Virtual Fall Closed Groups
Hello There,

Thank you for your interest in joining one of our virtual closed groups this fall with BFO Ottawa. We will be offering closed groups for Loss of Child, Loss of Spouse, Loss of Parent, Sibling, Friend or Relative, and Loss by Suicide.

Information about our virtual closed groups:

When: Week of Oct. 13th to Nov. 30th 2020 (8 consecutive weeks)
Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
Where: by Zoom video conference
Cost: By donation (we suggest $25 per week)

Our 8 weeks closed groups provide a safe and supportive space to be in grief, to share our stories, to actively listen to the stories of others. A place where those who have experienced a loss can connect with those who have experienced a similar loss.

Our peer-to-peer model of support helps to reduce the isolation that many people experience in grief and provide hope that healing is possible. Our groups are facilitated by trained volunteers who have experienced loss, received support, and want to help others heal.

Our closed groups require that each potential participant complete an intake interview to assess each participant's readiness to attend the closed group. We require committed attendance for the duration of the weekly group. Each week the peer support volunteer facilitators will lead the group virtually by Zoom through activities specific to their loss, will provide support in the sharing of stories, and will facilitate the discussion of relevant topics.

Our suggested donation is $25 per week (which can be paid weekly, or in full once you have completed the pre-registration process) for those who are able to contribute you will receive a tax receipt. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability to donate. At BFO Ottawa, we rely on individual donations, fundraising and community support to run our programs. Thank you!  

Some things to consider before registering for a closed group:

  • Have I attended any other BFO Ottawa support and share bereavement groups?
  • Am I ready to share and hear the stories of others who are grieving?
  • Have I given myself enough time to start the processing of the death of my loved one?
  • Will my schedule allow me to attend for 8 weeks?
  • Is this the right time for me to benefit from the deeper experience that a closed group can provide?

If you are ready to participate in our closed groups please fill-out our pre-registration form. Someone will contact you for an intake interview which will take place sometime in September. 

Should you have any other questions about our closed group program, please reach out to us by email at or by calling our office at 613-567-4298.

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