Photo by Zen Achilles

Hat's off to Zen Achilles for that cool image above!

Well, It's quite the time out there wouldn't you say? And yet the printing presses must keep going - so here's this month's 11 - my monthly newsletter since 2008. The biggest thing that's happening for me right now is how I'm adjusting my morning routine. I've been watching a bunch of Gabe's videos, and this one is one I'm trying to follow. I've just finished a week of these changes (setting an alarm clock at the same time each day - who knew?). Take a watch and see what you think.
Next up, let's talk about the pandemic. Mostly I'm interested in how to stay safe and sane and thrive through this period. I've taken some of the obvious steps like getting vaccinated and keeping a mask on when I'm in an indoor public setting. I'm also keeping up my co-counseling practice which seems to work well combatting the regular - hitting the wall stuff when the grind of the non-stop bad news cycle hits; or something I was excited for is canceled.
Recently, I've decided to combat the isolation I feel is easy to sink into with a strategy of making new friends. New connections. New energy. At first, it felt like a big effort, but as I've been going along I'm noticing that it's fun and getting easier. I wrote an article about this way back at the start of the pandemic - how getting together with one other person was probably one of the safest things you could do.

Part of my urge around this is also to be playing more music. I played with 2 new friends the other day and - oh, what joy! I'm basically prioritizing playing music and have a couple fun jams coming up which I'm excited for.

So, I thought I'd switch things up - here is a video to close out this month's 11. A little summary of what I'm up to as spaketh by me! Enjoy and let me know what you think?
Have a great rest of the year and get lots of good food, connection and rest - see you in 2021!

Lots of love,


PS - I'm teaching a fun class on how to make a newsletter like this one on 12.20