March 5, 2021
NOTE: There may be opportunities for bus or other transportation offerings for RHP, Ren, and REACH students when we return to having all of our students able to come to campus. If you are interested in utilizing these transportation options, you must fill out the transportation survey by clicking the button below.
Greetings Husky Families!

There has been much good news these past few weeks about the continued decline in COVID-19 cases in our county. As you know, we began the month of February with about 40 of our students on campus, and our continued desire is to increase this number as we can do so while adhering to state and county mandates and continuing to mitigate risk. Protocols and guidelines remain in place regarding mask wearing, sanitizing, distancing and more in accordance with applicable guidelines from the CDC, California Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles Department of Health. There is a very strong chance that in the week ahead, Los Angeles County will move to the Red Tier, getting us closer to in-person learning. Once that threshold is reached, there will be a two-week mandated period where the numbers need to stay low. After that, grades 7-12 in-person instruction will be allowed.

With spring break in a few weeks and the need to quarantine after, the earliest return we can expect would be Monday, April 26. The Academic Leadership Team, the COVID-19 Task Force, and the administration will work together in the time ahead to get you specifics on returning to campus, hybrid offerings, our plans to support faculty and students, and manage risk. More specifics need to be worked out, and we’ll need your input on surveys like the one above on transportation. Next Thursday at 5:30 PM, we look forward to hearing your thoughts and concerns during our Town Hall.

As always, it is our goal to increase the amount of faculty, administrators, and, most importantly, students on our campus in the months ahead, and we have been proactive about this situation for almost a year. Continued thanks to the COVID-19 Task Force for their diligent work over the past months. We will certainly be continuing our efforts moving forward to assure that we are doing all we can to fully support the health and wellness of all members of our Husky Community.
With Every Hope of Seeing You Soon,

Head of Schools

Pictured Above: Tickets for Clue are now on sale! Reserve your ticket today by clicking the button below.
Parent Meetings Next Week
Town Hall with RHP, Renaissance, and REACH Parents
Thursday, March 11 | 5:30 PM
Zoom link will be sent at 4:30 PM that day

Join David Maher and members of the senior administrative team for a Town Hall meeting that will discuss the next steps as LA County's COVID case counts continue to decline. This will give parents an opportunity to learn more about where the schools are headed and what to expect in the future.

Additionally, a Q&A will be provided and we encourage all parents to submit any questions using the form below so we can integrate those answers into the initial discussion.
Lunch with the Director of Renaissance School
Tuesday, March 9 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Zoom link will be sent to all Renaissance parents at 11:00 AM that day

Jennifer Stroud, Director of Renaissance School, is hosting a meeting with Renaissance parents to get together, have discussions, and answer any questions. A year into the pandemic has put strains on all of us, let's take this opportunity to connect. This is also an opportunity for Renaissance parents to come together and support each other. 
Grill and Chill: Home Edition - Gala and Auction
Things To Know - Read This Section Every Week!
Transportation Survey: There may be opportunities for bus or other transportation offerings for RHP, Ren, and REACH students when we return to having all of our students able to come to campus. If you are interested in utilizing these transportation options, you must fill out the transportation survey by clicking the button at the top of this letter or clicking the "Announcements and Events Details" button below.
Summer Opportunities: Our summer opportunities web page is now live with more information on summer school classes (Geometry, Biology, or Gov/Econ) and other opportunities such as RenCamp and Peninsula Bay Cities day camp. Please click the "Announcements and Events Details" button below to access the registration form and additional information.
Athletic Offerings: Last week's Friday Letter included information for Athletic team recruitment as sports seasons and on-campus offerings increase in the future. We encourage all interested athletes to follow the recruitment suggestions found by clicking the "Announcements and Events Details" button below.
International Week Recipes (Updated 3/5): A final version of the International Week Recipes has been uploaded. Click the "Announcements and Events Details" button below to access our community recipe book Global Kitchen: No Passport Required and international videos submitted by our community.
R&R Speaker Series: Dr. Karen Shiltz and Dr. Amy Schonfeld will be presenting the topic "Neuropsychological Assessment: A Blueprint Into The Brain" next week on March 10 at 4:00 PM. You may RSVP by either scrolling to the lower section of this e-mail or by clicking the "Announcements and Events Details" button below.
Senior Speeches
Yaya Shi

"You are allowed to have ups and downs and you are allowed to show up imperfectly. You are not here to get everything right. You are here to learn and grow. Making peace with yourself through every step of this grand becoming of life, because you are exactly where you need to be, and you are enough."
Michael Wolfe

"I now know that when there is a loss, growth is sure to come, and am grateful for the mistakes I have made and the boundaries I have overcome. I now have a desire to help others like I was helped. Overall, change is hard, but it makes you appreciate the finer moments and helps you avoid taking for granted the people who come into your life."
R&R Speaker Series
Support our schools with a gift to The Husky Fund!
Parent Resources for Student Wellness
Rolling Hills Prep and Renaissance Schools proudly partner with South Bay Families Connected, an organization dedicated to providing meaningful social-emotional wellness resources for parents and students. Additionally, our schools have a dedicated Families Connected page for our communities that can be accessed by clicking the button below.
Rolling Hills Preparatory and Renaissance School | |