August 19, 2019
Dear Friends,

Last week, I signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish the Downtown Columbia “Live Where You Work” Program and expand affordable housing opportunity.
Our county’s most recent rental housing survey indicated a gap of more than 5,000 units in affordable rental housing. This first-ever public-private partnership will provide rental subsidies for low-and moderate-income families looking to live near their workplace in Downtown Columbia. The flagship employer in the “Live Where You Work” program is Howard County General Hospital, which will allow selected hospital employees to qualify for rental subsidies.
With plans to enlist other Downtown Columbia employers, this program is an example of what we can accomplish when we work together to dream and discover new solutions to community challenges. Read more here .
This Week in HoCo
MOU Signing With Born2Global Centre

Earlier this year, I signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch the Howard County Innovation Center in an effort to support growing small businesses and supporting emerging entrepreneurs. Last Monday, I took another innovative step forward to make our county a global destination for bold, exciting startups by joining Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan for an MOU signing between the Howard County Economic Development Authority and Born2Global Centre. This new partnership will create a soft-landing zone at the County's Innovation Center for qualified South Korean startups.
With the highest percentage of Korean-American residents in Maryland and more than 170 Korean-American-owned businesses, this is a big step forward to partner with the 'Silicon Valley of South Korea' and grow our local economy. Thank you First Lady Hogan and all who made this possible.
Howard County Purchasing Team - Excellence in Procurement

For the 11th consecutive year, our Office of Purchasing has been honored with the National Procurement Institute’s “Achievement of Excellence in Procurement" Award. Our Office of Purchasing is one of the best in the nation, as evident by this award that recognizes agencies that embrace Innovation, Professionalism, Productivity, Leadership and e-Procurement, and demonstrate a commitment to procurement excellence. I want to thank each and every member of our Purchasing team for their efforts to support our operations with integrity, transparency, and innovation.
Congratulations Howard County Health Department’s Medical Director, Dr. Jacqueline Dougé

Howard County Health Department’s Medical Director, Dr. Jacqueline Dougé, has co-authored a new policy statement featured in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) News & Journals, titled, “ The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health .” Congratulations to Dr. Dougé on this important work. As we continue to work against injustice and toward a more equitable future for all, we must remember how powerfully dangerous and pervasive racial bias can be. We continue to address health disparities and make the best policy choices for our current and future residents by working with our Health Department to create a safer community for every child and adult.
Award Winning Podcasts!

Congratulations to our Howard County Health Department and Howard Community College’s Dragon Digital Radio for being recognized by the 2019 Hermes Creative Awards for their “ The Doctor Is In ” and “ Teen Health Matters ” podcasts! Together, the Health Department and Community College continue to find creative and engaging methods of reaching out to young people on important health issues.
Bioenergy DevCo Acquires BTX Biogas

In Howard County, we take pride in our reputation as a home for innovative business and environmental leadership. I am therefore thrilled to congratulate Bioenergy DevCo on its recent acquisition of BTS Biogas. The acquisition will enable Bioenergy DevCo to build facilities in North America that will transform organic waste into clean, renewable natural gas. This is the first facility of its kind in Maryland and Howard County is proud to call it home!
Howard County Economic Development Authority recently wrote an article about Bioenergy DevCo acquisition of BTS Biogas to expand its anaerobic digestion play in North America. You can check it out HERE .
Labor Day Holiday Closings

Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 2. As there will be no trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap pick-up on Labor Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect; i.e. Monday pick-up will slide to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday, etc. In addition, while county parks and the Roger Carter Community Center will be open on Labor Day, the Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Activity Rooms, Gary J. Arthur and North Laurel Community Centers, Kiwanis-Wallas Hall, Meadowbrook Athletic Center, Robinson Nature Center and county historic sites will be closed on the 2 nd .
The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) will operate on a “Sunday” schedule. For more information on RTA, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit . All parking regulations and fees will be in effect. 
The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1; for non-emergencies, please call 410-313-2200. County offices will re-open at regular business hours on Tuesday, September 3. 
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Service
I envision a Howard County that fully values every student’s abilities and provides diverse college, career and community opportunities to help them achieve individual success. Together, with the help of the Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities, we can promote opportunities for students and young adults with disabilities to exercise self-determination, achieve independence and become fully included in our community. If you share my vision, I encourage you to apply today for the Commission. The Commission is currently seeking a student with a disability and agency provider who serves individuals with disabilities to fill current vacancies. To learn more about the Commission and how to apply, click HERE . The deadline to apply is September 6, 2019. 
This Wednesday, August 21, is the LAST week for this summer’s FREE cooking class offered by our Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS). Geared towards kids age 8 to 17, participants learn how to cook and healthy cooking basics. Participants this week will learn how to make veggie pasta. Hosted by Healthy Little Cooks and held in partnership with DCRS’ and the East Columbia 50+ Center, Wednesday’s class will take place from noon to 2:00 the East Columbia 50+ Center . To register and/or for more information, email .
Together, we can promote healthy eating habits one dish at a time.
This Friday (August 23) is the DEADLINE to apply for our Commission for Veterans and Military Families. With more than 20,000 veterans and their families who call Howard County home, our Commission for Veterans and Military Families strives to ensure the issues of our county’s veterans and military families are addressed effectively and efficiently, and their needs met. To learn more about the eligibility requirements and how to apply, click HERE .
Our “Weekend Warrior Snack Packs” summer program, comes to an end this Friday, August 23 rd . Howard County youth, ages 18 and younger, this Friday is your last Friday to grab your FREE snack pack at one of the following locations:

Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Congratulations to Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services’ (HCDFRS) Recruit Class 31, who graduated from our County’s Fire Academy this past Friday after six months of intensive training. The class consisted of 35 trainees, now firefighter recruits. We wish you all the best of luck as you work to educate, protect and serve the people who call Howard County home and all who travel through each day.
Earlier today, I joined Fire Chief Christine Uhlhorn for the official grand opening of our County’s newest fire station, Station 14. Located at 6025 Symphony Woods Way in Downtown Columbia’s Merriweather district, Station 14 will rightfully be known as the Merriweather Station.
Our public safety needs have grown over the decades. Working together, we acted with a sense of urgency to build and open a new Merriweather Fire Station that will improve our emergency response time and save lives. The county’s smallest station, Station 14 is located at the bottom of a parking garage, will be home to 18 career personnel evenly split between three shifts and will house one fire engine and one paramedic ambulance.
Station 14 will assist its Downtown Columbia neighbor, Station 7 (located at the intersection of Little Patuxent Parkway and Banneker Road) in serving west-Columbia’s estimated 46,000 residents in the station’s 16 square mile first-due (assigned response) area. I want to thank Chief Uhlhorn, the Howard Hughes Corporation, and every single member of our Fire and Rescue team for supporting this project and our community.
We’re closing our bedroom doors tonight before we go to sleep, are you? Forty years ago, a person on average had 17 minutes to escape a fire in their home. Now, due to modern synthetic materials and furniture, fire travels seven times faster, leaving you and your loved ones only three minutes to escape.
According to HCDFRS, closed doors can reduce fire growth, limit damage to your home, keep temperatures down and can even save your life if you become trapped. With 50% of house fires happening between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., closing your doors before you hit the sack helps keep you, your loved ones and home safe at night.
The difference between an open door and a closed door, could be life or death. So, close before you doze! For more information, visit
Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department

Save the date! All are invited to join myself, members of the Howard County Council and command members from both HCDFRS and our Police Department for a remembrance ceremony on Wednesday, September 11 to honor and pay tribute to the 2,977 victims who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The ceremony will take place at 8:46 a.m. at Centennial Park’s “Garden of Hope,” located in the park's south side (10000 MD 108 entrance) across from the white amphitheater.
Health Department

