Calendar of Upcoming Events
Back to School Night
25 Color Run
2 No School - Labor Day
20 Dons Dialogue
22-28 Homecoming Week
We hope your students are settling into the new school routine despite it feeling like we should all still be in summer-mode! It was great to see so many returning and new families at Dons Day last Monday. We were particularly impressed to see how many Freshman parents went out of their way to attend the Freshman Parent Orientation. Principal Travis Bell did a great job sharing all sorts of key information for families kicking off their first school year at Acalanes.
Our APC parent volunteers really "showed up" (new AHS tagline!) at Dons Day. Our hard-working chairs
Meredith Meade and Mary Beth Towery
worked their magic to make it the smoothest Dons Day ever. Thanks to our new APC Hospitality team,
Marlene Peacock and Kim Siegel
, who welcomed parents with a cup of hot coffee and Johnny's donuts. We are always thankful for our
APC Class Liaisons
who shared all sorts of relevant info to get parents and students ready for the new school year.
And speaking of showing up, thank you to all who joined us at our
first 2019-20 APC Dons Dialogue
last Friday! Standing room only - wow!!!
It was exciting to meet our new Acalanes College and Career Advisor Wendy Reicher, as well as our new Wellness Coordinator Allen Choi. Principal Bell provided some back to school updates along with an overview of the PE Exemption process and Frosh Connect (seminars for freshmen)
Finally, we are most appreciative of ALL the APC donations that were made during online student registration. Unfortunately, our participation rate is down this year and we are hopeful that all families will consider a donation to help support APC's work on campus. It's never too late to donate! See information in our fundraising section below.
We look forward to greeting you at
Back to School Night this Thursday, August 22!
More about the very informative evening below.
Go Dons!
Dawn Brightbill & Sarah Cusumano
Back to School Night (BTSN) This Week!
Back To School Night is this
Thursday, August
22 from 5:45 - 9:00pm
. The night represents the best opportunity to hear directly from your student's teacher, see the campus and learn class specific news in your Class Meeting (Frosh/Soph/Juniors).
Be sure to bring along a copy of your student's class schedule
. You'll find a school map as well as a list of teachers (& their classrooms) in the BTSN program handed out in front of the Large Gym at the beginning of the night at 5:45pm.
APC Reception for Parents and Staff .................. Between Gyms 5:30pm - 6:15pm
Principal's Message ............................................ Large Gym 5:45pm - 6:00pm
Classroom Visitation* ..........................................6:15pm - 8:10pm
*Note: You will visit each of your student's classes in order of their class schedule.
Class Meetings ................................................... 8:15pm - 9:00pm
And APC donors... Thank you for your donations to Acalanes Parents Club!! All donors will receive a complimentary copy of the "hot off the press" 2019-20 Acalanes Parent Handbook and Student Directory (see below). Pick up your directory in front of the Main Gym.
2019-20 APC Parent Handbook and Student Directory
The APC Student Directory and Parent Handbook is not just about names and numbers! The book serves as a complete quick reference guide any Acalanes parent will find helpful. Contents include Staff and Faculty Directory, College Prep Checklist, SAT/ACT/PSAT test dates and an entire A-Z glossary of all things Acalanes and a whole lot more. It's a wealth of crucial information. (And yes: it has student names, grades and contact information!)
AHS Peer Tutoring Center
Peer Tutoring, funded 100% by Acalanes Parents Club, is open for business! Tutors are available every day at lunch, the Academy period, 7th period and after school until 4 pm. Tutors are Juniors and Seniors who are prepared to help with math, social studies, science, and languages. No appointment is required and snacks are provided. Encourage your student to take advantage of this free tutoring program.
APC Membership & Fundraising
THANK YOU to those of you who have donated to Acalanes Parents Club for the 2019-2020 school year!
Without your donations, support of the following programs and events would not be possible:
Peer Tutoring (APC funds the entire program!)
