This Sunday, January 19th
10:00 a.m.
Worship led by Rev. Lee Ann Bryce

"A Conversation with Aaron Fowler"
Refreshments: Veronica Penrod
January Trustee: Jim Keller
From Rev. Lee Ann
I’m so excited about worship this week! In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, we will celebrate the beloved community that is First Congregational Church. 

Our special guest artist will be Aaron Fowler, an old friend of mine from college. Aaron is an educator who spent many years in the public school classroom, but he felt drawn to use his discipline (music) as a tool for education, so he shifted his path. 

Aaron is now a Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist (and National Trainer) with Wolf Trap Early Learning Through the Arts. The work of integrating the arts into science, math, and language arts is a wonderful way to inspire kids (and grownups) to use the creative space in their heads to think about the world they live in.
Aaron is also a person of deep faith. Our conversation will focus on the power of music to connect us to the sacred.  
It’s going to be great. Don’t miss it!
Thankful for music and old friends,
Rev. Lee Ann
FCC Safety Training
this Sunday--CPR and AED
An important part of our emergency preparedness plan at First Congregational Church is having its members and regular attendees trained in how to recognize and respond to emergencies. Thank you to the 55 attendees who came to last Sunday's training.

This Sunday, January 19th , following worship, in the Social Hall, we will hold the second of four one-hour training sessions. Sunday's session is performing CPR using the simpler hands-only method approved in 2008, and how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) like the one we have on the wall near the snack table. All ages are welcome to attend.

While we haven't had to use our AED, we have been ready after two medical emergencies.

Please RSVP below no later than tomorrow, January 17th , so the trainers know how many to prepare for. (If you are RSVPing for more than one, please email  the office  to let us know how many will be joining you.)

Please mark your calendars for the remainder of the training sessions, each following worship in the Social Hall:

January 26th --Active Shooter Training
February 2nd --Suspicious Behavior Training

Thank you for making time for this important training.
Yes, I will be attending this Sunday's training.
01/19/20 11:00am - 01/19/20 12:00pm

I'll be there!
New Kitchen Door Code
The code to enter through the kitchen door has been changed. If you did not receive an email and you need the code, please contact the office.
Who to Contact
We have a number of important committees made up of dedicated folks who keep our church running, and help make it the wonderful place that it is. If you’re unsure of who does what, here’s a very brief description of each committee and the contact person.

The Cabinet is responsible for managing the affairs of the church. They decide on church policy, oversee the finances, and manage all church committees and events. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns about our church, please contact Tracy Hanna , Cabinet Moderator or Veronica Penrod , Cabinet Moderator-Elect.

Christian Education oversees the Sunday morning Education Hour and works alongside our Adult Ed, youth, and children’s directors to keep our education program going. If you have an idea for a program or speaker, please contact Christy Alvear , Christian Education Chair.

Christian Service plans and oversees the benevolence and social action plans of our church. If there is an issue you would like our church to be made aware of or become a part of, contact Ann Cartwright , Christian Service Chair.

Deacons work closely with Rev. Lee Ann and are responsible for weekly worship services, special services, and evangelism. If you have any ideas or questions, please contact Betsy Barbre , Deacons Chair.

Trustees are responsible for the care of our building and grounds, and manage the financial affairs of the church. If you see an area needing improvement inside or outside of our building, or have questions about finances, please contact Jim Keller , Trustees Chair.
Refugee Services Opportunities
There are always opportunities at Refugee Services of Texas! Here are the latest:

1) If you got new technology for Christmas and want your old tech to go to good use, you can donate your used laptops, tablets, TVs, and computers to RST. They will give the devices to clients who will use them to learn English, find employment opportunities, and learn more about the Fort Worth community.

** We know of two TVs that are ready to be delivered to RST if someone is willing to do so. Let the office know if you can take them. **

2) RST is looking for volunteers to teach a citizenship class for clients that will help prepare them to take and pass the citizenship test.

3) If you are wanting to make a donation, here are items needed:
  • Men's sneakerssize 9 (URGENT!)
  • Women's black flatssize 9 
  • $25 Walmart gift cards for the sewing class graduates so they can start their fabric collection
  • Bikes—which are a great way for our clients to get work and/or school when they first arrive. 

If you're interested in any of the above, contact Tess Edmonds .
The Education Hour
NURSERY (infants-4 years old, next to Rev. Lee Ann's office)--The nursery is available during worship and the Education Hour. Drop your littles by for play time!

YOUTH (6th-12th grade, Second Floor, Room 203)--Planning for Youth Sunday continues!

ADVENTURE VILLAGE (Kindergarten-5th grade, Second Floor, Room 207)-- AdVillians will start planning what service projects they want to do this spring, and choir practice starts at 11:45!

ADULT ED: See above article on CPR/AED training.
Room in the Inn Each Wednesday
Room in the Inn offers the warmth of table fellowship and comfy beds on cold nights to our neighbors without a home each Wednesday through February.

