A virtual event commemorating the opening of Holy Family University's Reflection Room (ETC 204)
Wednesday, April 7
12:50 – 1:50 PM
The message of celebrating differences is enshrined in our University’s Mission. We are inspired by Pope Francis, who has said that the Church is “aware of the importance of furthering respect of friendship between men and women of different religious traditions” and that those who do not belong to any religion are “are our precious allies in the commitment to defend human dignity, build a more peaceful coexistence among people…”
It is in this spirit that we invite you to Celebrating the Diversity of Faiths on April 7 from 12:50 to 1:50 PM, where our faith leaders and our sisters and brothers from different faith traditions will share reflections on interfaith.
We will also be joined by Brian Anderson of Interfaith Youth Core as our keynote speaker. The event will conclude with President Sister Maureen McGarrity, CSFN sharing her message and officially opening the University’s Reflection Room, a space for spiritual expression, contemplation, or prayer.