It's time to plan for #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool
Week of Action February 3 - 7, 2020
Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition of educators organizing for racial justice in schools. 

Although there are many ways educators can participate in the week of action, we hope educators will commit to teach a wide variety of lessons centering Black history and literature. 

Teach Black History
Teach Books About Black Lives
Find books for your classroom for read-alouds, novel and story units, independent reading, student research, and more. 
Teach for Black Lives All Year Long

Read and teach Rethinking Schools' book, Teaching for Black Lives and Barbara Ransby's new book, Making All Black Lives Matter: Reimagining Freedom in the 21st Century .  
Read and discuss the new editorial in Rethinking Schools magazine: "Black Lives Matter at School: From the Week of Action to Year-Round, Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Protest."
  • Start a study group in your union or school
  • Give copies to your department chair, principal, and/or school board
  • Share how you are using the books in your networks and on social media
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