A community of Christian worship, well-being, & service.

Weekend of September 21 & 22, 2019

Dear Friends, 

You weren't expecting a photo of someone anxiously sorting cash, were you? And no, this is not the annual stewardship message (though 'tis almost the season, so stay tuned!) and it's not a plug for Michelle Freitas's Financial Peace University. As I type this, though, we should be aware that both our stewardship and Financial Peace are ways that St. Mary's is living in to what is a very challenging and even confusing message from Jesus in this week's gospel. 

"Make friends  make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth..."

No, Jesus is not calling us into shady dealings or approving of dishonesty, but he in on a roll with parable after parable about God's relentless pursuit of us, using images that totally undo the inaccurate images of God that the ancient people (and we) know. Jesus offers images and stories not of a calculating God but rather a shepherd who risks losing ninety nine sheep just to find the lost one, a woman who throws a party for finding a lost coin, a father who begins setting up a party for a wayward son whose intentions he's not even sure of...and in this weekend's gospel Jesus likens God to a rich man who, though he loses money because of his manager's laziness, still praises the manager for shrewdly covering his own bases to try and save his job. Jesus only knows how "slick" we can all be with our own dealings that provide security and comfort for the short term. What if there was a way of being "slick" as Christians? What if we were always thinking of ways to help, serve, love, grow, heal, and reach out, making a real difference for the long-term...for the Kingdom? We put so much energy, stress, and anxiety into things passing away as the collect reminds us, but what if that effort was more balanced toward what lasts? We know how to do this with the things that don't matter, and Jesus is calling us to have this same mentality with things to do matter. 

I look forward to the Holy Spirit shining more light on this passage for us this week, because it addresses global and national issues for sure, but most importantly, it addresses the dealings of our hearts. See you this weekend for more festive and beautiful worship, fellowship, and some great classes. Every decision to take part more fully in community is a shrewd step toward bringing God's Kingdom closer. 

Peace to you, 

-W O R S H I P-
Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness... - Psalm 96
Preparing for Worship This Weekend

T his Weekend's Collect 
G rant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Learn new music for Sunday HERE

Prepare yourself for worship by accessing the readings (track 2) HERE

Liturgical Ministry Assignments:

 Saturday 5PM
Lector & Intercessor: Ed Gosling
LEM: Bob Vergnani
Greeter:  Murry Edwards

 Sunday 9AM
Crucifer: Steve Bakios
Acolytes: Rayna Lombardo, Andrew Silveria
Lectors: David Spengler, David Brierley
Intercessor: Cindy Dube
LEM: Lauren Lema
Greeter: Ann Gizzi, David Brierley
Preacher: Gabe Giella


Karen Spohn, Jon Juhase

Hospitality/Coffee Hour
Bill & Judy Hall

Altar Guild
Carol Brierley, Sheila Benevides

At Saturday and Sunday Worship, October 5 & 6
Bring your animals and pets, appropriately contained for comfort & safety. You may also bring a photo. Join us for this joyful celebration of St. Francis of Assisi!

If you are seeking Holy Baptism for yourself or a child, the next available dates are November 2 & 3 or January 11 & 12. Please email [email protected] to begin planning and preparation. 
-W E L L - B E I N G-
Growing into the full stature of Christ... - Ephesians 4
Classes continue this weekend:
10:20 coffee hour bell alerts us for class
10:30 Acts of the Apostles Bible Study with Karen: Adult Ed Room, upstairs

10:30 Children's class, "God Made Water, Sky, and Land"" 
Co-led by Gabe Giella and Sara Lundberg
Financial professional and St. Mary's member Michelle Freitas is leading this series each Monday through early November. Check out the schedule below and drop in for a class topic that may interest you...

Details, sign up, schedule and more can be found  HERE 

This Saturday with The Rev. Jennifer Pedrick
Join us for our first topic of the season: Growing in Grace through the Years: Confirmation, Marriage, Confession & Healing, Sat. 9/21, 10-11:30

Full fall schedule and sign-up can be found  HERE


Monthly Teen Service Sundays: October 6
Carpool to Sandy Point for a Beach Cleanup after church. 
Stay tuned  for a text-message and RSVP information 

Invite Welcome Connect Ministry needs your help planning upcoming events serving our parish and the wider community. To plan for the October 26 Trunk or Treat, and learn how you can help with this fun and festive evening, meet with us
Saturday, September 21, at 9AM in the parish house. 
You may contact Marlo Pratt or Regina Slezak with questions.

-S E R V I C E-
Let the greatest among you be the servant... - Matthew 23
Donations this month for the MLK Center
This month's donation focus is breakfast cereals. Thank you for your ongoing generosity to those most in need. 

Community Garden Updates and Information 
Community support to local food pantries is well under way.  Donation areas in the church kitchen are well marked in the fridge and counter.  Home garden overflow is welcome!  Please donate!

Roof replacement continues through December on our historic church.  You will notice scaffolding around the outside of the church and while there will still be access during the week, construction noise may make prayerful use of the space difficult. We will have full use of the church for weekend worship. Thank you for your generosity and patience which enable this wonderful work of renewal to happen and for your prayers for the generations to come who'll worship God in this holy place. 

October 5 & 6: Blessing of Animals at all services
October 26: Trunk or Treat, supper, and spooky stories (kid friendly)

If you have a submission for E-news:
If you have news or an announcement that you'd like to be added to this e-newsletter, please email [email protected]
Submissions should be sent by Wednesdays to be added to the weekend e-news. 

Recently, many, many organizations, especially churches have been the targets of fraudulent emails. 

They often appear to be from the rector or a staff member. They usually ask for money or personal information. 

If an email looks suspicious before you open it, trust your instinct and DO NOT open it. 

If you are unsure, DO NOT open it. 

If you do open an email and it appears to be asking for money or personal information, DO NOT REPLY and DO NOT send money. 

Jennifer and the SMC staff and leaders will NEVER ask you for money directly via email. 

You can always call or send an email to us if you are not sure. We are aware of the problem and this is part of the technology age in which we live and there is very little that can be done to stop this annoyance, but we should be mindful when opening and replying to emails always. 

Sr. Warden: Murry Edwards:       [email protected]
Jr. Warden: Paul Westrom:        [email protected]
Treasurer: Chris Bartlett:            [email protected]
Clerk: Mattie Gustafson:             [email protected]
Member: Christine Winslow:      [email protected]
Member: David Brierley:             [email protected]
Member: Peter Collins:               [email protected]
Member: Trish Culver:                [email protected]
Member: Dave Ferkinhoff:          [email protected]
Member: David Spengler            [email protected]
Member: Julie Zecher:                [email protected]
Member: Michelle Freitas:         [email protected]
Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick  [email protected]
Parish Administrator:Karen Laroche [email protected]
Director of Christian Formation: Gabe Giella [email protected]
Pastoral Musician: Michael Templeton [email protected]
Property Manager: Jon Walker [email protected]
Parish House Hours:
Sunday 7 am to 12 pm; closed on Monday
Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm; and by special arrangement with the  Parish Administrator, Karen Laroche  ([email protected]).