Staff Development
College and Career Center
Student Development Workshops
Parent Handbook/Student Directory
Parent Education Speaker Series
Campus Enhancements such as the new Acalanes Marquee
Innovative Grants
And more...
Unfortunately, we are short approximately $18,000 short of our annual fundraising goal.
If you have not yet contributed to APC, we hope you will consider making a donation.
While $300 per student is the suggested contribution amount, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Please go to the Acalanes
Web Store
to donate now.
Also, if your employer participates in Corporate Matching, we can help! Please go to the APC Website Corporate Match page for more information and to double your parent club donation at no extra cost to you.
Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman
Class Updates
Senior-Junior-Sophomore-Freshman Class Updates
Just a Reminder: Dons Families can click on each
Class Heading
to link through to our Webpage to find lots of great information and useful contacts. Be sure to keep up to date as lots of fun things are on the horizon!
Senior Year.
It is really here!! We love seeing all of the creative car painting in the AHS lot and around town from our BBQ and car decorating event on the 11th!
We will have a lot of activities this year so mark your calendars with these important Senior specific dates for the 1st Semester (more details will come closer to each event):
Aug 22
Back to School Night - At 8:15, following classroom sessions, Senior parents are invited to a Senior Parent Social at the Round UP to connect with fellow 2020 parents.
Aug 23
Senior Sunrise - watch the sunrise together on AHS Track
Sept 5 |
Post Graduation Planning- Anne Schonauer & Wendy Reicher presentation.
Sept 6 |
Senior Panoramic Picture- purchase this commemorative photo here. |
Graduation is 5/29/20. The full AUHSD Academic Calendar is here.
Color Run. Purchase your ticket for the 3rd annual Color Run here (includes a t-shirt to wear during the race). The race starts at 9am on Sunday, August 25 (registration opens at 8am). Bring the entire family for this fun community event through the Acalanes campus!
Follow your class on social media: Instagram: @acalanes_2020
Class of 2020 Liaisons:
Tori Heffelfinger
Kathy Hemmenway
Kat O'Donnell
Ellen Seiler
We've hit the ground running this year with lots of Junior Class Parent volunteer opportunities! We'd love as much parent support as we can get to make these fundraisers a success for our students. Below is a list of important events for your calendars!
Aug 22
Back To School Night! At 8:15pm, after your classroom visits, join the Junior Class meeting in Performing Arts Center. We will be discussing all things Junior year as well as hear a quick overview of PE requirements from Principal Travis Bell. We will also introduce you to Wendy Reicher, our new College & Career Planning Adviser.
Aug 23
We NEED your help in the Snack Shack at our Home Football Game on Friday! All proceeds from sales go directly to the Junior Class so let's make it a success! Please lend a little time by signing up for a shift here!
Aug 25 |
Color Run! This is our annual Acalanes Color Run, sponsored this year by the Classes of 2021 & 2022! Registration opens at 8am with a 9am start. Encourage your Junior to register for this FUN AND IMPORTANT CLASS FUNDRAISER! Students can register online at the Acalanes Web Store under Class Supplies here or at the event itself. All proceeds go directly to the Sophomore and Junior classes.
Follow your class on social media: Instagram: @acalanes_2021
Class of 2021 Liaisons:
We hope everyone had a great first week! We are diving in head first with a lot of great stuff in the coming weeks! See below for important dates coming up, as well as sign-ups to help at the snack shack during some upcoming football games.
Aug 22
Back to School Night - The Sophomore class break out will begin after 7th period class visits at 8:15pm in the Large Gym and we will be sharing some important information relevant to our class. We will also have someone from the Lafayette Police Department speaking to our group given the number of new drivers we will have in the midst this year!
Aug 25
Color Run at 9am (check in starts at 8am). This is a super fun activity (for students and family members) and our class will receive a portion of all proceeds raised. If you haven't already, you can register online here.
Sept 10
Chipotle "Dine Out" Fundraiser
Football Concessions sign-up! Our class is responsible for running concessions for the football games and all money raised will come back to us. Please consider signing up for the following games:
Sept 13 |
Sign up here!
