YTD: $560,093.67
Over/(Under) Budget:$ (47,139.33)
Expenses YTD: $519,816.50
Got News?
If you have an announcement for the Weekly Update, please send it to the church office by Monday at noon!
If you have an emergency or need to speak with one of our ministers after 5 PM during the week or over the weekend, please call 803-328-3864 and press 4 to leave a message for the on call minister. Your phone call will be returned quickly.