Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
September 2019
Supporting  the Environment, Health & Learning
Late Cornell Professor's Estate Gift 
Protects Local Land

The  Finger Lakes Land Trust recently renamed its Cayuga Inlet Conservation Area in Ithaca as the Tapan Mitra Preserve in honor of the late Dr. Tapan Mitra, a leading economic theorist and long-serving Cornell professor.

Dr. Mitra's professional accomplishments shaped both his discipline and his department. His commitment to colleagues and students rivaled only his concern for the environment. "How a society uses up natural resources currently can have enormous effects on the well-being of future generations of that society, including generations still unborn," he stated in a 2016 article.

During his life, Dr. Mitra collaborated with the Land Trust to identify key priorities of the organization as a part of his estate planning process. He was inspired by the experience of local math teacher and Land Trust member, Dave Bock, whose family donated what is now the Bock-Harvey Forest Preserve in Enfield. This collaboration led to a $200,000 bequest, which was administered by the Community Foundation of Tompkins County.    (read more)
Golden Opportunities Expands Tutoring in Ithaca's Schools

GO's new Executive Director Marne Honigbaum with Community Foundation's Chief Impact Officer Janet Cotraccia

It all started when Marty Kaminsky, a retired fourth grade teacher at Cayuga Heights Elementary, decided to tutor four students who were struggling in school.

The students' families couldn't afford to hire a tutor, so Kaminsky worked with them at no charge. In 2005, he decided to extend the opportunity to other students in the district and started a nonprofit group, Golden Opportunity, to match tutors with students who were falling behind in reading and math.

This year, as Golden Opportunity celebrates its 15th anniversary, the program has grown to 53 tutors working with students from grades two through eight in all the Ithaca City School District's elementary and middle schools. During the school year, the students, who must qualify for free and reduced lunch to be eligible, will receive 4,200 academic support hours, each meeting twice a week with their tutor.

"We are an advocate for each child," said Elizabeth Einstein, who has been a tutor with Golden Opportunity for 10 years. "We're friends with them. These kids get to trust us after a while and after they get to know us." (read more)
Fresh Snack Program Expands to Northeast Elementary School

Students at Northeast Elementary School have an assortment of locally produced fruits and vegetables to snack on during the school day this fall.

The Fresh Snack Program, which distributes produce to schools in the Ithaca City School District, began delivering fruits and vegetables to Northeast Elementary for the first time this fall. Northeast is the sixth elementary school in the district participating in the program, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

"The mission of the Fresh Snack Program has been to expand into schools with the lowest incomes," said Katie Church, administrator of the Youth Farm Project, which oversee the Fresh Snack Program. "Northeast, because of the sheer number of students, means that we are serving about 180 students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch."
(read more)
You are Invited to the Women's Fund 2019 Celebration

CFWF logo 

Register and purchase your ticket now to join the most amazing gathering of passionate philanthropists dedicated to making a difference in the lives of women in Tompkins County.

CFTC Women's Fund Luncheon March 2011
Impact Reports will be shared by 2018 grantees

We will celebrate Heidi Goldstein, the 2019 Laura Holmberg awardee

CLICK HERE for more information about the Women's Fund

Please purchase your tickets no later than October 10.

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New Fund, New Grants
for our Birth to 3 Fund


Our latest Field of Interest fund, Birth to 3, has been launched by community members who have expertise and interest in early childhood care and issues. They have recently made two grants. Their first supports the new Arthur Kuckes ChildCare Center at Tompkins Cortland Community College, The second is for the Child Development Council of Central NY's welcome baby program. The fund is currently seeking gifts to build its capacity to make the first three years of life postive, healthy and constructive for future success and school achievement. 
2019 Save the Date  

Community Foundation Events

Closer Look Site Visits J uly - December

Women's Fund Luncheon   October 17

Giving Tuesday December 3

Winter Open House December 13

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