Positions for the upcoming weeks are open. ( Click here .) I f you’d like to stay updated on how to help what to donate ,  and  when you are needed, contact Trisha Stanfill to be added to the RITI mailing list.
Save the Date!
You are invited to Embrace UCC for the Lucie Blue Trio's "Citizen Tour" on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00ish p.m. Get ready to laugh and enjoy old and new songs with Lucie Blue, Chelley Seibert and Amelia MELE. 

About Lucie Blue Tremblay

Lucie Blue Tremblay is one of Canada's great voices and songwriters, bringing her bilingual Canadian heritage to life in songs that celebrate love, strength, truth, peace, and honor. French and English lyrics, a gorgeous voice, and her trademark whistle have melted the hearts of listeners around the globe since she first arrived on the stage in the early 80's. The last decade has found her undertaking an extraordinary commitment to breast cancer education; earning a Commercial Driver's License; becoming a Certified Patient Care Technician; and becoming an American citizen.
Two Simple Things You Can Do...
Crayola has launched Crayola ColorCycle that allows used Crayola markers to be collected and repurposed. The Welman Project (housed in the Ken Davis Hall--the building on the other side of our parking lot) has a collection bin for used Crayola markers. So don't toss them--donate them! (And if the Wellies are not open, just drop your markers by the office with a note that says "Welman."
One small way to help both the environment and little animals is by repurposing your used mascara wands.

Appalachian Wildlife Refuge uses mascara wands to help remove eggs and larva from the fur of animals. There is a container in the office to receive your donations (by the window). Contact Laurie if you have any questions.
Go Fund Me for Lucas
A Go Fund Me page has been set up for the legal expenses of Lucas. ( Click here for the link. ) Can you please help spread the word by sharing the page? (Just click "Share" under the "Donate Now" button.) Donations are, of course, also appreciated. ( If you don't want to use GFM, you can donate through FCC...just write "Lucas" in the memo line of a check, or on the outside of an envelope.)
January Small Groups
FCC BOOK CLUB, January 23rd, 7:00 p.m., home of Han and John Will January's book is  Leaving the Witness  by Amber Scorah. This is an autobiography of a young woman, raised in a strict Jehovah's Witness home and church, who, with her husband, traveled to China to be missionaries. Their work in China is illegal and she and her husband must be extremely circumspect as they work to spread their faith. The story takes her through some difficult times and ultimately lives up to the book's title. (Contact: Call Peter Nichols at 484-432-4548 or .)

CULTIVATING MINDFULNESS, Saturdays, 10:00 a.m., Parlor FROM LISA:    Please join us for our regular sangha time where we will enjoy sitting, walking, and guided meditation as well as tea and dharma discussion. This week, as we remember Martin Luther King, Jr., who was a close associate and friend of Thich Nhat Hanh's, we may want to also recite this gatha:

Gatha for Healing Racial, Systemic, and Social Inequity: Aware of the suffering caused by racial, systemic, and social inequities, we commit ourselves, individually and as a community, to understanding the roots of these inequities, and to transforming this suffering into compassion, understanding and love in action. As a global community of practitioners, we are aware of the disproportionate racial violence and oppression committed by institutions and by individuals, whether consciously or unconsciously, against African Americans and people of color across the United States and beyond. We know that by looking deeply as individuals and as a community, we can engage the collective wisdom and energy of the Sangha to be our foundation for Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Mindfulness, and Right Insight. These are the practices leading to nondiscrimination, non-harming, and non-self which heal ourselves and the world.
(Contact:   Lisa November ; Facebook page:   FoWoMindfu l)

EMMAUS DINNER CHURCH, first and third Sundays, 5:30 p.m., Chapel
Emmaus Dinner Church is a progressive faith community that practices expansive and radical welcome of ALL people, but especially God's LGBTQIA+ beloved. On the first and third Sundays, they gather around table to share a meal, songs, stories, and communion. (Contact: Nathaniel Cook )

FIRST SUNDAY LUNCH BUNCH, Sunday, February 2nd, following worship, location to come On the first Sunday of the month, a group of FCCers heads to a local restaurant to eat and socialize. This is a great way to connect with a great group of folks! Let Faye Swindle or Sall-Ann know if you're going so they will save you a place at the table. (Contact:  Sall-Ann Sauer )

HEART-2-HEART WOMEN'S GROUP, Wednesday, January 22nd, 10:00 a.m. Stay tuned for what's next! (Contact: Rhonda Grundy  or join their Facebook page: Heart2Heart)

MEDITATION ON THE GO, Wednesdays, Chapel, 8:30 a.m. We alternate meditation activities every 10 minutes until 9:30 a.m., so feel free to come and go when the bell sounds. (Ring the doorbell if you arrive after 8:30 a.m. and wait a moment for someone to open the door or call Lisa at 817-807-0890.) (Contact:   Lisa November ; Facebook page:   FoWoMindful )

PRAYER PARTNERS, via email    One of the most valuable gifts we can offer one another and our world is prayer. Prayer requests are shared via email, so this is a good way to connect if you are unable to attend scheduled events. (Contact: Church Office )

LOIS HUNDLEY PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY, First and Third Thursdays, 1:00 p.m., Family Room   If you knit or crochet, you can use your talents to make prayer shawls. These "chicks with sticks" offer handmade gifts to those who need encouragement during difficult times. (Contact:  Linda Bavousett

