Reflections with Fr. Mark
Dear Parishioners,

Jesus spent his years on earth relieving the suffering of others. We are called to do the same by bringing healing to those who suffer in our midst. Today, we celebrate St. Maximillian Kolbe who demonstrated his love for Christ while offering his life as a substitute to save the life of a young father chosen at random for starvation by their Nazi captors. Would you have been able to make this choice like Fr. Kolbe?  Most of us could not.

Yet, each one of us is called to help alleviate suffering where we find it. It is in the face of the poor, the depressed, the lonely, the sick, and so on.  Sometimes, when we focus on ourselves, we become more of a burden than a help to anyone.  So, today, think of someone in your journey that is suffering during this time and pray with them or for them and their well-being.  In doing so, you will find healing for yourself.

Lord, bring healing upon our world that suffers the scars of inhumanity and selfishness.  Touch our hearts with the light of your wisdom and endow us with the will to love you in our neighbor. Bring me the peace I need to carry on and accept the Cross of this daily journey. Strengthen me to be an instrument of your Presence, broken as I am. May these days of challenge and darkness bring a renewed sense of faith to all who seek You.  

Open wide the doors of holiness and wholeness, restoring the Body of Christ, the Church, and the unity you call forth from us.  Lord may our journey end here and begin again in your accepting embrace of love.


Fr. Mark
'Drive-thru' Confessions Resume this Saturday

'Drive-thru' Confessions will resume on Saturday, Aug. 15, at 1:00 pm and continue at 1:00 pm every Saturday until further notice. Please wear a mask and drive through the church parking lot where you will be directed through the back alley to approach one of the priests who will hear your brief confession from outside the passenger side of the car.  

If there are multiple people in the car, the passenger/s may exit and stand at a safe distance and we will come to them after hearing the driver’s confession. This is not a prolonged counseling moment: we want anybody who wants a brief confession following these months of lockdown to have the opportunity, so please be prepared and expedient. Please drive out safely the rear gate onto Live Oak Avenue.
Missalettes Available for Home Use

Missalettes will be available for parishioners to pick up for use at home
at the Communion Reception Line beginning Sunday, August 16. The line is open Sundays, 10:00-10:45 am.

Due to safety concerns with the Covid-19 virus, we will not be using the missalettes and music issues in the Church for the remainder of the year. Donations gratefully accepted.