IPUL's E-News: October 4, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
We Want Your News!
  If you have news, information or upcoming events in your hometown that are relevant to families who have children with disabilities or special health care needs and would like us to share that information, please email the details to for review.

Our program coordinator will then share this via IPUL's social media networks. We are also happy to add events to our calendar for people to find.
Autism CARES Signed
This week, the Autism CARES act was signed into law. We shared the basic news about this on Facebook with a quick share from SPAN Parent Advocacy Network:
and with a link to their news brief about the act itself. (pdf)

For a more in-depth look at this act, we are adding this news story from The Mighty for you to read, as this provides a lot more information and context.
Reminder - Dyslexia Awareness Summit is Saturday, October 5
Join us for Decoding Dyslexia Idaho's first ever Dyslexia Awareness Summit. Learn more about the world of Dyslexia. We are excited to bring to you the best in our community in the world of learning disabilities. Connie Risser, NILD/Joshua Institute, Evelyn Johnson, BSU and Lee Pesky Learning Center, Karyn Kilpatrick, Coopalo Learning Center, Shannon Dunstan, State Department of Education and Nick Stallings, UofI Assistive Technology.

Parents, Teachers, Educational Administrators, SLP and OT Specialists encouraged to attend. Walk away with an overall understanding of what Dyslexia is and is not, learn more about appropriate interventions and resources in our community. You will be put in the seat as we navigate you through the challenging world of an individual with Dyslexia. Expect to walk away with tools and resources on how to advocate and support your child in the coming school year.

Scholarships Available for the Idaho CEC Fall Conference
Parents! IPUL has scholarships for up to 20 parents to attend this year's Idaho CEC Conference being held at the West Ada Training Center in Meridian THURSDAY, NOV. 14TH, 8AM TO FRIDAY, NOV. 15TH, 4PM. You can register at the CEC website here:

but then also fill out our scholarship request form found here:

If you have more questions feel free to contact us: o r (208) 342-5884
Idaho Spina Bifida - 5th year Carnival !
suess inspired announcement
Haven't you heard? Didn't you hear?
it's time to celebrate
Idaho Spina Bifida's 5th Year!

We're having a carnival!
It's truer than true.
We want to gather together
And party with you!

The new Children's Pavilion* is the place.
October 12 is the date.
The carnival is from 2-4 p.m.
So please don't be late!

If you want to dress up, you should!
Costumes are fun, and fun is good!
(This year there is no costume contest,
Just plenty of prizes for being our guest.)

You could not, Would not want to miss
A carnival as spectacular as this!

*Idaho Elks Children's Pavilion
at St. Luke's
305 E. Jefferson St
(1st Floor) Boise, ID
Come Work At IPUL!
We are hiring!

Parent Education Coordinator - Boise Office

Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc., an organization that provides training, resources, support, and one to one assistance for parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs, as well as accessible and inclusive arts programming, is seeking a Parent Education Coordinator in the Boise office.

- Necessary skills: Strong knowledge of and experience with Idaho Special Education and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

- Must be comfortable with making presentations and public speaking.
- Must have strong verbal and written communication skills.
- Knowledge of health care/medical/insurance/Medicaid policies for children with special health care needs.
- Must have an understanding of family-centered care, family-engagement, and the importance of parent and professional collaboration.
- Must be highly resourceful.
- Must be professional and have an understanding of privacy laws and ethical guidelines.

- Additional helpful skills: Knowledge of community resources and/or experience with arts education and accessibility.

- Bilingual a plus

- Must be a resident in the State of Idaho
- This position will be working from our Boise office

While the general position hours are set between 9-5 on weekdays, due to training workshops, the position requires flexibility and will include evenings, weekends, and extensive travel both in-state and out-of-state.

Approximately 30-40 hours per week / $13-14.00 per hour. DOE.

Please email your resume to
Please no phone calls.
Parents of children with disabilities strongly encouraged to apply

Statewide Training for October - Bullying Prevention: Cyber Safety & Students with Disabilities
event flyer
This presentation is designed to introduce parents, youth, and professionals to a range of intervention strategies for the child who is the target of bullying. The discussion will lead to information about online safety and popular apps that parents, teachers, and youth need to be aware of.
  Wednesday, October 9, 2019
 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
 and again 
6:00-7:00 p.m. 

 Broadcast live from the Boise office and interactive via webinar from anywhere with an internet connection
 Idaho Parents Unlimited
 4619 Emerald St., Ste. E
 Boise, ID 83706
 Phone: (208) 342-5884