Volume 3 | Issue 5, August 2019
CADA News and information!
CADA Open House
and Art Speaks Ohio Art Swap!
Join us Saturday, September 7 for our annual Open House featuring performances by our youth and adult company members, take a sample class with some of our teachers and get some new art supplies with an Art Swap by Art Speaks Ohio. The Art Swap will take place from 10 - 1 pm and performances will take place between 1 and 3 pm in the Blue Box Studio at 1501 S. Hawkins Ave, Akron 44320.

If you are a parent of a young person with autism, you can check out our programming and find out what Saturday classes are available for our fall/winter/spring sessions.

Adults with disabilities are invited to learn about our day theatre program for adults, which operates M-F from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Company members will be on hand to answer your questions and to lead participants in some interactive improvisations.
art materials in a pot


Art Speaks Ohio will be at The Center for Applied Autism and Drama to hold an art swap from 10-1. Do you have unwanted items in your closet that others can use to make art? Or maybe you want to swap items you're not using. Bring them to the art swap and trade supplies and ideas with other artists. If you are just looking for something new to use for art come to this event you won't walk away empty handed. 
Fall Session at CADA
August 31 -- last Saturday Drop-in Classes for the summer
Saturday, Sept 7 -- CADA/Theatre on the Spectrum Open House and Art Swap
Saturday, Sept 14 -- Fall Classes begin!
Saturday, Sept 28 -- No Classes today -- join us at the Kent Creativity Festival for a day of interactive improv and theatre games!
Saturday, Nov 23 -- Last Day of Fall Session
CADA in the News!
Acting class always starts with a high energy dance.
Check out these recent articles about what we do and why we do it!

On Stage on the Spectrum by Laura Yeager in a blog on PsychCentral.com (Laura's son has been attending Saturday classes for the past three years.)

Second Monday Open Mic for performing artists with disabilities - at the Blue Box Studio
Our first Open Mic for and by performing artists with disabilities was a rousing success! We were treated to songs, poems, comedy sketches, a pantomime and an interpretive dance! Thanks to Sharetta Howze and JT Styles for acting as Emcees for the afternoon! Thanks also to Ruben Ryan and Brian Cogar for providing technical assistance.

As this was our first time hosting, we are making a few minor adjustments. From now on, the event will begin at 1 pm and go until 2:30 pm, still on the second Monday of every month. Performers may sign up for a slot upon arriving at our studio. If there is time, performers may be given an opportunity to perform a second time. This event is free to the public. Concessions will be on sale to help support this continuing event. Call us at 234-678-7830 for more information
Video of the Month!
Above : Theatre on the Spectrum company members singing along with Jeff Moyer's song "We're People First!". You can check out all our vldeos at The Center for Applied Drama and Autism's Youtube Channel.

In celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, our company members sing along to a song by Disability Rights Advocate and musician, Jeff Moyer. We recently made contact with Mr Moyer regarding using some of his music in our upcoming production of Along the Graveyard Path. After some wonderful discussions via email and phone, Mr Moyer has agreed to not only let us use his songs, but he is also adjusting and adding lyrics to songs we will be using to enhance our story telling throughout the production! Mr Moyer will be visiting us in our studio in September to teach us the music!
Akron's Arts and Culture Plan
Company members attending Akron's Arts and Culture meeting.
Above : Company members attend a community session focused on improving arts and culture access for people with disabilities.

Theatre on the Spectrum company members are dedicated advocates for improved access to community arts and culture events. We are proud to have been included in the city-wide discussions on how to make our city's events more inclusive for audiences and artists with disabilities. Here is an Akron Beacon Journal article by Kerry Clawson that discusses this initiative.

Below : Alicia M Hopkins of Art Speaks Ohio created this mixed media piece to celebrate the disabled community's participation in creating an Arts and Culture plan for Akron. Incorporating a wheel from her wheelchair, Alicia documents the discussions related to needed improvements such as providing Braille signage in art galleries to creating sensory-friendly arts environments to making stages and backstage areas accessible for people in wheelchairs and more. This work will be on display at our Blue Box Studio through the fall.
Art piece by Alicia M Hopkins that documents and celebrates our meeting to improve access and inclusion in Akron's arts and culture communities.
Applied Drama for Autism
Teacher Training Workshop -- changed to December 7
Above :Acting teacher Debora Totti and class members act out an African folk tale.

CADA Teacher training workshops series will continue in December

 Due to our very busy schedule, we are postponing "Emotion Games/Exercises for Self-Advocacy" until December 7. We look forward to continuing this series!

Our Teacher Training Workshops are taught by CADA co-founders Laura Valendza and Wendy S Duke. The workshops will cover a variety of techniques and games adapted for youth and adults on the autism spectrum and other special needs populations. Workshops begin at 9 AM and go until 4 PM with a one hour lunch break, and will take place at CADA’s Blue Box Studio located at 1501 S. Hawkins Ave.
Support CADA when shopping at smile.Amazon.com
.5% of your online purchases at Amazon will be donated to the Center for Applied Drama and Autism. All you have to do is click on the link below that takes you directly to CADA's Smile.Amazon site. Smile.Amazon.com has all the same products and services as Amazon's regular page -- the difference is you will be giving a percentage of your purchase to CADA. It's an easy way to support us!
Along the Graveyard Path
Company members visiting Schneider Park which was the site of Akron's Poor House in the early 20th century.
Above, company members visiting Schneider Park to reflect upon what happened there.
Along the Graveyard Path is a devised piece on the history of disability. We have been in research and development mode for over a year. This is an epic production in historical scope and magnitude of involvement. Both our youth and adult companies are combining forces to create a play that begins in Akron's Schneider Park which once served as the burial ground for Akron's disabled and indigent people. Our partners include the University of Akron anthropology department, the Akron Civic Theatre and Ardmore Inc.

Stay tuned for updates on this project, set to go before the public in August 2020!
CADA Calendar

Summer 2019 Session: June 29 -- August 31

Open Mic at the Blue Box Theatre - September 9th, 1 - 2:30 pm.

CADA/Theatre on the Spectrum Open House -- Sept 7

Fall 2019 10 week session: begins Saturday, Sept 14, ends Nov 23.

Kent Creativity Festival -- Saturday, September 29 - Note all Saturday classes will be cancelled for this date only -- please join us on the Kent State Main Campus for a day of arts fun!

On the Table Akron -- meeting at the Blue Box on Oct 3 at 1 pm.

Open Mic at the Blue Box Theatre - October 14 from 1:00 - 2:30

Open Mic at the Blue Box Theatre - November 11 from 1:00 - 2:30

Open Mic at the Blue Box Theatre - December 9 from 1:00 - 2:30

Center for Applied Drama & Autism | 1501 S Hawkins Ave, Akron 44320 | 234-678-7830 | info@centerforada.org | centerforada.org

Theatre on the Spectrum is CADA's performance wing. Our youth company rehearses on Saturdays. The adult company operates Monday through Friday from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm as a day theatre program for people on the spectrum of abilities, in collaboration with Ardmore, Inc.

For further information, please visit us at centerforada.org