House of Needlepoint News.....
September 2020

Heidi M. shows off her beautifully stitched Doolittle Taurus Pillow!
Remaining Finishing Deadlines 

October 15th
~simple ornaments*

November 24th
~ Leather Backed Belts 
~ Dog Collars
~ Key Fobs

December 11th
~ Self Finishing Boxes 
~ Luggage Tags 
~ Snap Trays

*Many of you know our finishing deadlines have been altered this spring/summer due to the increased number of projects brought in for finishing during COVID.  There's just a lot more stitching going on. We understand your frustrations as some of you have rushed to meet new deadlines or forgo the hope of having something(s) ready for the holidays. We have been looking for and have found other ornament and pillow finishers who can still finish those items for the holidays.  Please contact us if you'd like further details. Be advised their services 
are more expensive.  
Stitches of the Month

This canvas was worked in a variety of stitches to give it texture and enhance the patchwork or "cubist" design.

Blue Circle:  Diagonal Mosaic
Red Circle: Upright Cross
Purple Circle: Skip Stitch
Green Circle:  T-Stitch
Click on stitch name to pull up chart.
Look What's New

***Just In*** 
Designer Champagne Bottles by 
Upcoming Trunk Shows
Store Hours
Quick Links

It's that time of year again....
Schools are going back in one form or another, vacations and staycations are winding down and whether it's back to work or school in person, remotely or hybrid (the combination of the two) we know you look to us for inspiration with new projects and old. We are incredibly thankful for your continued patronage and patience with our new guidelines and restrictions. We are committed to keep you happily stitching in these challenging times!

That being said stop in and see our beautiful Jean Smith Trunk Show. For Charley Harper fans, please note his canvases will be at 
HON  in October. 

Canvases in both shows will be 
20% OFF
Now ~ Thursday, September 26th
All Canvases 20% OFF
(including special orders)

Primarily know for her florals & vegetables, Jean's line also includes colorful and fun animals, perfect for a child's room. Almost all the canvases are on 13m and come in a variety of sizes from 4" sq. coasters to 8", 10", 12" and 14" squares. Some are very detailed and others are simpler color blocks. There is a canvas for every stitcher from beginner to advanced.
We thought it was time for another contest!  So many people are stitching right now and looking for new things to do.  This is the perfect time to get your creative juices flowing, use up some of your yarn stash
and try a new stitch or two.
Stop by and pick up your canvas on 13m or 18m. They have been outlined with the option to make a round or square design.

Winner will receive FREE finishing and 20% OFF an in-store canvas and threads of her choice.

will receive 15% OFF an in-store canvas.

All entries must be turned in by the end of October for voting and winner notification. Voting is open to anyone who is on our email list. Encourage your stitching friends to join our list if they are interested in participating.

*We have lots of sale threads if you're looking for something specific.