Great News from Gala-Rama (Goes Virtual!)
Dear Brookline High School Community,
We did it! Thanks to your generous participation, we raised $98,000 of our $100,000 goal for this event. Your support for academic innovation is truly inspiring, and we are grateful for your partnership.
All our best,
The Gala-Rama Steering Committee
Polly Ross Ribatt, Mary Beth Landrum, and Louise Shah

These Door Prize Winners will enjoy a Group Lunch with Anthony Meyer
Natasha Goldman Homann, Melissa Hale Woodman, and Jin Suk

Help Us Improve Future Events
Please complete our short survey here

A Hearty "Thank You" to our Donors!
A special thank you for the generous support from our Match Challenge Grant participants!

And Much Appreciation to our Individual Sponsors
Alison & Ted Arnstein
Elizabeth Bolgiano & Peter Jacobs
Denise Jefferson Casper
Alison & Marc Casper
Helen Charlupski & Joseph Biederman
Hilary & Jacob Elkins
Elizabeth & Christopher Erdman
Melissa & Seth Finkelstein
Emily & Daniel Friedman
Bonnie Sherman & Jeffrey Kalish
Hattie and James Kessler
Adi & Ruvi Kitov
Dara Kovel & Robert Cox
Jennifer & Scott Mahoney
Jenn Marckres & Geoff Melton
Tish & Steve Mead
Gaurav Mallik
Emily Oken & Chinwe Ukomadu
Alison & Alexander Packard
Bobbie Ribatt
Karen & Benjamin Stern
Kate & Jeffrey Thibault
Shannon & George Tolis
Charla & Chris Whitley
We are Grateful for our Event Partners and Event Committee Members, and all of our Volunteer Board Members
Event Committee
Live Host: Stacey Irwin Downey
Committee Members: Steve Davis, Chris Noe, Michele Rozen, Elizabeth Schlosberg, Bonnie Sherman, Olga St. Clair; Lara Szent-Gyorgyi, Stacey Zelbow

BHS Innovation Fund Board of Directors and Board of Advisors Members
Read "About Us" here
And these Spectacular Speakers Made the Event!
BHS Faculty and Leadership*
Marika Alibhai, John Andrews, Tyler Brown, Adam Fried, Roger Grande,
Kate Leslie, Aubrey Love, Andrew Maglathlin, Julia Mangan, Hal Mason, Stephanie McAllister Poon, Anthony Meyer, Thato Mwosa, Josh Paris, Christine Shen, Brit Stevens, Jennifer Spencer, Jenee Uttaro, Eli Williams, Ed Wiser
*See all BHS Innovation Fund Faculty Grant Recipients here

BHS Community Members and Partners
Betty Bagnani, Steve Davis, Maureen Fallon, Emma Finkelstein, Marc Foster, Andy Jonic, Raiya Kahn, Masu Haque-Kahn, Sam Lasky, Ben Stern, Reid Stern
Want more?
Watch the event here
Explore ways to get involved with the Fund here
Donate here
Thank You Annual Sponsors
Please support these local businesses who sponsor the BHS Innovation Fund and demonstrate their commitment to academic innovation. Learn more about Annual Sponsorship here.
Our mission is to catalyze innovation at Brookline High School by supporting faculty-driven curricular initiatives that will inspire our students and prepare them to thrive in a changing world.