Sept 27 |
HOMECOMING football games! As you can imagine, this is a busy, fun night and we will be working concessions with the other classes. Please sign up here.
Oct 13
Campolindo game! Sign up here.
We're also starting to get a lot of questions about the Athletic PE Waiver that is available for 10th and 11th graders. This will be covered at our Back to School Night parent breakout, but you can also find more information here in the meantime.
Follow your class on social media: Instagram: @acalanes_2022
Class of 2022 Liaisons:
Jen Fish
Kristin McPhail
Judy Sandberg
Candy Stryker
Questions? Email us: class2022@acalanesparentsclub.com
We hope the first week at AHS was a success for all!
In addition to bringing you important dates, we'd like to keep you apprised of upcoming opportunities for your freshman such as:
Frosh Connect
Frosh Connect consists of 5, non-consecutive, academy sessions that all Freshman students are required to attend. Freshmen are assigned a teacher and four New Crew students dedicated to guiding them through each session.
The goal of Frosh Connect is to facilitate a smooth transition from the middle school setting to the high school setting, and provide students with the support they need to adjust to the increased academic rigor and social-emotional challenges they may face throughout the high school. All of the Frosh Connect teachers place an emphasis on creating a home base and supportive community where their Freshman students can develop key relationships with teachers and peers.
Sessions are designed to cover topics that range from understanding and practicing effective academic habits, successfully navigating their own social-emotional development and becoming a positive citizen of the Don community.
Students will receive an email early next week via School Loop with the classroom and teacher they will report to.
Important Dates:
Aug 22
Back to School Night. Freshman Break Out Session - 8:15pm in Small Gym
Aug 22-23
School Portraits during PE class. Make-ups will be in October. To purchase photos, go to Studio One Photography.
Sept 5 |
First Freshmen Football Home Game, 5:00pm
Sept 10
Freshmen Parent Social at Metro (7-9pm). Sign up on the Web Store.
Follow your class on social media:
: @acalanes_2023
Looking forward to a great year!
Class of 2023 Liaisons:
Catherine Burns
Charlene Condy
Jen Dodge
Danielle Up
19 |
Club Applications Available
21 |
Mandatory Club Meeting at lunch in room 314 |
22 |
Transfer Lunch, Room 314
23 |
Senior Sunrise, 6:45am Football Field
23 |
1st Home Football Game (wear BLUE!)
25 |
Color Run |
28 |
Non-Stanley Lunch
30 |
Brunch: Senior Panoramic Picture
Lunch: Taco Bout it with Bell
DRUMROLL.....The Homecoming 2019 theme is Battle of the Bands! Each class will now choose a subtheme. Dates for Homecoming are
September 22-28
. Stay tuned for more information!
As a school community we support Stege Elementary in Richmond both with donations but also support throughout the year. One of the kick off events is a school supplies drive. Please consider donating pencils, erasers, markers, crayons and colored pencils to the main office or your students 5th period class. Drive ends August 23 and then we make 1 bag for each student at Stege.
Our fall blood drive is
September 12
. Consider donating by filling out this
google form
Many students ordered class shirts on the Web Store & Dons Day. Students will pick these up at lunch the week of
August 26
(will be posted on school loop)
Don't miss the first home football game on Friday,
August 23
. Come out and support our Dons and wear blue!
Spirit Wear is still available via the Acalanes Web Store. All spirit wear orders benefit the Class of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023! Spirit wear will be delivered to your students 5th period class.
Year two in the Wellness Center has been all about reconnecting. It's been a joy for Casey to see the many students from last year who've popped in to say hi and share the highlights from wonderful summers. It's been an equal delight for Wellness Coordinator Allen Choi, who replaced the adored Ms.Eryn (who's focusing on her private practice) to meet everyone. Year two is certain to be an incredible year of supporting student wellness. Our door is open, as are our hearts, for those who are struggling with loss or mental health concerns. We hope you'll remind your kids that the Wellness Center is here for them!
