July 13, 2020

With the sharp rise in COVID cases and deaths, my heart is heavy with grief for those who are suffering, those who have died, and those who's lives will be forever changed as a result of this disease. 

My thoughts are especially with our healthcare professionals who are on the frontlines fighting to save lives, while putting themselves in harm's way. I hope you join me in prayer for them this week.

I believe strongly in the power of prayer to change things. And most often I find that it changes me, as I seek for God to speak to me in my prayer time. God helps me to see parts of the world I've failed to notice, sins in my life I've tried to ignore, and ways that I could be of service that I've been trying to avoid. Prayer is important, so I hope you join us. 

From all indictions this week is a pivotal time in our state as we all attempt to do our part to stem the rising tide of this disease. It is also a pivotal time as our Government leaders and local school officials unveil their plans for the safe return of our children. Undoubtedly, people will disagree with their decisions. So, pray for clear minds, loving hearts, and generosity of understanding. As we get closer to school time, we'll also have a dedicated time of prayer for our teachers. 

Finally, in response to Governor's July 13th Executive Orders, our Bishop James Swanson has asked all Methodist Churches in Mississippi to suspend any existing in-person worship services or large gatherings until further notice. We all hope this will end soon and we look forward to returning to our phased reopening plans.

So, if you're feeling frustrated, anxious, or fearful, my advice is form that precious hymn..."Take it to the Lord in Prayer...thou wilt find a solace there!"

Grace and Peace,
Church member Lorraine Gilbert has been a nurse for nearly 20 years. She currently works at the Veterans Hospital in the COVID-19 unit and ICU. Lorraine is married to Tedd and they have two sons, Toby and Thad, all members of First Methodist Clinton. 

When asked how we could best pray for Lorraine and other healthcare professionals this week, she said, "Please pray we have medical grade PPE. There is a shortage and we are currently using thin masks meant for sanding. Pray for our health and that we don't bring this illness home to our families. Pray for our mental, emotional and spiritual health, too."

Will you join us this week in praying specifically for the healthcare professionals in our community? 
I saiah 41:10
Heavenly God, I thank You for placing me in the field of healthcare. Although it can be overwhelming, I will fear not because You are with me. I won’t be dismayed because You are my God. Lord I thank You for strengthening me, helping me and upholding me with Your righteous hand. It is only by Your hand on me that I can and will overcome the pressures I face, Amen.
The Community of the King
A new Bible Study Opportunity
Tuesday Evenings @ 6:30pm
July 21st-August 25th
Led by: Genny Seeley 

Church member Genny Seeley will be leading a
six-week Bible study focused on The Community
of the King by Howard A. Synder.

The study will meet via Zoom at 6:30pm on Tuesday evenings July 21st-August 25th. The study will explore the nature of the kingdom of God and its implication for the church. No book is required for the study. For more information or to sign-up click on the JOIN button below.
The Upper Room Cover Art:
Jeff Preston (USA, Contemporary)
Over the past few months, we have learned that social distancing does not have to prevent us from connecting with one another and with God. The Upper Room is here to support you as you discover new ways to create daily life with God.

The daily devotional can be picked up from the church office. Please be sure to replace the container cover after picking up.

Click on the link below to access additional resources to help you create and maintain spiritual wellness in the new normal of your daily life.

It's July and this is the month that we usually give the choir some time off. It looks like we'll be doing that again this year! LOL! Seriously, I know that you all really miss singing to the Lord in the choir with a wonderful group of friends and believers. We just have to have faith that this will all be over soon and we can resume singing. How "soon" is defined is anyone's guess, though. In the meantime, keep on singing in your homes and cars so that you don't forget how!

Have a wonderful week and I'll see you all in virtual worship on Sunday.  

In His Service,
Executive Committee
July 13 at 6:00pm
Zoom Online Meeting

July 19 at 4:00pm
Location: TBD

July 19 at 3:00pm
Location: TBD

Please watch your email
for more details.
Submitted by Jamie Steadman

Y’all! These floors... I know I’ve never seen people so excited over floors. They look fabulous! The crew that came in was so nice, very thorough (moved EVERY single item out of each room), and did an amazing job. Again one small thing can make a BIG difference. It feels like a new space!

Submitted by Cindy Livengood
Last week we celebrated the awesome outdoor landscaping work done by a dedicated group of men in our church and left out a very important name, so please accept our apologies for this oversight. Thank you Billy Lott for your contributions to our church and working so hard to keep our grounds beautiful!

Submitted by Jamie Steadman

Hourly Child Care Position
Individuals will work with K through 5th grade children on a daily basis Monday through Friday starting in August.
Applications which are available at the church office (Monday - Friday 8AM - Noon) will be accepted through the end of July.

Submitted by Mike Norcom, Missions Chair
Are you a supporter of or interested in the First Methodist mission efforts, both
local and foreign? The mission work area needs a few more members to help
in this vital area of our ministry.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Mike Norcom at
601-924-4666 or  mnorcom@juno.com .
 Our church continues to serve our congregation and community during this season. If you have a prayer request or if you, or someone you know, has a need complete a short request form (click on button). These requests will be reviewed by our Pastoral team.

Please review the prayer list download. If you would like to add to the prayer list please continue to use our digital form for submission which can be accessed by clicking on the link in this email or on our website.

Pastoral Care Line 601-460-0570

July 5 $30,316
​July 13  $14,249
Total: $44,565

June 2020
Total Giving: $94,106
Thank You For Your
Continued Generosity!
The Voice is our weekly update for the latest announcements, ministry activities and event information at First United Methodist Church.
Want to know more about us? Head on over to our website, Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. If you missed last week's sermon, you can catch up by visiting our sermon archives. See You on Sunday!

We are so glad that you are interested in the ministry of First Methodist Clinton!
Missed last week?
You can catch up online!

How to Be…
Life Lessons from Jesus

This month we will take an extended look at the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel / The Sermon on the Mount and see what life lessons we can find.

July 12 - Matthew 5:13-20
How to be Important

We’ll look at Jesus command for us to be “Salt and Light” teaching how we as Christians are called to live in and interact with the world around us.


July 19 - Matthew 5:21-27 
How to be Loving

We’ll confront the reality that sometimes in life relationships can be damaged and broken. How then should we respond as Christians?

July 26- Matthew 5:38-48
How to be Perfect

Jesus tells us to be perfect like his Father in heaven, but what does it really look like to attain Christian Perfection.

If you have an emergency need or need to speak with a pastor
please feel free to call 601-460-0570.

The number will reach one of our pastors who will be able to respond to you immediately.

Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570
Submitting information for The Voice:
Please email your submission by noon on Thursday to debb@firstmethodistclinton.org
All content submitted is subject to approval and editing. Thank you for your cooperation!