RECOVERY DHARMA FORT WORTH, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., and Sundays, 4:30 p.m., Parlor   Recovery Dharma FW practices ways to free themselves from the suffering of addiction of any kind using Buddhist practices and principles. This is a welcoming peer-led movement and community that approaches recovery from a place of individual and collective empowerment as participants walk the path of recovery together. (Contact: Kevin Woodson )

SOUL SISTERS    Soul Sisters get together every other week and share a meal, do activities, and just enjoy being together. The best way to stay up to date is to check out their Facebook page: Soul Sisters FCC. (Contact:  Kim Haymon )

T'AI CHI, Thursdays, 1:30 p.m., Chapel    T'ai Chi--a type of stylized meditative exercise focusing on stretching and balance--is available to adults and youth. A $30 per month fee is required. Details are available through the instructor. (Contact:  Steve Blostein )

FIRST CONGO UKERS, This Saturday, January 18th, 6:00 p.m., home of Rev. Lee Ann and Lisa The music teams at FCC are gathering together for a party and all ukers have been invited. Ukers meet monthly at a different location to sing and play and socialize. To stay up with the gatherings, be sure to get on their email list. Everyone is welcome from "I've-never-held-a-uke-before" to "I'm-ready-to-go-on-tour!" (Contact:  Laurie Dobson  or join their Facebook page: First Congo Ukers)

SATURDAY YOGA, Saturdays, 1:00 p.m., Parlor There may not be an instructor, but there are DVDs, so come join the group. Everyone is welcome--no matter your yoga experience. (Contact: Sall-Ann Sauer )
Slumber Falls Camps
The Mid-Winter Youth Retreat for high school youth (9th-12th grades) is January 24th-26th. This retreat focuses on how we are growing, developing, and our desire to become. ( Register here .)

Slumber Falls Annual Work Camp will be held on February 7th-9th. Folks are needed to clean, restore, construct, and prepare the facilities for groups and summer camp. In addition, there are ongoing projects that they strive to achieve each year such as cleaning, folding t-shirts, cleaning and repairing flower beds, painting, and power washing. (Register here.)
Please let us know...
FCC's pastoral caregivers want to support you in times of need.

If you are ill, having surgery, or needing meals during recovery, please let the church office know. Rev. Kathy, Rev. Lee Ann, and our pastoral caregivers will support you with prayer, visits, or practical assistance as best we can. Social media is unreliable in communicating need.

Please let us know so that you may receive the support the church wants to provide.
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Our Room in the Inn guests this week: Waris, Alex, Manuel, Raul, and Gary
Dana Small
Baby Finn and his family
FCC on AmazonSmile!
If you order from Amazon, would you please consider signing up for AmazonSmile and supporting FCC? ( Just click here! )

If you already use AmazonSmile, would you consider making "First Congregational Church UCC Fort Worth" your charity of choice?

SPREAD THE WORD! Share this information with your family and friends who might want to help support our church!
All about FCC
What We Believe
In May 2008, we declared: We, the congregation of First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fort Worth, declare ourselves to be Open and Affirming. We strive to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of sexual orientation, gender and its expression, marital status, age, mental and physical health and ability, racial and cultural identity or background, and educational or socioeconomic status. We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings, and joys of our congregation's life in Christ.
Contact Us
Address: 4201 Trail Lake Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Phone: 817-923-2990
Email: Church Office
Who's Who at FCC
Rev. Lee Ann Bryce , Senior Pastor, Director of FCC Singers
Rev. Kathy Bowser , Pastoral Care Assistant
Laurie Dobson , Office Manager and Director of Communications
Zane Freemyer, Hand Bell Choir Director
Heather Goolsby , Youth Director
Analiese Hill , Children's Director
Joel Penrod , Worship and Arts Planner
Laurie Simmons , Accompanist
FCC on Social Media
Instagram: FirstCongregationalFortWorth
Audio of Rev. Lee Ann's Sermons: Click here.
Sunday's Online Bulletins:
2020 Committee Chairs

Tracy Hanna , Cabinet Moderator
Veronica Penrod , Cabinet Moderator-Elect
Christy Alvear , Christian Education
Ann Cartwright , Christian Service
Betsy Barbre , Deacons
Jim Keller , Trustees
Article/Announcement Submissions
Articles for The Comma and announcements for the bulletin must be in to the office via email no later than Wednesday mornings. For events to be published on our Facebook page, please email the office with the details. PLEASE NOTE: Articles and announcements may be edited for length, grammar, etc.
Privacy Policy
We frequently take photos or videos of all the wonderful events happening in our church. If you prefer we do not include photos of you or your family in our bulletin or on social media, please let the church office know. We will be happy to honor your request.
Online Giving
You can make a donation to FCC via Vanco--a UCC online giving website. Here's what to do:
1) Go to our web page click on "Giving" menu, then click on the "Give Now" button.
2) Once on the Vanco website, set up an account, and decide where you want your donations to go, how often, and from what account. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Credit/debit transactions incur fees payable to the credit card company. FCC will record the amount less the fees for IRS purposes.