Our Mission

Sacramento Housing Alliance advocates for safe, stable, accessible, and affordable homes in the Sacramento region. SHA builds healthy communities through education, leadership, and policy change.
Our Vision

Everyone in the Sacramento region has a home in a healthy and inclusive neighborhood.
Thank you to everyone who supported and attended the
7th Annual SHA Regional Affordable Housing Summit.  

Our theme this year was IT Starts With Home. Each day had a unique theme and our keynote speakers and panelists spoke to how it starts with Housing Justice, Home is the Foundation for Health Communities, and The Future of Home is Now. If you did not get a chance to attend the conference, it is now available to watch on our You Tube Channel.  

Thank you to all of our sponsors, members and volunteers who helped make the 7th annual summit a success. Links to recordings of the Summit are available below.
Need Assistance? Eviction Moratorium Information
While the eviction moratorium ended on September 30th, protections for renters still remain. Use the following link to a detailed overview to share with those needing to know their rights. If a you, a client, or someone you know cannot pay your rent, are worried about eviction, or have received an eviction notice, you should consult with a lawyer. Visit www.lawhelpca.org to find a free or low-cost lawyer or Legal Services of Northern California in the Sacramento Area

Still Open! Sacramento Emergency Rental Assistance
Eligible applicants can receive up to 15 months of assistance for past rent and utilities owed. The total assistance amount available will depend on household need.

Applications are a computerized random order, and are not first-come-first-served., with priority to households that owe rental arrears.

The total assistance amount available will depend on household need.
Applications will be placed in a computerized random order—NOT first-come-first-served.

Priority will be given to households that owe rental arrears

Multi Family in Single Family Zones
Sacramento City Council has developed a menu of strategies tied to the 2040 General Plan, which includes allowing duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in areas that were exclusively used for single family homes. Allowing an array of housing types such as duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes in single family zones, is one part of a much-needed comprehensive strategy to bring more affordable homes to the Sacramento region. This strategy is necessary to address inequities in housing yet insufficient to solve segregation and access to affordable homes in areas of opportunity.
This strategy alone will not significantly provide affordable homes for lower income families, it will create more varied housing options in every neighborhood, creating additional housing opportunities in every neighborhood in the City. Combined with aggressive strategies to fund the construction of and preservation of regulated affordable homes for lower income households and families and policies to directly affirmatively further fair housing, the City’s strategy can attack Sacramento’s housing crisis using a multi-pronged approach.  
Cal Aim Services Funding
SHA in partnership with HOPE Cooperative and several of our affordable housing developers have been connecting with the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to create new pathways to fund services in permanent supportive housing developments (PSH). The CalAIM program, California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is a multi-year initiative, by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of individuals on Medi-Cal by implementing broad delivery system, as well as program and payment reform across the Medi-Cal program.
City of Sacramento Racial Equity Ad Hoc
On October 6, 2021 The City of Sacramento convened the first Racial Equity Ad Hoc Committee, co chaired by Mayor Darrel Steinberg and Councilmember Mai Vang. During the first meeting Council discussed using an interim racial equity rapid response tool to guide the City’s spending of the American Rescue Plan dollars it is receiving from the federal government. 
The City also plans to use the newly developed Sacramento Community Vulnerability Index to show the distribution of ARP resources and how they compare to indicators of need across the city.
The Roadmap Home
Housing California and the California Housing Partnership launched the Roadmap as a comprehensive, equity-centered, and evidence-based plan to address the root causes of housing insecurity and homelessness in California and to stop the crisis in its tracks. Join us, and use the link below to endorse the Road Map Home 2030.

Build Back Better Federal Infrastructure Legislation
On September 14th the House Financial Services Committee voted to approve landmark legislation investing $327 billion in affordable housing as part of a $3.5 trillion infrastructure and economic recovery package allocates $327 billion in affordable housing, which includes: $90 billion in new rental assistance, $80 billion in Public Housing Authority resources to address the backlog of repairs and $37 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund that would bring deeply affordable homes to communities throughout the country

Join us with our national partners, NLIHC through the hoUSed campaign to urge your member of congress to sign a Dear Colleague letter to ensure that these important measures remain in the Build Back Better Bill.
The Sacramento Housing Alliance is a member-based organization that works to increase the supply of affordable housing and support the efforts of affordable housing developers. We need strong and engaged membership that reflects a broad base of community support for progressive affordable housing and regional equity policies.

Membership in the Sacramento Housing Alliance links you to a community of compassionate advocates and thought
makers and gives you access to member-only events and early access to issue papers.

Members receive
·       Discounted rates to our annual
Affordable Housing Summit
·       Educational seminars and
·       Lively networking receptions and
other SHA-hosted events

Members are eligible to nominate individuals to serve on the board and nominate award recipients.

Organizational members may extend event discounts to their employees, and may request promotion of their outstanding projects and programs by SHA.

Most importantly, membership in SHA will strengthen our work advocating for a safe and affordable home for all in an inclusive and healthy

To Learn more about becoming a member and the benefits Click Here