Marion County Democratic Central Committee
Reminder: General Membership Meeting this Thursday,
6:30pm at MCDCC Headquarters.
Gerrymandering and voter fraud is already illegal. It is a long and expensive process to challenge both, however. That is why we want to get ahead of the election process to ensure our democratic process is fair and legal. Here are five ways to engage in your future and gain a clear vision for 2020!

  1. Become an Informed Voter. We have a user-friendly website chocked full of information on how to prepare yourself as a voter before the 2020 elections. Check it out here.
  2. Join a Campaign. Either become a candidate or be part of a candidate's campaign. There are many tasks involved in a campaign from walking your neighborhood to phone banking; from donating money to hosting a house party. The time-line for registering as a candidate in Marion County is now open. Ask our Legislative Committee how you can be a part of a campaign.
  3. Be a part of our Neighborhood Leader Program (NLP) and Precinct Committee Person (PCP). These roles are critical campaign work and connecting with neighbors in conversations that change hearts and minds. Contact our Membership Committee to learn more.
  4. Engage in Oregon's Redistricting Process. Once results of the 2020 Census are finalized, Oregon will engage in a process to redraw legislative district lines. Be a part of ensuring a fair and open process.
  5. Contribute to YOUR Marion County Democrats Central Committee. We are committed to building a strong presence from now through 2020 to ensure our Democratic values are upheld through candidates, forums and ballot measures. Go here to learn about many fun and engaging ways to show your support. P.S. buying a ticket to our October 5th dinner is a great way to get started!
Meeting Space for Rent

Did you know you can rent space at our new location for your meetings and events? We've designed the building layout to accommodate a variety of group sizes, individual workspace and large meetings. Click here for more information.
 Upcoming Events & Meetings

Check our online calendar to stay informed of upcoming meetings, programs and events.

Thursday, September 19th: General MCDCC Membership Meeting

Saturday, October 5th : MCDCC Monroe Sweetland Dinner & Auction

Thursday, October 17th: General MCDCC Membership Meeting
Office Location: 245 High Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
503-363-8392 |
Mailing Address: MCDCC, PO Box 13835, Salem, OR 97309