Join in the fight against the opioid epidemic by learning how you can help save someone’s life from an opioid overdose. The first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, the Howard County Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., on a drop-in basis, at Department’s headquarters in Columbia. Simply show up and a Health Department member will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid overdose reversing medicine. To learn more on how you can get trained, click HERE .
Department of Planning and Zoning
The County’s Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) Design Advisory Panel (DAP) will hold a meeting next Wednesday, August 28 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building’s Columbia/Ellicott City Room to hear the following items:
The DAP process encourages excellence in project architecture and site design to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, to promote revitalization and to enhance property values. For DAP’s Rules of Procedure, click HERE . For questions and/or more information about DAP, contact the DPZ at 410-313-2350 or email .
Police Department
To all Howard County high school students, there are just a few hours left to apply for HCPD’s Teen Court. A real justice program, by teens, for teens, Teen Court volunteers serve as members of a peer jury in real juvenile misdemeanor cases and render dispositions to first-time offenders. Interested by wondering about the commitment level? The Teen Court meets one evening a month, the third Thursday from September thru December to be exact, with a mandatory training the night of September 12. If you are looking to gain extra service hours and boost your college application, I encourage you to apply today, as 5:00 p.m. today is the DEADLINE to apply. Application for the 2019 Teen Court fall session can be found online HERE .
For questions and/or more information about this program, contact HCPD’s Teen Court Coordinator Katie Turner at
Just last week, HCPD got some national news love from ABC News and Fox News , when both media outlets shared this heartwarming Instagram post of PFC Bozzuto helping a tired fawn, who had gotten itself tangled up in a backyard soccer net. The fawn was awfully cooperative and thankfully uninjured. I think you’ll agree, PFC Bozzuto sure is fawntastic!
If you want to be first in the know when it comes to content like this, follow HCPD on Instagram at .
Mark your calendars, Howard County Police Department’s (HCPD) “Bike with a Cop” is back! Kids (5 to 12 years old) and parents, come bike around the Columbia with HCPD on Wednesday, August 28 th . Meet up at the Oakland Mills Village Center satellite office at 5:00 p.m. for a bike safety lesson before the ride. For questions and/or more information, contact HCPD’s Community Outreach Division at 410-313-2207 or email .
Did you know HCPD has an online (and anonymous, if you prefer) Citizen Survey? Our Police Department is committed to providing our residents with timely, professional service. If you have a few minutes, I encourage you to take the survey to share your thoughts, concerns, compliments or general feedback with HCPD.
Recognize these suspects ? HCPD is continuing to investigate a rim and tire theft in the 3100 block of Wheaton Way in Ellicott City on June 22 nd and are asking for the public’s help in identifying the two suspects. Police believe the suspects also may be responsible for other recent rim and tire thefts in the county. The suspects are described as two black males driving what appears to be a 2017-2018 black Chevy Malibu. Anyone with information is asked to contact HCPD at 410-313-STOP or email .
Teen drivers, wrap up your summer by participating in HCPD’s Collision Avoidance Training (C.A.T.) program . Spots are still available for HCPD’s August 24 th C.A.T. class. This defensive driving and vehicle control program teaches young drivers, age 16 to 20, hands-on techniques for evasive maneuvers, emergency braking, cornering, backing, skid recovery, steering, acceleration and more. Developed by the National Traffic Safety Academy and adapted from law enforcement training, to participate in this one-day course, drivers must possess a valid Maryland “Class C” driver’s license (no leaner’s permit) and have a registered vehicle to drive during the practical exercise portion of the class. Howard County residency is NOT required to participate. The cost is $95 to participate. To register, contact C.A.T. Program Coordinator Jessica Beram at .
Unable to make the August 24 th class? No worries, there’s still four more classes this year: September 14, October 19, November 16 and December 14.
Attention golfers, join Howard County Police Foundation on August 26 th at Turf Valley Resort for its first-ever Howard County Police Officer’s Charitable Golf Tournament. Held in partnership by three unions representing HCPD officers and in collaboration with the Howard County Branch NAACP #7020 , the tournament affirms the cooperative relationship between HCPD officers and the NAACP. In today’s world, where division is becoming more and more prevalent, strong relationships are crucial to counter the forces that divide.
Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Police Foundation and youth initiatives of the Howard County Branch NAACP. To learn more, click HERE .
Department of Public Works

While out driving, if you come upon a roadway paint truck convoy driving slowly in the roadway, our County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) urges motorists to show caution and patience. To avoid wet paint:

  • NEVER pass the paint truck or trail vehicle;
  • NEVER change lanes behind the striping truck or trail vehicles;
  • DO NOT swerve back and forth to see around the paint truck or trail vehicle; and
  • If parked, wait five minutes before driving on the painted areas.
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new Capital Projects and maintenance projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the August 12, 2019 newsletter.

  • White Acre Road Sidewalk Closure (Capital Project C-0287) – As part of a project to implement complete street improvements along White Acre Road between Stevens Forest Road and Basket Ring Road in Columbia, the sidewalk along the north side of White Acre Road near project area will be closed to pedestrians starting on or about today, August 19. Pedestrians will be detoured to use Stevens Forest Road to reach Stevens Forest Elementary School and crossing guards will be stationed at the intersections of Stevens Forest Road and White Acre Road and Stevens Forest Road and Kilimanjaro Road. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late fall.

  • Ducketts Lane Resurfacing – Maintenance project to resurface Ducketts Lane and side streets in Elkridge, including: Ducketts Lane from County right-of-way at US 1 to Bauman Drive; Kyle Leaf Court from Ducketts Lane to end; Karas Walk from Ducketts Lane to end; Rainbow Road from Karas Walk to end; and Lori Lane from Ducketts Lane to end. Flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as single lane closures are expected during working hours. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Motorists are advised to move with caution through the work area and be alert for shifting traffic patterns. Weather permitting, work is scheduled to begin on or about Wednesday, August 21 and be completed by Friday, August 30.

