Welcome to the inaugural issue of our CBE@UCI newsletter! After the past 18 months of hardship brought on by the pandemic, we see a renewed energy on campus with our lecture halls filled with animated interactions between faculty and students. The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering was founded just three years ago in 2018. In that time, we have seen tremendous growth in both size and stature. Now with 18 core faculty members, we have established a broad spectrum of world-class research activities in macromolecular engineering, energy & sustainability, and biomolecular engineering & biotechnology. This has led to significant partnerships with UCI’s new Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and our more established Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP) and the Gross Stem Cell Research Center (SCRC). CBE’s focus in collaborative multidisciplinary efforts is a key reason why roughly half of our faculty and the department office were chosen to relocate to the new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building.
Fueling our research efforts is an exceptional group of student researchers. We are pleased to welcome our largest incoming class of 28 graduate students. Moreover, our undergraduate students have shown exceptional resilience in making progress toward their degrees even under restrictions imposed by the pandemic. A case in point is our student Chem-E-Car team that won the Western Regional competition and was one of only 30 teams globally that were selected to compete in the competition organized by AIChE at the annual meeting in Boston.
Finally, we are excited to welcome our new engineering dean, Magnus Egerstedt, who joins us after 20-plus years at Georgia Tech. With his leadership, I am certain the momentum that CBE@UCI has generated over the past three years will be sustained well into the future. I hope you enjoy reading about the successes of our faculty and students, and I hope this newsletter will serve as a valuable vehicle to cultivate broader engagement with our peers, alumni, industry and community stakeholders. I look forward to receiving your feedback and sharing your stories. Do not hesitate to reach out to me at vvenugop@uci.edu.
Zot! Zot! Zot!
Vasan Venugopalan
Professor & Chair
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering