Crosstown Connection June 20 - 26
" I begin lighting the candles while reading a simple prayer. We then pray blessing over each other. Traditionally, this is a time for the parents to bless each other and the parents to bless the children , but the children have started praying, too. 
Maybe there will be a morning hike today, or maybe a day at home in family togetherness, perhaps “working” in the garden , but only if the whole family agrees that it is restful. 
We will probably all take naps , and there will be no hurry, no worry, no talk of work or homemaking decisions (indeed, the kids can even correct us if we begin to talk work or house projects, decisions, or concerns).
G enerally there is no screen time and no spending of money. This day is for snuggling, playing , feeding our souls and our family relationships.
Today is sacred.
Over these past eight months we have been learning the discipline of rest. That it must be worked for, planned for , and given a place of honor within the family timeline. Rest, true and deep, gives us strength for the coming week. It fuels and motivates our long & diligent weekdays. And at the week’s end, we delight . We all do. "
Sabbath Conversations
We invite you to join a conversation group around this topic or start your own group. It could be within your home, with another friend, online, or in person. We have created a conversation guide to help you think through Sabbath. This guide lightly partners with the sermon series but can be utilized separately also.
*click guide image for pdf file
May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28 with Polly and Amy
June 3, 10, 17, 24, July 1 with Kristi
Just log into Facebook and the Sabbath group page. There will be a post when the video chat starts. Then click the button to join the room. Super easy.
June 4, 11, 18, 25, July 2 with Pastor John
Newsletter Changes
The week of July 4th there will be no newsletter and no worship email. Worship will be made available per usual on the church website.
Starting June 28th there will no longer be a separate Sunday worship email. The same information has been duplicated weekly on the church website post. For time-saving reasons the separate Sunday worship emails will end in order to give time to work on other communication needs. Please visit the website directly for Sunday services.
Communication Progress 🖥️ 📱 👍🏻
The church has been adjusting to this new model of online discipleship, fellowship, and connection. Trying to catch up with the times. We expect that online church will continue even after bodies return to the church building to worship. The church online has opened some new virtual doors. It has allowed friends from Florida, Illinois, Arizona to join us in video worship, in zoom prayer gatherings, and in Facebook conversations. This also enables home-bound members to participate in worship instead of only receiving a print bulletin. It's a new day for the church online.
Now we are looking to better facilitate and innovate with church online instead of just reacting to the need. To that end we are in the process of changing the church website platform, adding a church mobile app and volunteer platform, and streamlining our communication. This will most likely be a two-month process as Kristi works through the building of these products. If you would like to help with building of the website or church app, please email the office.
Morning Prayer Date Change
Drop by any time for morning prayer. Morning prayers will now be held on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30AM. There will no longer be a Tuesday offering. Everyone is welcome to pop in on Zoom when it works for you.
MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Every summer we have a special Sunday service with MN Adult & Teen Challenge. This is a highlight service that will still happen... just in virtual format. Make sure to check out Crosstown's website for their worship service on July 5th.
Phasing in the use of Crosstown's building: Phase 2
The building is open, partially!  The Reopening Plan has been put together by the Crosstown Elder Team. The Commons is available for groups of 10 people or less with a reservation. If you have questions please contact our COVID Plan Administrator Bill Weller  
Need a Facemask?
Thanks to Iris Smyth and Nancy Peterson we have a stocked facemask box at church. Masks are available in different sizes and are yours to keep. Drop by and pick one up.
B ir t h da y s!
Betty J Parker 6/20, Jan Germann 6/22, Patty Bremer 6/24, Leo Inestroza 6/25, Sonia Larson 6/28, Tom Pikal 6/30, Hope Gillen 7/2, Kathleen Lindahl 7/3
Email the office if you would like your birthday included.
Sheridan Story
Since March 13th Sheridan Story has distributed over 1,460,000 meals! That's a 400% increase in distribution.
Learn the latest on the Sheridan Story website . There are lots of ways to help: you can donate produce that you grow, volunteer to pack bags, or donate financially.
Minneapolis Sanford Middle School

29,000 bags of donated supplies in just seven hours distributed to the community by Sheridan Story.

Read more
5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People