The InterMountain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Launch Pilot (IM STEM)
Join us at the next IM STEM Network Meeting!
The next IM STEM Network meeting is on Thursday, September 18, 2019 at 3pm MT. Learn about the great work being done at North Idaho College as part of NAPE’s Micromessaging to Reach and Teach Every Student™ Academy under an NSF ATE grant. Also, be the first to get access to the STEM Equity Program Evaluation Rubric developed by the IM STEM Effective Practices and Scaling Workgroup.
We want to highlight your program!
Learning about programs and initiatives around the network is a key benefit to being part of the IM STEM community. If you would like to have your program highlighted in a future IM STEM newsletter or potentially showcased at a network meeting, please click here to enter your information.
IM STEM Steering Committee Seeking
Additional Members
The IM STEM Steering Committee is looking for a few dedicated leaders, like you, interested in making a difference in broadening participation in STEM in the six IM STEM states (CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, WY). The Steering Committee sets direction for the activities of the network and provides leadership within their state and nationally representing the network. To learn more about this opportunity send an email of interest to Mimi Lufkin, NAPE CEO Emerita and IM STEM Project Director at
What's going on In the network?
Communications and Resource Sharing
The Communication and Resource Sharing group asks that you get the most out of network membership by engaging in conversation with each other on our social media channels, including our LinkedIn group (IM STEM Network) and Twitter (@imstemequity). We have also created a form on the IMSTEM website where you can enter information about your program, so we can share it across the network in future IM STEM newsletters.
In partnership with Idaho, this workgroup has developed a pilot data dashboard to display data from Idaho’s career and technical education programs to test the feasibility of using a dashboard to conduct a more comprehensive equity gap analysis. Perkins V requires data to be disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity and each of the 9 special population groups. This pilot dashboard can inform states as they are working on data collection and accountability in their State Plans for Perkins V. To learn more about Perkins V and to view the national data dashboards go to NAPE’s resource page at
Our asset mapping team is currently working with Nevada to develop an asset map that shows where STEM programming exists. Some states already have maps, including
and you can view them by clicking on the state name.
New Mexico
has just launched their “crowd sourced” STEM asset map (for NM STEM programs only). Contact Jeff McConaughy
with any questions. Any other questions about the IMSTEM Asset map initiative, please contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Effective Practice Scaling
The STEM Equity Program Evaluation Rubric will be released and highlighted at our September 18, 2019 network meeting by Susan Thackeray, Assistant Professor, Utah Valley University, one of the rubrics authors. To register for the September 18 network meeting,
click here
After the Network Meeting the rubric will be available on the
IM STEM website
This workgroup continues to monitor NAPE’s professional development efforts in the six states. Since the fall of 2017 (the beginning of the NSF INCLUDES DDLP: IM STEM grant) NAPE has conducted professional development (PD) in five states at twelve sites with over 1200 educators. The Pilot Monitoring workgroup will be conducting a follow-up survey with participants to learn more about the impact of this PD later this Fall. For more information about NAPE’s PD contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick at
What's going on Around the network?
Save the date – October 3, 2019, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.,
Women In STEM
, Space Gallery, 400 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204, sponsored by the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame. Event description: In an era when women are increasingly prominent in medicine, law, and business, why are there so few women scientists and engineers? The technology sector realizes that it must move toward greater diversity and attract more women to STEM. While women have been instrumental in many technology achievements over the years, they also have been ‘hidden figures,’ largely ignored by the media, by business, and by educators. Featured Speaker will be
Lt. Gen. (Ret.), US Air Force, Susan Helms.
For more information:
Save the date – October 25, 2019,
Fourth Annual Women in STEM Conference
, Tivoli Turnhalle, Auraria Campus. The theme of the conference is
Blueprint for Success: Building Skills and Setting Boundaries
. Conference description:
The purpose of the annual Women in STEM Conference at MSU Denver is to shed light on the challenges faced by women and other underrepresented populations in STEM disciplines. The conference aims to inspire, engage, and support these students by providing opportunities to develop tools and skills to successfully navigate a career in STEM. Conference themes and session topics will include intersectionality, advocacy, work-life balance, salary negotiation, conflict resolution, imposter syndrome, redefining failure, and many more. The conference is free of charge and open to all MSU Denver students, faculty, and staff as well as the broader community.
For more information:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is partnering with 100Kin10 to provide tribal communities with greater access to STEM resources, technical skills training, internships, and long-term employment opportunities. Through 100Kin10’s national network, partners form teams to work on projects with the goal of adding 100,000 more STEM teachers to America’s classrooms by 2021. Recently, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe in Idaho and DOE lead a project team in partnership with 100Kin10 titled, “
Supporting STEM Education in Tribal Communities.
” The team is examining the STEM and workforce needs of both DOE and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, whose independent assessments of air and water quality are being impacted by retirement. Earlier this summer, DOE representatives
visited the Nez Perce, Wanapum, Yakama, and Umatilla tribes
DOE’s Office of Environmental Management
P: 202-586-7709
Below are the links to the two K-5 STEM Grant Requests for Applications.
Applications are due October 15.
