| Principal's Dispatch
Upon completion of the first month of the school year, I am encouraged by the positive energy around campus. I want to personally thank all the parents who came out to our Curriculum Night. We are honored to partner with you to provide a well-rounded education—one that requires everyone getting involved in student learning. Whether it be volunteering, ensuring your child is well-rested and prepared for school, or consistently reviewing homework on a nightly basis, all efforts will result in heightened student engagement in school.
Here are a few highlights from the first month of school:
- Thirty AP Scholars were recognized for their achievements on the AP Exams. (Read more...)
- Class of 2023 Kazma Scholars Mass (pictured below).
- Extra Curriculars are in full swing, giving our students multiple outlets to explore their personal interests and passions. (Download Schedule—PDF)
- Knights Football is off to a 3-0 start!
- On Friday, September 13, we celebrated Youth Football Knight and a #PinkOut in honor of Julie D’Agostino '11, who lost her battle with Cystic Fibrosis in 2015.
- Knights Volleyball is on an 11-game winning streak, starting the season undefeated!
- Sophie Hurt '21, was selected as the Suburban Life Most Valuable Athlete. (Read more...)
- Homecoming Court has been announced (pictured below).
As you can see, our students, teachers and—you, our parents—are making great strides in academics, athletics, and extracurriculars.
Additionally, we are pleased to host several presentations that aim to educate our students on the dangers of vaping and understanding cyber safety and the appropriate uses of social media:
- October 3—Vaping: What You Need to Know Presentation will be held all day during school, brought to us by the DuPage County Health Department.
- November 20-21 and in Spring 2020—Cyber Safety Presentation that will cover general Internet safety, good digital citizenship, and tech life balance. Here's an article about social media, stress, and anxiety.
Presentations like these will help all of us better understand the world we live in today.
Lastly, on
October 16—all Freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9 and Sophomores/Juniors will take the PSAT. These exams serve as benchmarks for college readiness and provide important practice for standardized testing such as the ACT and SAT.
May Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
continue to guide and protect you. Go Knights!
Class of 2023 Kazma Scholars
Featured Story: Curriculum Night
Thank you for making our Curriculum Night so succesful. We are proud of our teachers for all they do to make IC Catholic Prep a dynamic learning environment where students learn, lead, and serve. We're grateful for the opportunity to show you the day-in-the-life of your students here at our campus.
217 Block Party
7:00-11:00 pm
ICCP Main Campus
North Lawn
Photo Retakes
8:00-10:00 am
Senior Portrait Retakes
12:00-2:00 pm
Dyer Center
Students dismissed at 1:30 pm
Breakfast with President/Principal
8:30 am
Marian Room
Volleyball Youth Knight
5:30 pm
IC Gym
Whiteout for Easterseals Football Game
7:15 pm
Kickball Tournament
5:00 pm
Homecoming Week
"Welcome to the Jungle"
Hall Decorating
3:00 pm
ICCP Main Campus
Powder Puff
Football Game
6:00 pm
Homecoming Week Monday Theme:
Bear Necessities
Dress in PJs
Junior Retreat #1
LaSalle Manor
Homecoming Week
Daily Theme:
Rain Drop
Dress in Rain Gear

Junior Retreat #1
LaSalle Manor
Kickball Tournament
5:00 pm
Homecoming Week
9:15 am
IC Church
Mass Attire
Homecoming Week
Daily Theme:
A Day in the Jungle
Dress as an animal
or in camo
Vaping: What You Need to Know Presentation
In-School - All-Day
During Study Halls
Pep Rally
6:30 pm
Homecoming Week
Daily Theme:
Tourist Day
Pep/Games Assembly
2:00 pm
IC Gym
Football Game
7:15 pm
Alumni Tent Party
Following the Game
Free Pizza & Refreshments
Homecoming Week
7:00-10:00 pm
IC Gym
Individal Class Reunions
Classes of '69, '89 and '94
Contact Tracie Ortman 630-530-3491
Homecoming Week
Alumni Reunion Mass
11:30 am
IC Chapel
Refreshments & School Tour following Mass
Students dismissed at 1:30 pm
Parent Club Meeting
7:00 PM
Meurer's Home
254 W Claremont, Elmhurst
Columbus Day
Full Day of Attendance
Testing Day Grades 9-11
7:45 am - Noon
Students dismissed after testing
No School
Seniors Only
Open House for Prospective Students
6:30 pm
IC Gym
Parent/Teacher Conferences
(No School for Students)
1:00-5:00 pm
& 6:00-9:00 pm
Junior Retreat #2
LaSalle Manor
Booster Club Meeting
7:00 pm
ICCP Main Campus
Junior Retreat #2
LaSalle Manor
Students dismissed at 1:30 pm
Blue or White Oxford Shirt & Dress Shoes
White Oxford Shirt, Tie, Pants & Dress Shoes
Next Meeting:
October 10, 2019
Meurer's Home
254 W Claremont, Elmhurst
7:00 pm
Next Meeting:
October 21, 2019
ICCP Main Campus
7:00 pm
Be a part of something bigger at IC Catholic Prep... #knightup217
Clubs and student activities are a pivotal part of our mission to educate the whole person. Our clubs and activities offer a wealth of opportunities designed to help your children expand their horizons, discover hidden talents, make new friends, and share interests with other students.
If your students missed the Activity Fair in August, have them talk with a moderator about joining an extracurricular activity.
217 Block Party this Saturday, 9.21
Saturday, September 21, 2019
ICCP Campus North Lawn
7:00 - 11:00 PM
Join us under the tent for live music, lawn and casino games, food and drinks. Meet or reconnect with IC friends on this fun, fall night.
Cost: $40 / ticket (
young alumni discount available)
The Farrelly Program: Providing More Academic Supports for Students
With the generous support of our community we are excited to announce the launch of the Farrelly Program in August 2020. The program will enhance and deepen our school’s resources and abilities to provide a college-prep, Catholic education to students with specific learning disabilities.
IC Catholic Prep Principal Dispatch-9/19
Tom Schergen, Principal of IC Catholic Prep, recaps Parent Curriculum Night, outlines several presentations meant to educate our students on current affairs, and is encouraged by the high level of positive energy around campus. This is the second ...
Read more
Become a Knight and Discover Mind, Body & Spirit at IC Catholic Prep
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