Northwood School Laker
December 10, 2021
Masking Update
Northwood School will remain in Phase 4b (required masking indoors when within six feet) next week.
From the Nurse's Office

Covid Update
The word “unprecedented” is used frequently in talking about covid, and this week at Northwood School has indeed been “unprecedented.” I wanted to share some data in a plea to families to PLEASE keep your child home if they are ill. Some of these positive cases did not have a school impact. Meaning, the students were not at school during their contagious period. However, some of these cases did have school impact, where there was possible transmission to other students. Symptoms of covid include:
●     Fever or chills
●     Cough
●     Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
●     Fatigue
●     Muscle or body aches
●     Headache
●     New loss of taste or smell
●     Sore throat
●     Congestion or runny nose
●     Nausea or vomiting
●     Diarrhea

These symptoms may be minor in children, so please don’t send them to school even with minor symptoms. DHHS continues to recommend:

●      Face masks
●      Distancing
●      Good hand hygiene
●      Staying home and being tested if you are ill
●      Screening

More information can be found here.

Please review with your student(s) the proper way to wear a mask.
Just a reminder, we are still offering asymptomatic screening for Covid. The link to sign up is here.   Students can be tested weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your preference. This is a pcr test that is processed by Convenient MD.

My biggest plea is to please keep your students home if they are ill. We do accept rapid at home tests. Please take a picture of the results and email them to me at
Holiday Cheer

Happy December, Northwood!

The holiday season is a time filled with joyous memories and time with family, but what about those which are not as fortunate? A small or simple act of kindness goes a long way when someone is feeling down or having a tough time. I have seen firsthand how caring and kind our community has been and could not be more proud. As a matter of fact, some students came to me to discuss a peer they would like to assist during this time! Please consider delivering an act of kindness during this holiday season, if you need an idea of what to do I’ve provided a link with ideas in it. Also, please email me ( if there is a way I’m able to support you in any act of kindness!

~ Mr. A

Classroom Spelling Bees
Students in grades 4-8 have been given a list of words to prepare for the classroom spelling bees, which will be held before the winter break. The winners of the class bees will go on to the schoolwide spelling bee in January. Good luck, spellers!
Kindergarten News
These little elves were very busy making presents for their family this week. We are getting into the holiday spirit with a little glitter and glue. We are also learning how to play Jingle Bells on hand bells and are looking forward to playing throughout the school very soon! 
Greetings from Title One Math!
“Zero the Hero” was first introduced by the ancient Indian mathematician Brahmagupt. He was the first to show that subtracting a number from itself results in zero. Brahmagupt (c. 598 – c. 668 CE) wrote in his first book, Brahmasphuṭasiddhānta, the first rules for arithmetic manipulations that apply to zero and to negative numbers. The Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta is the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right, rather than as simply a placeholder digit in representing another number. Often we forget about Zeros but think of where we would be without them. Phone numbers, birthdays, time… Zero really is a hero.
Meals Information
School & Community News
Important Dates
December 22 - School Board meeting, 6:30
December 23 - Pajama Day ($1)
December 23 - Early Release, 12:30
December 24 - December 31 - Winter Vacation
January 12 - School Board meeting, 6:30
January 17 - Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day, no school