For more information:
Brian L. Mitchell
Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology
New Mexico
The University of New Mexico (UNM) STEM-H Center
provides regional competitions, professional development training, and online resources for thousands of students and educators each year. Thanks to targeted recruitment, more than half of the Center’s participants are female, an important milestone in an area where girls and underrepresented racial groups are underprepared in STEM education when they graduate from high school. In addition to a free library for the community, the Center offers professional development training aimed at improving student research programs.
The UNM STEM-H Center is honored to be one of 50 recipients of the 2019 Inspiring Programs in STEM given by
INSIGHT Into Diversity
The award was created to recognize colleges, universities, and organizations that are doing their part to improve access to STEM fields for students from underrepresented groups through programming. This award is presented to institutions whose programs inspire a new generation of young people to consider STEM careers as well as support working professionals in the field.
For more information:
Karen Kinsman
STEM-H Center for Outreach, Research & Education
University of New Mexico (UNM)
The Utah Women & Leadership Project at Utah Valley University recently published a Research & Policy Brief titled,
Utah Women in STEM Education: A 2019 Update
The brief is intended to update Utah leaders and other stakeholders (e.g., educators, parents, counselors) about the gender status of STEM education and attainment in Utah. It highlights progress made since the publication of the 2013 research and policy brief on the same topic. Data about the K-12 STEM system and postsecondary STEM degrees within public colleges and universities are provided. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) comparisons are included as well.
These findings provide an indication of the educational fitness of students who are filling the STEM pipeline. Since the 2013 study,
there has been an upward trend of Utah women completing STEM-related studies, but researchers say they are still underrepresented in the state's STEM labor pool and their completion rates are lagging behind the national average. The findings surprised researchers by the lack of growth of women in STEM education, especially after efforts and initiatives have increased to create a pipeline between women and STEM career opportunities. Click on the following link to read the full brief.
For more information:
Susan Thackeray
Save the date – May 19, 2020, Women in STEM conference at University of Wyoming (UW) in Laramie.
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Conference
is designed to allow young women in grades 7 through 12 to learn first-hand about careers in STEM from accomplished professional women. Many young women in junior high and high school start to lose interest in science and engineering careers. The goal of the Women in STEM Conference is to directly address this problem. The conference will be a cooperative effort supported by local agencies, schools, and businesses, in addition to several state agencies. By presenting positive role models in the science, mathematics, and engineering fields, the hope is to encourage all students (especially young women and minorities) to pursue higher education and careers in math, science, and engineering. Making connections with people who are accomplished in mathematics, science, engineering, or related occupations is one of the best ways to promote student aspirations and achievements.
For more information:
STEM Equity News, Events, & Resources
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Lyda Hill Philanthropies have selected 125 women innovators as AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors to share their stories and serve as high-profile role models for girls. IF/THEN®, a national initiative of Lyda Hill Philanthropies, seeks to further women in STEM by empowering current innovators and inspiring the next generation of pioneers.
AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors will connect with students in person and through various media platforms, including popular YouTube channels and network television shows. The Ambassadors are contemporary role models who represent a diversity of STEM-related professions in the United States, from entertainment, fashion, sports, business and academia.
The full list of women selected as AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors can be found at
. To learn more about AAAS, IF/THEN, or Lyda Hill Philanthropies, go to
New Technology Offers a Promising Solution to Build Equity in the STEM Workforce
Johnson & Johnson Now Accepting Global Applications for 2020 Women in STEM2D Scholars Award
Johnson & Johnson recently announced its global call for nominations for its 2020 Women in STEM2D (WiSTEM2D) Scholars Award. Each year, these STEM2D grants are given to assistant or associate academic professors worldwide, in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design. Each recipient will receive $150,000 — $50,000 each year for three years — and three years of mentorship from leaders at Johnson & Johnson. The deadline for applications is October 3, 2019 at 9 a.m. HST. Guidelines and additional details are available here:
Together, We Can Increase the Number of Women in STEM: Here is a Tool to Help Companies Get Started
On Women's Equality Day, Abbott published a blueprint for creating a high school STEM internship aimed at exposing young people, particularly girls, to STEM early and empowering other companies to download and use it. About 130 young people have completed their program since 2012, and of them, 97% have gone on to study STEM in college. Abbott has sent their blueprint “
Shaping the Future of STEM
” to CEO’s and human resources leaders at Fortune 500 companies with the hope that they will use it to create similar programs. August 26, 2019.
Commentary: HS Career Readiness Programs Can Break Cycle of Poverty by Linking Disconnected Youth to Jobs That Give Them a Purpose & Pathway
Award opportunities!
Help NCWIT spread the word to 9th-12th grade students and college students who self-identify as women, genderqueer, or non-binary: and the educators who support them.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Award Recognitions offers three distinct awards that honor aspirations, abilities, technical accomplishments, and influential guidance in computing. To learn more about the awards and submission process, click on the link below.
Help grow the network!
Please forward this newsletter to colleagues and contacts.
IM STEM is a network of STEM educators and leaders across six states (CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, and WY) working to support STEM equity at key transition points (middle school to high school and high school to college).
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1744472. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.