Loveline for Monday, October 21, 2019
Keeping You Informed and In Touch
I f you would like to send an email to someone listed in the Loveline, simply click on their name. If their name does not have a link, then we do not have their email address.
Our sympathy is extended to Tom Traylor, Tim and Teena Hancock, and David and Tracy Young and their family on the death of Eva Traylor, who passed away on October 17. Funeral services will be rescheduled after being postponed due to the funeral home suffering damage from the tornado on Sunday night.
Jerry Bridges is in Room 300 at Methodist Hospital of Richardson where he is being treated for pneumonia. He may go home today or tomorrow.
Lucy Brady was scheduled to have surgery today. Please keep her in your prayers.
The following information is updated or a repeat of earlier Lovelines
DiAnne Morrow will have a CT scan and a full PET scan this week. Please keep her in your prayers. Cards of encouragement may be sent to DiAnne at 2619 Tolosa Drive, Dallas, TX 75228-2007.

Colleen Sims requests prayers for her daughter, Kaitlyn Boston, and her son , Mason Sims.

MEMBERS : Marshall Aldriedge, Greg and Susan Allred, Tawnya and Bradly Archer, Beverly Bishop, Robbie Chalk, Norma Chambers, Bea Chytil, Genny Cunningham, Ruby Decker, Sherrie Diggs, Nicole Donaldson, Ronny Duke, Dawn Dunn, Larry Easter, Laurie Edmonds, Opal Edwards, Chris English, Bob Ervi, Claudia Hauck, Allison Hejny, Cathy Hernandez, Patty Hill, Charlotte James, J.D. Jordan, Cooper March, Grace McClendon, Shirley McKinney, Shirley Miller, Cindy Nicholson, Jerry and Mary Stettheimer, Wayne Stewart, Lia Kate Stone, Nicole Todd, Sharon Todd, Ruth Westbrook.
RELATIVES/FRIENDS: Marcy Allen (daughter of Kathy Hooper, Corvin Alstot (husband of Joanne Rich's niece), Lee Apperson (father of Karen Stafford), Faith Beamon (friend of SR Youth Group), Rod Bonham (son of Ken and Toby Bonham), Mark Bueno (brother of Ernie Bueno), Bruce Burns (brother of Sandy Hendrix), Owen Burns (grandson of Harold and Tricia Burns), Carolyn Cemintal (sister of Cindy Johnson), Michelle Dearien (daughter of Phil and Rita Alderson), Jennie Dodd (daughter of Gee Gee Allen and sister of Katie Ramirez), Donna Dunaway (sister of Ms. Glenda Lee), Tony Edwards (son of Opal Edwards), Kristen Escoto (daughter of Scott and Mina Hare), Donna Fisher (daughter of Charles and Shirley McKinney), Randell Floyd (brother of Sue Hurley), Larry Gambill (father of John Gambill), Gerald Gibson (brother-in-law of Joanne Rich), Carter Harbron (grandson of Debbie Condor), Louis Hopkins (friend of Dorothy Stephens), Eric Jenkins (friend of David Campbell), Lucy Kent (sister of Kathy Sorrells), Heidi Landess (niece of Jess and Sandy Nichols), Doris Lemons (mother of Paula Pearson), Richard Lewis (brother of Janet Tatum), Haskell Looney (father of Danny Looney), Paula Luke (former member), Margaret Majors (mother of Jeff Majors and Lori Hunt), John Maple (cousin of Cindy Richmond), Maria Sanchez (grandmother of Gabriela Moreno), Jana Spencer (sister of Denell Dennis), Denise Thompson (former member), Shirley Witt (mother of Denell Dennis), and all the men and women serving in harm's way with our armed forces.
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Saturn Road Church of Christ
3030 Saturn Road
Garland, Texas 75041