  • Burntwoods Road Deep Patching – Maintenance project to deep patch Burntwoods Road from the traffic circle at Sharp Road to the end of the County's right-of-way at MD 97. Flagging operations are in place to direct traffic as single lane closures are expected during working hours. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Minor delays are expected and motorists and cyclists are advised to move with caution through the work area. The project is currently underway and weather permitting, work is expected to be completed by Wednesday, August 28.

  • Winter Sun Road Resurfacing – Maintenance project to resurface Winter Sun Road from Skylark Boulevard to the end of the County's right-of-way at Gorman Crossing Elementary and Murray Hill Middle school parking lots. Flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as single lane closures are expected during working hours. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Motorists are advised to move with caution through the work area and be alert for shifting traffic patterns. Weather permitting, work is scheduled to begin on or about Tuesday, August 20 and be completed by Friday, August 23.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Maryland State Highway Administration US 1 Roadwork
In case you missed it, in an effort to enhance the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) has reduced the speed limit and begun intersection improvements along US 1 (Washington Boulevard) in Howard County. To learn more, click HERE .
For questions, more information and/or to speak to someone further about these projects, please contact SHA at 410-545-0303 or 301-624-8100. In addition, for a list of all major SHA projects, visit SHA's "Road Ready Projects" website .
Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services
Tanglers in the recycling stream are a national issue, not just a Howard County one that many local governments and its recycling offices are working to address through education. Please keep long and/or stretchy items like clothing, ropes, power cords, plastic bags, etc. OUT of your blue recycling cart/bin. Here’s a fun, little silent-film style PSA “ Tangled Up! ” our neighbors to our northeast put together on the issue.
The upcoming Labor Day holiday is one of the six holidays that affects the County’s curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection program. As there will be no curbside collection on Monday, September 3, the county’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect the remainder of that holiday week; i.e. Monday pick-up will slide to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, Friday to Saturday and Saturday on Saturday (no that last one is not a typo). Wondering what the other five holidays might be that affect curbside collection? They are Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day and Independence. To learn more about the holiday slide schedule, visit .
Department of Recreation & Parks
Dog owners, the large dog area in the lower section of the County’s Worthington Dog Park in Ellicott City (off-leash area located south of Hillsborough Road) is now CLOSED through September 6 th for renovation. The upper plateau off-lease area of the park will remain open during this time. We thank you for your cooperation and patience. For questions and/or more information about this park, visit or call the Department of Recreation & Parks at 410-313-4700.
Next time you are at the County’s Gary J. Arthur Community Center , North Laurel Community Center or Robinson Nature Center , be sure to check out the Center’s newest addition out front, a sculpture through Howard County Arts Council’s ARTsites program . At Gary J. Arthur, you’ll find Paul Steinkoenig’s Sanctuary II – Faith, Hope, and Love by, at North Laurel is Craig Gray’s Iron Horse and Robinson is home to Stephen Klema’s Rybee House 3 .
The ARTsites program uses head-turning art displays to create new visual landmarks and increase our community’s access to the arts. ARTsites 2019 sculptures will be installed throughout the month of August and will remain in place until July 2020.
The votes are in and the winner of our Department of Recreation & Parks’ Lakeside Movie people’s choice social media poll is Top Gun ! So grab your aviators, friends and family, lawn chairs or blankets and picnic dinner and come join us in the danger zone at Centennial Park South . The movie starts at sunset; however, attendees are encouraged to arrive earlier and carpool if possible as these events typically draw large crowds. Also, don’t forget your flashlight to help you navigate your way to your seats and car. The Adventure Shack Concessions will also be open until the end of the movie, serving movie night food and refreshment specials. For more information, call 410-313-4700. In the case of inclement weather, call 410-313-4451 after 5:00 p.m. on the day of the performance .
Beginning August 19th through the 26th, join Baltimore Orioles Hall of Famer, Al Bumbry, and his staff, for a one-of-a-kind, top-notch instructional baseball camp at Rockburn Branch Park. A 13 year Orioles veteran and World Series champion, Bumbry has coached players for more than 33 years. Perfect for all ability levels, Al Bumbry’s Baseball Camps emphasize hitting, pitching, defense and other essential aspects of the game. Camp staff are current and former High School, College and Minor League Baseball Players. Campers are grouped by skill and work on all aspects of the game, including hitting, pitching, defense, base running and general game situations. For more information, visit .
Here’s a little bit of Howard County history for your Monday. While most of us today envision summer vacationing at the shore, visiting family and/or friends, or escaping to faraway place, did you know that in the late 1800’s, Ellicott City was a vacation travel destination for Baltimore City residents! In the days before plane travel, Baltimore residents preferred to escape the summer heat and city congestion by venturing out to more rural areas. The Burg Alnwick Hotel, the previous Patapsco Female Institute (PFI), was one such location. After the Institute closed in 1890, the building was repurposed as a summer retreat for Baltimoreans.
Located only 13 miles outside of Baltimore, it was an easy train ride and a convenient location to spend a week, a month or maybe even the whole summer. Although no longer standing, remnants of what is believed to have once been the foundation are visible today. In addition, archaeological finds dated back to the hotel’s operation, 1890 to 1904, include shotgun shells and clay targets, indicating guests could pass the time trap shooting. The building was eventually converted into a private residence for the Tyson family after its tenure as a hotel.
Sensory-friendly Sundays at Robinson Nature Center. Beginning September 8 th , Recreation & Parks’ Robinson Nature Center will be offering a special sensory hour the first Sunday of each month. This monthly event is designed for families and individuals with sensory processing differences, autism spectrum disorder or developmental disabilities. From 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., visitors will enjoy a calm environment as they explore the Nature Center’s many exhibits, Discovery Room, nature trails and outdoor NaturePlace play area. While walk-ins are welcome, reservations are encouraged. To learn more, click HERE .
Please join me in welcoming Karen Zarchin, Howard County Recreation & Parks’ Warhawks Field Hockey Club’s new Technical Director. Karen is a dynamic educator with more than 30 years of coaching experience. She currently serves as the Head Coach/Site Director for the USA Futures Program at the Severn School. With her infectious positive energy and passion for the sport, I, along with our Department of Recreation & Parks’, think she’ll be a perfect fit for our Warhawks.
Department of Social Services

Connecting our most vulnerable residents with the services they need is a critical duty of our government. For our families who are working hard to put food on the table, our children in need of a nurturing home and for all people in crisis, our Board of Social Services is so important to key programs in Howard County. I encourage anyone who is interested in helping support these efforts to apply for our Board of Social Services. For details on how to do so and eligibility requirements, click HERE . The DEADLINE to apply is Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 10 through September 14 - Living Well: Diabetes Self-Management (formerly Living Well with Diabetes)

A community-based workshop to help adults manage Type 2 diabetes or for those who are pre-diabetic. Held Saturdays from August 10 through September from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Elkridge 50+ Center , to register for this FREE workshop, visit or contact Nicole Becerra at 410-313-3506 for more information.
August 20 - Citizens’ Election Fund Commission

Established through legislation in 2017, the Citizens’ Election Fund Commission is responsible for overseeing and administering Howard County’s Citizens’ Election Fund. The fund is a voluntary program for small donor financing of local campaigns. The Commission will hold its second meeting on the 20 th at 6:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building’s Columbia/Ellicott City Room in Ellicott City. To learn more about the Citizens’ Election Fund and commission, click HERE .
August 21 - Read with a Ranger

Join our Department of Recreation & Parks from 11:00 a.m. to noon for another “Read with a Ranger” program at Centennial Park South . County Park Rangers will lead participants through an exploration of the natural world through books. Participants are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch to enjoy after the reading! This free program is ideal for preschool and elementary-aged children. For more information, call 410-313-4700.
August 28 - Bike with a Cop

Kids (5 to 12 years old) and parents, come bike around the Columbia with HCPD on Wednesday, August 28 th . Meet up at the Oakland Mills Village Center satellite office at 5:00 p.m. for a bike safety lesson before the ride. For questions and/or more information, contact HCPD’s Community Outreach Division at 410-313-2207 or email .
August 28 - Lakeside Movies @ Centennial Lake

The votes are in and the winner of our Department of Recreation & Parks’ people’s movie choice social media poll is Top Gun ! So grab your aviators, friends and family, lawn chairs or blankets and picnic dinner and come join us in the danger zone at Centennial Park South . The movie starts at sunset and snacks will be available for purchase at the Adventure Shack. For more information, call 410-313-4700.
August 29 - Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Drop-In Training

On the first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, Howard County Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings, on a drop-in basis from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. All you have to do is show up and the Health Department will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid overdose reversing medicine. For questions and/or more information, contact the Department’s Bureau of Behavioral Health at 410-313-6202 or email .
August 31 - 4 th Annual International Overdose Awareness Day

Join me, Howard County Recovery Oriented Systems of Care, the Howard County Health Department and James’ Place on August 31 st in observance of International Overdose Awareness Day. This recovery celebration and candle light vigil is an opportunity to honor those lost to substance use and educate others about the magnitude of overdoses. Narcan training and an overdose response demonstration followed by a program with candle lighting. For more information and to register for this free event, visit .