Monthly News & Updates
August 16, 2019 | Issue: August 2019
NASIMCO Youth Network Desk
Coming soon, is a youth initiative driven by youth representatives to increase youth representation within NASIMCO. This initiative's goals consist of youth involvement, Islamic/secular/self guidance, and developing a safe space within our communities.
Would you like to get involved with the NYND?
Watch this space for opportunities to join this movement!
The NYND presents a monthly supplement for all member's youth committees around North America. Many youth teams around the nation have expressed the need for ideas for events to host. Together, the NYND has designed a system to be an aid for your community! Youths are welcome and encouraged to use these Youth Initiative Ideas to their fullest.
Do you have event ideas? We'd love to hear from you! Send us a message on the NASIMCO Facebook or Instagram page with your ideas, questions, comments and let us know what you think.

We highly encourage taking photographs and tagging us on your social media page or send them to us via Instagram or Facebook for us to feature your
youth community on The Post!
Happening this weekend is CAMP ASPIRE! For more information or to register as a counselor for the years to come, CLICK HERE. Donations are welcome to aid as a supplement for our children! The core values highlighted by the organizing team consist of infusing Islam into our day-to-day lives by following the guidance of the Ahlul-Bayt, The Holy Qur'an and our scholars. The program focuses on concept of "Living Islam" - an approach which focuses on developing an appreciation of God’s creation, a sense of relevance of faith in our lives and an immersive Islam where being Muslim is a natural feeling.