Shores Business News
Ocean Shores Poised for Solid Financial Future
As we close out 2021, the City of Ocean Shores is poised for a solid financial future. The assessed value of the City of Ocean Shores is up by over $576 million from 2016 to 2021.
Additional Statistics:
- 45% over where we were on sales tax at this time two years ago
- 42% over in our new home starts and building permits
- 50% over in our hotel/motel tax revenue
- Real estate excise tax is up almost 89%
Looking towards next year, the City expects new construction to be at approximately $78 million in 2022, and with these numbers Ocean Shores will be the highest valued city in Grays Harbor.
Traffic trends likewise indicate that all of our local growth hasn’t stopped tourists from coming into town. Starting in 2019, the city began receiving the largest number of tourists on record with over 5 million visitors to the city according to our traffic reports. With a full month left in 2021, the City has already hit the 5 million visitor mark and we anticipate breaking all of our previous records.
Fresh Waterways
As we close out the year, we also are in the process of wrapping up the second year of the biennium budget. One of the most pressing budget items before the City Council is the stormwater rate increase that’s needed to help maintain and revitalize our fresh waterways. During the most recent election campaign, hundreds of citizens came together to sign a petition pleading with the City to do more to assist our fresh waterways.
In an effort to support the Fresh Waterways Board and the Fresh Waterways Corporation, the City is asking for a rate increase of $2.03 that would finally afford enough resources to begin cleaning out the Oyehut ditch/canal and commence removing the excessive aquatic vegetation that prohibits the flow of fresh water downstream.
Local Happenings and Events
Holiday cheer starts this season with the Ocean Shores Public Library Holiday Book Giveaway. Any child up to 12 years of age that comes into the library will receive a new, wrapped book. Additionally, the North Beach Senior Center is giving away a free Christmas dinner on December 25th for pick-up and/or delivery, while the North Beach School District and multiple community partners have come together to provide food boxes for North Beach families in need. Don and Pat Scott put on their annual kids’ gift giveaway to ensure that every child in our community has presents to open on Christmas.
If you want more information on what’s happening in Ocean Shores, be sure to follow the Mayor’s new Facebook page. We look forward to continuing the dialogue and helping you stay informed as we all move forward together. Happy Holidays!