Monthly News
September 2019

Back in June our director Lars Hallstrom was featured in the Global Speaker Series, a podcast partnership between the Wyoming Humanities and the Jackson Hole Centre for Global Affairs. Check out the episode on the thinkWY website.

October 2, 2019, 12:00 PM

Recent elections of conservative governments in a number of provinces have shown the underlying divisions between ideological, policy and federal positions in Canada. Following four years of Liberal Government in Ottawa, the 2019 election has already sparked tensions regarding immigration, climate change, fiscal federalism and ethics, but at its heart are core issues of identity, party affiliation, leadership and (as always) money. This panel will explore the issues emerging in the upcoming election, with a particular emphasis upon Western Canada, Albertan conservatism and Alberta's place in Confederation..

Panel participants:
Lars K. Hallström, Professor, Political Studies, Director of the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities
Sandra Rein, Associate Professor, Political Studies
Shauna Wilton, Associate Professor, Political Studies

October 23, 2019

Director Lars Hallstrom will be presenting at Finding Common Ground 2.0 organized by the Battle River Watershed Alliance.  His presentation will be on the current state of rural development and energy in Alberta.  His presentation takes place from 9:30 am to 10:00 am in the Mayer Room at the Lougheed Performing Arts Centre in Camrose.  
The ECHO Network has released the 2019 Summer ECHO Network Quarterly Update.  Find within highlights of the Annual Meeting, new projects and upcoming Network activities. 

October 21, 2019 in Edmonton
Covenant Health is proud to support and provide delegates the opportunity to gather, meet, share experiences and exchange ideas with colleagues representing many disciplines from all over Alberta and surrounding provinces. Sonya Jakubec will be presenting her work on parks and palliative care in a plenary talk during this event.

October 23 - October 24 2019.

The Finding Common Ground 2.0 tour will explore energy options and opportunities, with a focus on energy efficiency, around the Battle River region. Participants will gain first hand experience in energy production, distribution, and efficient use. The tour visits multiple energy production sites with guest experts. Topics will include: renewable and conventional energy production and distribution; technological innovations and advances in efficiencies; local impacts of energy on our social, economic, and environmental resilience; and how to increase energy efficiency in your home, workplace, and community. 

April 29 - May 1, 2020 - Brandon, Manitoba  
Mental Health on the Prairies: Social Justice, Vulnerability, and Resilience, aims to dig deeper and open the conversation surrounding the factors that impact an individual's mental health and the community's collective mental health.

September 24, 2019 - April 16, 2020

Augustana's Workshops in Building Capacity for Reconciliation is a co-curricular certificate program, open to Augustana students, staff, and faculty, as well as members of the larger Camrose and University of Alberta communities who want to learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Through a series of six thematic workshops, participants will learn from experts, engage in meaningful dialogue, and consider the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Final Report and 94 Calls to Action. With a focus on how Augustana can be a leader in reconciliation at the post-secondary level, these workshops will also build participants' personal capacities to engage in reconciliation work.

October 10, 2019 - April 16, 2020

Strengthen your leadership  in local government with this series of seven, one-day modules developed by Doug Griffiths, best-selling co-author of 13 Ways to Kill Your Community.  Modules include: Priority Based Budgeting, 
Roles & Responsibilities, Strategic Leadership, 
Communication & Engagement, Planning & Action, Municipal Collaboration, and Change Management. 

October 23, 2019 - May 7, 2020

Examine key features for building sustainable communities with this series of five, one-day short courses designed to support increased knowledge, capacity and skills for sustainability in rural communities. Based upon a 5-pillar model of sustainability (governance, economic, environmental, social, and cultural), these courses focus upon the nature, origins, relevance, and application of the core, but complex, concepts that comprise sustainability and community development.

November 20, 2019

Grant-writing is an increasingly important skill in the municipal, not-for-profit, and even corporate world. For small organizations and communities, however, grant writing can present a real challenge in terms of time, completion, budgeting and submission.
Join ACSRC Director Dr. Lars Hallström, the recipient of over 80 research, knowledge mobilization, infrastructure and collaborative grants, for this activity-based workshop for people with varied experiences in the grant-writing process.

The Government of Alberta's Employment Standards team is offering additional free webinars in September and October that provide an overview of Alberta's employment standards rules and describe the new rules for banked over 
time, general holiday pay and the job creation student wage.  The webinars will also cover what happens to existing banked overtime agreements and Flexible Averaging Agreements.

Small towns and rural places face unique and urgent issues, like managing limited resources and retaining businesses and people. Placemaking provides a means for smaller communities to reinvent themselves and face these challenges on their own terms.
Meet the Research Team

During Madison's time with the ACSRC, she worked on a variety of projects. Her first project was to complete a knowledge synthesis grant on rural broadband
adoption in Alberta. Through this project, she developed valuable skills and learned about the importance of rural Alberta. Since then she has continued to develop her skills in research, writing, and presenting through conference attendances and publications on behalf of the ACSRC. Her final project  focused on the integration of environmental, personal, and community health in resource extraction. The most  interesting part of her work has been the ability to see the impact of her research on academia, policy, and the individuals who live and work in rural Alberta.  She will continue to represent rural interests in Ottawa as a part of the 50th cohort of Parliamentary Interns in 2019 - 2020.   Congratulations Madison! 
Calendar of Events
For upcoming events, conferences and workshops visit the events calendar on the ACSRC website.  This calendar holds events offered by the ACSRC and other organizations with a common goal of sustainable rural communities. 
Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities