Back to school is a busy time for everyone, especially Seniors who are applying to college. Keep a close eye on deadlines as each college and program has their own unique set of requirements. 
Sophomores and Juniors, start off the year with a plan of what you want to achieve and how. This will make the year more productive and less overwhelming. 
Freshmen, good luck acclimating to high school. This is the time to get the lay of the land and figure out where you can fit in and what you will need to do to succeed.

Senior Timeline
Keep an eye on deadlines. 

Junior Timeline 
Start off the year with a plan of what you want to achieve and how.  

Sophomore Timeline

Time to think about the future.

ED/EA How To Decide

This time of year, we have numerous conversations with our clients about whether or not or where to apply Early Decision or Early Action. 

So how do you decide? Click on the article below to read more.

What's Happening Now
Good luck with your final year of high school. We are here to help you with your applications.
Take a deep breath and get started on a challenging, but hopefully exciting year. We are available to help you develop your college list and plans for the coming year.
Sophomores and Freshmen:  
Enjoy the school year. We are ready to help you find your unique angle for success.
Follow the journeys of eleven students as they navigate the college application process and search for the right fit schools. Getting into their heads as they make decisions about which extracurricular activities to pursue, which schools to apply to, and which topics to choose for their essays will help you think about your own process in a more strategic way. Order Here .
Check us out on social media for up-to-date articles on college admissions!