Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are "Physically Closed but Spiritually Open."
Spotlight On: Music and Medita tions Monday | YouTube

Each Monday this summer, we have been posting a Musical Meditation  representing the various aspects of our music program: Skip on piano,  Heinrich on the organ, and the King's Chapel Choir. So far we have posted a total of 8 videos.

They are available to view on our social media with the hashtag #MusicAndMeditationMonday and on our YouTube channel where we have put them all into a  playlist. You also have the option to scroll through or click on each individual video. Each of them has a bit of a different "flavor." For example, Meditation Number 1 has pictures of architectural details from the church, 2 and 8 focus on the organ, 3 features the choir, 4 is from the Parish House chapel, 5 has pictures from the Parish House garden, and number 7 is a stroll through the Public Garden in search of a blackbird. Apart from the obvious musical differences, our hope is that the visual side of each one can provide a little bit of what we have all been missing in this time that we have been apart.
From the Minister 
My Dear Friends-
Though "gospel" translates as "good news," some Sundays I find myself wondering just how "good" the news really is! After all, there are "loaves and fishes" Sundays, and then there are the Sundays when the rich man walks away saddened by the sacrifice required to follow Jesus. Good news, and... "challenging" news. But this week? Loaves and fishes! We hear of Jesus feeding the multitudes: the only miracle that appears in all four Gospels. As the disciples wonder how they could possibly provide for so many, Jesus provides an abundance-an overabundance that fills twelve baskets after the crowd has had their fill.
Perhaps you're like me and rejoice at a story you've heard many times over. Or maybe it's been a while. Or possibly you're encountering this bit of good news for the first time. Whatever the case may be, I urge you to abide in and with this story as the week draws to a close. Notice that we begin with Jesus' attempt to withdraw. He is drawn back, drawn into the creation of abundance, by compassion. Notice that before he feeds the people he cures them: healing then nourishment. And witness the manner of feeding: not an instantaneous hocus-pocus, but a deliberate act of blessing and breaking and giving.
Slow work, this business of healing and feeding! There is much to challenge us in these difficult times, my friends. Would that we hear in this story an assurance not only that we will be cared for, but that if we but ask, we will have the abundance from which to care for others.
In faith and love,
King's Chapel Welcomes All to our Sunday Services  

Morning Light Service 
Sundays from 9:00-9:30 AM on Zoom 
Come join us for an intimate service of contemporary music and prayer as we gather to listen to the Word, share our joys and concerns, and abide with one another in fellowship. The music is led by Roland Skip Lewan from the piano, incorporating elements of jazz and improvisation.  

Contact Laura Zeugner Administrative Assistant, for login information.

Morning Prayer Service
New virtual services posted by 11 AM on Sundays on YouTube

Each week we film the elements of our traditional Morning Prayer service, featuring beautiful music, stately prayers, and our ministers' reflections on the week's lessons. Our choir members and music director Heinrich Christensen provide newly recorded material as well as occasional pieces from our past recordings and CDs, as we explore the virtual new frontiers of making music. 

Visit our King's Chapel From Home page  to view the most recent service or explore the King's Chapel  YouTube channel .

Parish News

Joy away

Dear friends, I will not be working from July 24-August 24; David, 
Heinrich, and Gretchen will be available to take good care of you all. Be in touch with them directly if you have any needs. They'll also know how to reach me if it's urgent. My family is not travelling, given the pandemic, but I look forward to some "retreat" and beach time. Aren't we blessed to live in a coastal state along the Atlantic! I have good books piled up, and some walks and bike rides planned. I hope you all get some refreshing retreat time also, day by day. We all need it -there's even a commandment about sabbath rest. May it be yours.
With many blessings always, Joy
Building The Beloved Community: John Lewis' Inspiration 

Please read and "use your power to make a difference in society." 
Musical Notes

New Music in the Time of COVID - Part 2 of a series

This week's nocturnal vision, Introspection #2, starts out peacefully, lyrical and sustained. Light appears to be breaking forth, but then evolves into a terrific crescendo, all the way to full organ. This outcry stops suddenly, and we sink back into a restatement of the opening musical material. Very much open to interpretation!

Watch the video and read Heinrich's commentary on the piece HERE
Chapel Restoration Project Continues
The work at the chapel continues on schedule.  This week, the masons began  the cut-out and re-pointing of joints in the walls, and paint prep is under way in the front. 

