King's Gate Connection February 2020
Because of YOU, King’s Gate Grew
We appreciate you and the investment you’ve made in our school. Because of your generous donations, Strategic Planning Phase 1 is complete! We built and equipped our new classroom space for elementary school, completed our state-of-the-art science lab, added a school bus, grew our scholarship funds, and added enough Chromebooks for the entire Upper School. Your support brought to life the big dreams GOD placed on our hearts to expand our reach and continue the experience of growing more grades.
We’re preparing the launch of Strategic Planning Phase 2. We can’t wait to share our dreams with you! 
Your participation makes King’s Gate accessible to more families
Traditionally the Gala is the school’s biggest fundraiser, bridging the gap between tuition and costs to provide the highest level of Kingdom education. Proceeds earned during the Gala allow us to keep tuition low. It’s also a way to support our community by showcasing local, philanthropically-minded businesses. Because of Covid restrictions, we had to rethink how we executed our Gala. Our incredible parent committee, led by Julie Boyd, created a fun @home auction experience for our attendees. Families haven’t been able to attend events inside our building and have felt disconnected. Julie’s hope was that families would be able to connect with the school through this virtual event. Because of your sponsorships, purchases, prayers, and support, we raised over $40,000! Your support not only adds to our scholarship fund, but enables us to upgrade furniture and equipment and add teaching, technical and specials resources. We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our sponsors and underwriters:
Much thanks to all who volunteered, all who acquired and donated items for our auction, and to all who purchased them. We could not offer the educational excellence we strive for to students from all socio-economic backgrounds without you!
“King’s Gate has exceeded our expectations!”
“King’s Gate has been such a blessing to our family! As 12-year homeschool veterans, we wanted our children to have not just a Christian-based education, but also one that allowed for exploratory learning as children are designed to learn. King’s Gate was the only school we found that truly honored the way children learn while teaching them godly values. We have 5 children there now and can honestly say that all grade levels have exceeded our expectations. We feel so blessed to have KG partnering alongside us to raise these children to be all that GOD made them to be.” --  Tiffany Smith
Get Tax Credits While Taking Advantage of Matching Grant
We were thankful to receive a matching grant from the Jasco Company in 2020. They committed to matching every dollar donated to King’s Gate up to $600,000 through December 2022. Although there are several different ways you can invest in King’s Gate students, we want to focus on a unique opportunity. When you give to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund and choose King’s Gate as the recipient, not only is your gift tax-deductible, but you’ll receive state tax credits of up to 75% of your donation. Individuals or those filing jointly may be credited up to $1,000. Qualified businesses may be credited up to $10,000. Jasco’s matching grant matches your donation to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund. Imagine doubling your donation and getting a portion of it back in tax credits! This is redirecting some of your tax dollars while financially supporting King’s Gate so more students have the opportunity to experience small classrooms, relational teaching, and hands-on learning. If you have questions, please call Linda Ford at 405-283-0144 for more information.
Share a Feast and WinTerm Provide
Different Learning Experiences

Share A Feast: Donating over 1,000 pounds of food!
At King’s Gate, we believe in training students to find abundant life in serving others. Our students shared a Thanksgiving feast with others by collecting 1,098 pounds of boxed and canned food for the Manna Food Pantry in Yukon. Before we sent it away, we challenged each class to build a can castle. We love the creativity that pours out of our students and we love their hearts for others.
WinTerm: Elective Life-Skills Classes for Upper School
After three years, WinTerm has become a beloved King’s Gate tradition in our Upper School. Students spend the first two weeks of January experiencing life-skills classes outside of their normal class schedule. Classes are chosen based students’ interests based on student surveys and the Kuder Career Assessment. WinTerm is one of the tools we use to expose students to different skill sets and career paths. The entire two weeks are dedicated to elective classes, some taught by current King’s Gate teachers and staff and others taught by volunteers. Sixth-grader MacKenzie was excited to finally get to participate in WinTerm. “It was fun and it met all my expectations.” 
This year, our students started each day with a Leadership class led by Mrs. Wyndi Bradley and Mrs. Gray. They completed the Myers-Briggs personality assessment to understand their strengths and why people react to experiences differently. Coupled with that was a Spiritual Gifts Inventory to help them learn about the ways GOD has gifted them and how to cooperate with His design. Special guests included Representative Cyndi Munson and Senator James Lankford. Due to a scheduling conflict, we had to switch the two speakers which landed Sen. Lankford in our school just days after he was interrupted on the Senate floor during the Capital breech. He shared that story and his experience from his perspective. Our students were riveted to him! When asked for advice about becoming a politician, Sen. Lankford clearly stated they needed to know who they were in Christ Jesus, being sure of what they believed and not changing for anyone or anything.
During the week of February 23rd, science classes were dedicated to a Life Share Track. Students learned about many opportunities in the medical field. This year they saw what happens in a day in the life of an Organ Recovery Coordinator and heard testimonies of donor and recipient families.
Other classes available to our students included cooking, videography, self-defense, computer coding, performance arts, archery, and wilderness training. Coding, cooking, and archery seemed to be the favorites with our students.
“I liked coding because we got to use the Minecraft Education Edition,” said Jacob.
Preston, however, liked archery best. “I liked archery because I got to shoot arrows at school.”
When asked, the entire Upper School said the best thing about WinTerm is that it’s not normal school. We feel privileged to be able to offer these experiences to our students. 
We are thrilled with the response!
We now have an online enrollment option for new and current King’s Gate families. As of this writing, we have just over 100 students have entered the enrollment process for the 2020-21 school year and 40 of those are new students!

Current families can enroll here:

New families can enroll here
Word of mouth is the greatest form of advertising. We appreciate each of you for sharing our story and guiding families to King’s Gate. We are confident that more families are looking for a school whose purpose is to fan into flames the gifts within its students, helping them cooperate with GOD’s perfect design, and launching them into their life purpose. Your support of our mission is a strong testimony to your friends and family. Thank you for supporting us and sharing our story.