Allen Choi, Wellness Coordinator (ext. 7150)
Casey Sasner, Intake Specialist (ext. 7136)
College and Career Center
This year we are collaborating with Miramonte and Campolindo to share a community presentation on all things financial aid related. Graciously hosted by Miramonte in their school library and led by Tim Lenahan, CPA and Certified College Counselor, this is a great evening to get a head start on all your college financial aid questions. Join us on Tuesday,
Sept 10
at 7pm. Sign ups required:
Fall Financial Aid Night
Our first College and Career Center academy will be held Friday,
August 23
. This is just a fun meet and greet for the kids to get to know me and the center. The first 20 students to sign up will get CHICK-FIL-A so make sure to let them know.
As always, email me with any questions!
Wendy Reicher
Welcome back! Counselors are excited to see students again! Just to refresh your memory: Counselors are assigned by student last name, as follows:
Schedules and Schedule changes Students can request a schedule change by filling out a request form in the counseling office. Keep in mind that changes can only be made if space is available. Even after turning in a request, students must continue to go to their assigned schedule until they have confirmation that the schedule has changed. August 26 is the last day to add a new class. If students have enough credits, classes can be dropped until the end of first quarter, but no new classes can be added.
Coming Soon: The Acalanes Community Education Speaker Series!
Acalanes Parents Club is excited to offer speakers, film screenings, and workshops for
community members during the academic year. Past topics have included: Risky behaviors; vaping, tobacco, and marijuana awareness; balance for teens; reducing stress; improving decision-making.
We'd love to hear from you! The Parent Ed Team welcomes ideas, recommendations, and learning about your interests.
Mary Kuhn, Parent Education Chair
If your student needs medications* made available to them at school, please go to
my google site
to download the appropriate forms. Please make sure all forms are thoroughly completed and have
both parent and valid MD signature.
(Even for over-the-counter medications)
. Then you can turn in the medication and forms to me in the front office! More information on
my google site!
*(This includes epipens and inhalers! Please make sure to let me know if your student carries one!)
Parenting Resource: The Conscious Parent
Dvora Citron, R.N., M.S.
Acalanes School Nurse
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7:30-3:20, Fridays 7:30-11:30
925.280.3970 x7128
Welcome Back!
LPIE wishes you a warm welcome back to school! Now in its 39th year, LPIE is the education foundation in Lafayette-run by parent volunteers-that supports all 5,000 students in the six Lafayette schools. Our schools require more money than they receive from the state to effectively and competitively educate our students, and LPIE exists to bridge the funding gap and ensure that our students receive the best public education possible. LPIE's fundraising goal for this year is $4.5 million, the largest ever.
If you have already donated, thank you! If you have not had a chance to yet, please consider donating or making a pledge. The suggested donation for this year is $1,300 per student but please give as generously as you can because every dollar counts. You can find our donation page
Did you know ... When you make a donation to LPIE, your dollars are making a difference in your child's classroom THIS SCHOOL YEAR? You are funding technology programs, core curriculum, supplies and training that would be otherwise underfunded or discontinued.
We look forward to working with you this year, as well as with our school's administrators, teachers and parent organization, to provide our students with the classes, programs, supplies and tools they need to succeed and thrive!
Are you in search of a part-time job? LPIE might be the answer for you! We have office and instructor positions open, more information can be found here.
The LPIE Writing Tutor Program at Acalanes is hiring tutors to provide written feedback on Social Studies and English essays and meet one-on-one with students during the school day. Tutors must be available Tuesday-Friday, 8am-3:05pm, September-May. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree in a humanities discipline, and preferably professional writing and/or teaching experience. For more information, please email program coordinator
Christina Engelbrecht.
This week's can't miss events
August 23
host Armijo HS. JV at 4:30pm and Varsity at 7:00pm.
Girls volleyball
August 24
Campolindo scrimmage day. Varsity, JV and Freshmen
Boys water polo
August 24
St. Mary's scrimmage day.
Girls water polo
August 24
Acalanes scrimmage day.