The bases of the columns will be restored or replaced, and the contractor is investigating existing conditions to confirm appropriate installation.

All is going smoothly. We find that the timing for this is perfect, since we cannot be at the chapel for services, tours or concerts these days!

Block Party |  Hosted by Dorie Seavey and Kent Wittenburg of the Environmental Action Initiative | Friday 5 PM | Zoom 

Join the Block Party, hosted by the ARE Environmental Action Initiative this week.  They will briefly mention their ongoing activities, including a preview of the Monday open meeting on electoral justice, and will be there to listen to your thoughts and answer any questions .
Sandwiches for common cathedaral  | Sunday August 2 | sponsored by the Community Action Committee
Environmental Action Initiative Open Meeting on Electoral Justice | Monday August 3, 3PM | Zoom

Are you concerned about the national election in November and how its outcome might affect environmental justice among other things? The Environmental Action Initiative is gathering information and getting involved in getting out the vote campaigns with non-partisan organizations. Check out the discussion board "Take Action for Electoral Justice".
 Contact [email protected] for a Zoom invite to the open discussion.

Bible Study  | Weekly on Wednesdays  6:15 PM |  Zoom
Coffee with the Clergy Weekly on Thursdays 10 AM | Zoom
Conversations with the History Program | Thursdays | 12 and 5:30 PM | Zoom
Save the Dates 
Theology on Tap| Wednesday August 19 | 6 PM | Zoom
Looking Back

Conversations with the History Program

Did you miss the Conversation last week, exploring King's Chapel's religious revolution in the 1780s under the early leadership of James Freeman ? You can hear the discussion HERE
In This Issue
Sunday Services 

August 2nd | Morning Light | 9 AM via Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, piano
  • Mary Katherine Morn, Zoom assistant
  • Ciael Hills, Lector
contact [email protected] for login information
August 2nd |  Morning Prayer with Holy Communion  |  11 AM via YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Hannah Carlson and Sam Rosner, Soloists
  • Alison LaRosa, flute
  • Cathy Price, Lector
  • Hillary and David Metcalf, and Karen Cord Taylor, Lay Readers
  • Matthew 14:13-21
Did you miss Sunday's Virtual Service?  If so, click here to see the full service. 
From the Bench

We have a bunch of glorious Bach for you this Communion Sunday, s tarting out with this week's Monday Meditation Music, the chorale prelude Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'. This piece is based on the Lutheran chorale that was written to take the place of the Gloria from the Latin mass so the congregation could sing along in German after the Reformation. Bach set this chorale many times, one theory being that he felt a special affinity for that tune because his personal motto was Soli Deo Gloria - to God alone be glory. 

For our motet, we have a new daring experiment in the virtual realm. Soprano Hannah Carlson and tenor Sam Rosner join flutist Alison LaRosa for "Domine Deus" from the Gloria portion of the Mass in b minor - 4 separate recordings expertly Frankensteined together by Sam. 
Giving to King's Chapel
Our stewardship giving to King's Chapel continues even as we are not physically together each week. This includes our annual pledges and gifts as well as our ongoing contributions to the Sunday plate. If you have not yet sent in your pledge or gift please  do so now and help us in this moment when we truly need it. If you are used to putting money in the Sunday Plate each week to support our community partners and our operating budget, you still can. The loss of this income, about $30,000, has an immediate impact on our community partners and our bottom line. Consider a monthly donation to the Sunday offering--maybe $50,$60,$75, $100 to make up for the lost weeks of attendance. Embracing our stewardship role is a way to joyfully and thankfully support the daily ongoing work that keeps King's Chapel thriving. Thank you. 

Staying Connected with King's Chapel
While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.  

Ways in which you can reach us are:

Morning Light Worship via Zoom, 9-9:30 AM each Sunday. Contact Laura Zeugner at   [email protected] for login information. 

Morning Prayer services are posted each Sunday at 11 AM on our website at 

Prayer Connection
King's Chapel is a praying church and we have added a new link to our website page to make easy any request you may have:  [email protected]  .   Requests sent here will be received by Joy Fallon, David Waters, and Cynthia Perkins, Prayer Circle Chair. If you prefer, also know that you can always reach out to any of us individually. 
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. So far in the last two months, we've had twenty or more. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. 
Some other hints to protect yourselves: Double check the "from" address to see who really has sent it, and double check the email of the person to whom you're supposedly replying. Verify suspicious emails by phone, especially if the email says not to call. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 

Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email [email protected] with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.