NAWIC Tucson Chapter 122
July 2020 News
Miss a Little . . . Miss A Lot
Sandy's Soundbites
A note from Chapter President, Sandy Lipe, West Coast Roofing

Greetings Tucson NAWIC #122 and Friends!

Once again, we start with wishing Health & Safety to all our members, families, and friends during this Pandemic!

Again, with Pandemic restrictions still in place, we are still in a holding pattern for membership meetings. But we do move forward. Quietly, safely, and more unseen than before.
You will see here in the newsletter that the NEF Draft & Design winners were presented with their prizes. This year's presentation was done by the NEF Draft & Design committee in the contestants' front yards instead of in front of all the members as in pre-pandemic conditions.

We have delayed the bowling tournament in hopes that conditions will improve by October. 
There is still an opening for someone to Chair the Membership Committee. This is committee is required by NAWIC National. And with Tracy Miller taking over the President’s position, this opening must be filled. Please step up if you are interested. Tracy had a very successful year last year and will, I’m sure, be very happy to share her ideas.

Ladies, I can’t wait to get back to sharing time with all of you! And that day will come. Until them, best wishes to you and yours.

Proud to be your president!

Sandy Lipe
NAWIC Monthly Membership Dinner Sponsorships Available for 2020

Get your five minutes of fame with r ecognition at the Membership Dinner.
For only a donation of a $50.00 gift card of your choice, your personal bio, photo, business bio, logo, and link to your website will be included in that month's newsletter.
Your business logo and link to your website will also be in the meeting flyer.
Contact Tracy at for details or to reserve a month.
NAWIC Tucson Chapter
July Anniversaries & Birthdays

Happy Anniversary
Katharine Kent , The Solar Store -- 4 years
Lindsay Welch, Crest Insurance -- 1 year
Susan Yanez , Marathon Petroleum Corporation -- 1 year

Happy Birthday
Tina Tighe, AssuredPartners of Arizona, LLC -- July 7
Lindsay Welch , Crest Insurance -- July 20
Safety Tip
Each month NAWIC will provide a timely safety tip courtesy of

Tips to Protect Construction Workers in the Summer Months
We are just halfway through the summer. In order to make it through the double digits and monsoon humidity, use and share these tips with your colleagues and keep everyone safe.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
Keep cool water within easy access at all times. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to chug a glass. Drink a full glass every 15 minutes. Staying hydrated will help to protect you from heat stroke and provide the proper energy you need all day. Stay away from soda and energy drinks, as they can cause a spike in blood sugar and can be dehydrating. Electrolyte replacement beverages and water are a better choice. Make sure that your drinks are always cool, not room temperature.

Eat Right
Stay away from high-fat, greasy foods that will make you sluggish. Eat a light meal during the hottest hours, so you will stay alert and minimize afternoon fatigue.

Get Plenty of Quality Sleep
Stop scrolling social media in bed. Turn out the lights and aim for eight quality hours of sleep every night. REM is harder to achieve during hot weather. Seep in a cool, dark room for a restful and re-energizing sleep in order to prevent drowsiness and accidents on the job.

Avoid the Air Conditioning
As tempting as taking respite in the cool AC is, repeatedly going in and out of it makes it harder for your body to adjust to the heat.

Know the Signs of Heat Stress
Hot skin without sweating, mental confusion, loss of consciousness, and heat cramps are signs of heat stroke. If anyone shows these signs, call 911 immediately.

In addition, follow the regulated training set forth by OSHA.
Have news to share?
Send new jobs, promotions, awards, special events, job openings, wedding & birth announcements and more to Susan Kregar by the 15th for that month's issue.
Not a NAWIC Member?
Know of someone who may be interested in becoming a member?
Contact Tracy Miller for membership information.
NAWIC National Working For You
NAWIC provides its members with opportunities for professional development, education, networking, leadership training, public service and more.

Touch Here to learn more about what is available to members from NAWIC National.

NAWIC Tucson Chapter #122