The dynamics, scope and focus of the web and its users is fluid and constantly changing, and Vancouver Island Web Media's magazines change with it.

Last November Seniors 101 was adapted to be totally mobile compatible.

Vancouver Island Now is changing its focus from Vancouver Island as a whole towards featuring individual communities on the island. Residents and visitors are becoming more aware than ever of how our mosaic of communities create our Island culture. They are the essence that makes the Island so appealing and so special. 

Individual businesses and organizations work together to create each unique community, and we're committed to helping each of them gain greater presence on the world wide web.
For the next 3 months we will list businesses in the communities featured on Vancouver Island Now's Home page at no cost, as our way of saying "THANK YOU" to our readers and supporters.

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest.
Until your good is better and your better is best."
Saint Jerome.

Do you have a concern, a question or a problem regarding a friend or a loved one? 
Ask us, we may be able to help.

We would  really appreciate any comments, suggestions or questions 
you may have. Please contact us at [email protected] or 