August 2019 Newsletter
From our Executive Director, Maria Hudspith
Volunteerism is one of the driving forces behind advancing Pain BC’s mission. It’s because of the tireless dedication of our volunteers – from the Board of Directors to the volunteers answering the phone at the Pain Support Line – that we're able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with pain.

In 2018 alone, our volunteers contributed more than 14,000 hours to our work to advance our mission. A significant number of those hours were worked by our Pain Support Line volunteers; these people are at the frontline of our support services, offering a listening ear to people with pain and providing support and resources to help them manage the impact of pain in their lives. There are currently 65 volunteers who dedicate their time to supporting the hundreds of callers to our Pain Support Line.

In our Coaching for Health program, 54 trained volunteer coaches provide one-on-one phone support and mentorship to adults living with pain. Coaches help clients set and work towards their individual goals for regaining function, managing pain and improving well-being.

More than 120 clinical experts, policy makers, health care representatives and people living with pain support our work by volunteering on our Working Groups. These groups were established from our 2017 Provincial Pain Summit to identify goals and take action aimed at transforming care and reducing stigma for the one in five British Columbians living with pain.

Our volunteer Board of Directors is made up of professionals from diverse areas of business and health care, many of whom have lived experience of pain. They provide leadership and strategic direction to our organization, and oversight and accountability for our work.

As our organization grows, so, too, does our network of volunteers. Currently, we’re looking for volunteers to help facilitate our new Pain Support and Wellness Groups , which will launch in communities this fall. These in-person support groups will offer an opportunity for people living with persistent pain to learn more about self-managing pain while connecting with others, offering mutual understanding, and sharing knowledge and coping strategies.

We’re still recruiting in Chilliwack, Fort St. John, New Westminster, Prince Rupert, Quesnel, Salmon Arm, Smithers, Terrace, and Trail, among other communities. If you live with pain and live in one of these areas, I encourage you to  learn more about the role . If you’re interested in joining a group, please stay tuned for updates in upcoming newsletters or  check our website .

We are so deeply grateful for the time, passion and talents our volunteers offer through their commitment to Pain BC. Together, we’re transforming the way pain is understood and treated, and making positive and concrete change in the lives of people with pain.
Our supports for people with pain
Access our free pain self-management resources, including articles, assessment tools, and an anonymous discussion forum.
Connect with a trained volunteer to talk about your pain, get help with finding a new physician, find information on community resources, and much more.
Starting fall 2019, join an in-person group and build a community of support while learning about pain, pain management and coping strategies.
Receive one-on-one phone support and mentorship from a coach who will help you learn about self-management, regaining function and improving your well-being.
Pain Waves Podcast: Using your story to create meaningful change for people with pain

On this month’s episode of the Pain Waves podcast, we’re joined by Joletta Belton, a person with lived experience of pain who has been advocating for people in pain since 2010. She shares her personal experiences and shares how she’s been able to redefine her story in a way that’s helped her manage pain, find meaning in life again, and increase awareness and understanding of pain among others.
Opportunities to participate: Patient Voices Network

The Patient Voices Network is comprised of a community of patients, families and caregivers who work with health care providers to improve the BC health care system. They have a number of volunteer opportunities available for patient partners who are interested in sharing their voice on various issues related to care. Current opportunities are located in the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, as well as the interior and northern regions of BC.
Feedback opportunity: IASP's proposed new definition of pain
Accepting feedback until September 11, 2019

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is a global network working to support improved research, education, clinical treatment, and patient outcomes for all pain-related conditions worldwide. They recently formed a "Definition of Pain Task Force" to review the current definition of pain that has been used by health care organizations across the globe. The task force just released a new proposed definition of pain and are seeking input from the public until September 11, 2019.
BC Women's Hospital: Free full-day workshop on painful sex and endometriosis
September 21, 2019 in Vancouver

BC Women's Hospital is holding a free full-day workshop on September 21, 2019 for anyone who would like to learn more about endometriosis and how painful sex can be managed. They invite all with an interest to attend - whether you live with endometriosis, experience pain during sex, are a family member, friend, partner or would just like to learn more on this topic.
Feedback opportunity: Medication for Ankylosing spondylitis
Accepting feedback until September 23, 2019

The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health (CADTH) is currently investigating the use of Ilumya (tildrakizumab) for psoriasis, currently investigating the use of Taltz (ixekizumab) for Ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis affecting the spine. They are accepting feedback from people with lived experience as part of their review until September 23, 2019.
Upcoming Pain BC and partner workshops, webinars and courses
Pain BC workshop: Chronic Pain Management for Chiropractors
This workshop is for chiropractors or students of chiropractic interested in developing or enhancing their clinical skills in the assessment and treatment of people living with complex and chronic pain.

Sep 28-29, 2019 in Vancouver Register now (Register before Sep 15 for the early-bird rate)
Pain BC workshop: Chronic Pain Management for Registered Massage Therapists
This workshop provides RMTs with an opportunity to learn how modifications of traditional massage therapy practices can increase success and improve outcomes for people in pain.

Sep 29, 2019 in Kelowna:   Register now (Register before Sep 15 for the early-bird rate)
Nov 3, 2019 in Vancouver Register now
Nov 24, 2019 in Victoria:   Register now
BC ECHO for Chronic Pain
This new and free virtual learning community brings together specialists and community health care providers from around the province to learn together from complex pain cases.

We encourage all health care professionals to apply to join Cycle 2, which will begin in September 2019.

Gentle Movement and Relaxation Course
This free and online course will equip physiotherapists and other therapeutic movement professionals with practical knowledge and teaching resources to lead their own movement and relaxation programs for people living with chronic pain.

The Gentle Movement and Relaxation Course is currently available to BC health care providers only.

Pain Foundations
This online course is designed to address the challenges faced by health care providers of all disciplines when assessing and treating people living with chronic pain. The course is free for health care providers in BC; a pricing structure for other geographical locations is coming soon.

In the news
Cannabis and cannabinoids
for persistent pain?
Dr. Bronnie Lennox Thompson, a pain educator and researcher, investigates the current research available on cannabis and cannabinoids for managing persistent pain.
Why dating is hard when
you're chronically ill
The author of this article discusses how dating and relationships can be more difficult when living with a chronic Illness, while offering some kind words to anyone who is currently experiencing challenges.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario announce proposed changes to Prescribing Drugs policy
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario recently published a journal article to highlight proposed changes to their policy on prescribing drugs, which aim to address areas of confusion and uncertainty.
VAC announces creation of second Centre of Excellence
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) recently announced new funding for the development of the Centre of Excellence on Chronic Pain, which will allow for more research on emerging treatments and supports for Canadian veterans and military personnel living with pain.
8 things I learned about trauma after being diagnosed with a chronic illness
This article discusses some of the common links between trauma and living with a chronic illness.
Multidisciplinary clinics are 'gold standard' for treating chronic pain
This article highlights the work of an interdisciplinary pain clinic in Sudbury and how its practitioners are utilizing a biopsychosocial approach to help patients manage pain.
Government of Canada announces changes to lower drug prices and lay the foundation for National PharmaCare
Health Canada just announced changes to their Patented Medicines Regulations, which will make patented medications more affordable and accessible for Canadians .
How to rewire your brain to manage chronic pain (& resources that can help)
A person with lived experience discusses their understanding of pain and its relationship to the brain, and provides tools that can help with pain management.
Pain BC programs and initiatives are funded, in whole or in part, by the Government of British Columbia.
© 2019 Pain BC Society. All Rights Reserved.
 1508 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 1W8
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